* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *
Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology
Tuesday, April 9- Field trip registration and payment due (Click here to register and pay)
Thursday, April 11- Spirit Day (no pizza)
Tuesday, April 16- Austin Aquarium field trip; details below
Saturday, April 20- Fortis Nerf Tournament, 5:30pm @ Glad Tidings Church
Tuesday, April 23- Agora Project due
Thursday, May 9- Last day of school
Dear Families,
I am so proud of how much your students have grown this year! Thank you so much for all of the work that you do at home.
The students have seen the concepts we're covering this week before; now we are extending them to numbers up to 100. If your child is struggling with understanding place value or with easily maneuvering up and down the hundreds chart by 1's and 10's, spend some extra time on these lessons. Remember, students have a place-value chart and a 100-chart in their binders if you need them.
Keep in mind when you teach HIG pg 81, it is good to expose students to both methods (always using manipulatives to demonstrate, and then as needed). However, they are free to choose whichever method makes the most sense to them when working problems, even though WB Ex 58 pg 137 is steering them toward one particular strategy.
For the reinforcement game on HIG pg 77, instead of the two cubes cubes, you can print and use the "Plus or Minus" cards linked here.
Flashcard Games for math facts (or phonograms!)
It is still very important to practice phonograms daily. You can go through the deck quickly, flashcard style, or you can play games to make it more fun if you have the time. If you are really strapped for time and need your child to work independently, the app can be very handy! Have your child say the sound and then tap that phonogram to check themselves.
In this week's SPIRE decodable reader, you may need to help your student with a couple of r-controlled vowel words that we haven't taught yet, like "where" and "your." Again, these decodables are written using phonograms that should be very familiar, so they are a great opportunity to practice proper phrasing, expression, and reading at a smooth, conversational pace. It's even better if your student reads the book several times. Please monitor your student for any guessing, and remind them to look at every sound in each word.
Decodable words in "Elijah Helps a Family" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): helps, a, no, (one), had, much, food, to, eat, had, (been - AAS sight word), no, rain, long, time, (could), not, grow, will, I, get, show, you, God, (said), told, go, it, (was), town, find, (give), good, and, she, some, went, found, but, us, did, gave, (too), that, came, (have), me
Decodable words in "A New Room" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): A, new, room, please, eat, with, us, when, you, come, this, way, man, and, told, God, so, we, want, (to), help, (could), not, the, did, but, they, (give), him, help, do, (was), with, them, he, knew, as, much, (one), day, had, come, with, me, she, (said), took, made, this, stay, it, (was), place, thank, you, put, good, things, in, the, that
For your reference in checking dictation for Step 23 / Lesson 28, the sentences I will give in class are as follows:
Did you enjoy the class?
I want to join the club.
You have to make a hard choice.
Southern Africa Map and Song will be due this Thursday, 4/11. Students should be able to point to each country as they sing/recite the names.
Here are some questions for discussion as you teach SotW Ch 35 part 2: Why did Cleopatra and her brother argue constantly? How did Cleopatra "solve" the problem? Can you think of a man in the Bible who killed his brother out of jealousy? If Cleopatra asked you how she and her brother could get along, what would you tell her? Why did the senators decide to get rid of Caesar? Why was Caesar so surprised that Brutus joined in the attack against him? Would you change the end of Caesar's life story? How? Journal sentence: Caesar was killed by the senators in 44BC.
Reminder: The Agora Project will be presented by the students on Tuesday, April 23rd!
Project guidelines can be found here. Students are encouraged to wear Greek attire/costume to school that day to lend authenticity to their project. They will be presenting their sales pitch to other Grammar students from K-5th grade who will be "window shopping" in our marketplace.
In part 2 of our study on marine mammals, this week we'll look at whales. It is truly mind-boggling how a giant creature like a blue whale with a heart the size of a small vehicle can gracefully remain afloat in the sea. There is really only one explanation: "And God created whales and every living creature that moveth....and God saw that it was good." -Genesis 1:21
We will cover pg 55 and the beginning of pg 56 in class, so your home assignment will be sections on pages 54 and 56 (see spreadsheet above).
Journal sentence: Whales, dolphins, and porpoises swim by moving their bodies up and down.
Field Trip to Austin Aquarium!
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024
Depart Fortis 10:30am
Return to Fortis between 1:00- 1:30pm; students may be checked out early to go home after the trip
Cost: $9.95 students, $8.95 parent chaperones (siblings age 3 or older attending with a parent chaperone, $9.95)
Payment and permission slip due by April 9th
Click HERE to register and pay for the field trip.
Stay tuned for an email detailing the specifics of the day!
Memory Work:
Quarter 4 poem: Rock of Ages will be due 4/30. This is a lengthy poem/hymn, and the due date is approaching quickly. Please practice often with your student so that they are prepared! Here is a link to the song that we practice in class. This artist does substitute "commands" for "demands" in the 2nd stanza, so I will accept either of those words as correct.
Books of the Old Testament: Psalms - Malachi due 4/25. Here is a link to the song we practice in class. As always, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.