1st Grade T/Th- Week 33- May 1-5

1st Grade
Week 33
5/1/20235/2/20235/3/20235/4/20235/5/2023Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueFlexibility- “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”
-Ecclesiastes 3:1
BibleGP Week 11, Optional Fun Day, pg 179-180GP Week 12, pg 182-185GP Week 12, pg 182 & 186-188GP Week 12, pg 189-191GP Week 12, pg 192-194GP Week 12, Optional Fun Day, pg 195-196Big Picture Question: Who is our King? Jesus is our King forever, and He rules over the world.
MathHIG pg 97; TB pg 90 Task 2, pg 92 Task 4; WB Exercise 68 pg 160-161;

MM 26 (last 10 problems)

MM 10 one-minute timed drill; return to school on Tuesday
HIG pg 98; TB pg 93; WB Exercise 69 pg 162-163Parent read HIG pg 99, HIG pg 100; TB pg 94-96; WB Exercise 70 pg 164-166;

MM 27 (first 10 problems)
Review 6/7Go over Review 6/7 and reteach any missed concepts;

MM 27 (last 10 problems)
Word Problems practice (front and back of page; sent home in student's folder)

Solidify any concepts that are still confusing for your student; we will have our final math assessment on Tuesday

One-minuted timed drill; return to school on Tuesday
SpellingReview phonograms and Key CardsReview rules and spelling for a sampling of AAS words #78-150Review phonograms and Key CardsReview rules and spelling for a sampling of AAS words #151-230
GrammarFLL Final Grammar Reivew, pg 166; Return both pages tomorrow for gradingFor Final Grammar Review, students respond orally to the questions and parents write their answers on the hard copy provided.

Return both pages on Thursday for grading
WritingScripture or Poetry CopyworkCopybook pg 87- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Scripture or Poetry CopyworkCopybook pg 88- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.
ReadingReview all phonograms (Add OUR);

OPG L159: R-Changed Vowels: OUR as /ôr/, pg 251; Dictation: your, four, court (explicitly tell your student to use OUR for the /ôr/ in these words)

Flyleaf reader, "Junk?"
(please see note below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Grade 2, Week 7, Day 1

Review R-Changed Vowels: OUR as /ôr/, (OPG L159)
Review all phonograms;

Complete Phonogram Assessment #6 (see below);

OPG L160: R-Changed Vowels: OAR and OOR as /ôr/, pg 252; Dictation: oar, roar, soar, door, poor

"Love God When You Hurt" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 251-257 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Grade 2, Week 7, Day 3

Review R-Changed Vowels: OAR and OOR as /ôr/ (OPG L160)
Review all phonograms;

OPG L161: R-Changed Vowels: WAR as /wôr/, pg 253; Dictation: war, warm, wart

"A Happy King" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 259-265 (see decodable words below)
Note: Return The Early Reader's Bible to class on Tuesday
Review all phonograms;

OPG L162: R-Changed Vowels: Review /ôr/ Words, pg 254
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe, could, would, should, one, once, build, built, laugh, what, does, gone, are

Click here for a link to sight word flash cards
Read AloudCleopatra pg 27-30Cleopatra pg 31-34Cleopatra pg 35-38Little Bear and the Marco Polo pg 5-11Little Bear and the Marco Polo pg 12-17Little Bear and the Marco Polo pg 18-23
HistoryCatacombsSotW Ch. 39: Rome and the Christians, pg 288-296 revised/pg 299-306 original; Discussion questions below; Journal sentence: Christians in Rome were persecuted until Emperor Constantine put an end to it.Note: We will cover the "Christians in the Catacombs" section in class; you may choose to read it again along with the rest of the chapter, or just briefly review that section
ScienceG&B/MB Lesson 14- Ocean Exploration, pg 129-133

Also, remember Lesson 13 Animal Report is due tomorrow
Read aloud: "Manfish"

Draw a life-size blue whale
GeographyMap reviewClick here for an interactive online practice map
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing);
MATH: Fact Flashcards (Ongoing)
QUARTER 4 POEM: Rock of Ages- Due 5/2
* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology (click here for textbook)


Thursday, May 11- Last day of school

Friday, May 26- NERF Tournament @ Glad Tidings Church (please note the revised date)

Dear Parents:

It's been a long year, yet a quick year as well. The finish line is definitely in sight! We still have a lot of fun learning ahead this week, and we will squeeze every moment out of the time we have remaining!

 "Don’t you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? 
Run in such a way to win the prize." -1 Corinthians 9:24

Striving for excellence with you,
Mrs. Kuhn

This will be our last week of The Gospel Project lessons, but I encourage you to finish the final six weeks of the book with your children this summer!

Please return your borrowed copy of The Early Reader's Bible on Tuesday, May 9!

We will finish our Singapore 1B books this week! What an accomplishment! I'm so proud of all of the hard work and growth I've witnessed in math this year. I hope you and your student are too!

It's time for the last Phonogram Assessment of the year! Please complete Phonogram Assessment #6 and leave it in the Langauge Arts section of your child's binder. We have a procedure for checking these in class. 

This week we'll work through the last of the 1st grade OPG lessons, finishing up with phonograms that spell /ôr/. The rest of OPG will be covered in 2nd grade. 

Our remaining read aloud will take us back to one of our favorite characters, Little Bear! If your child tried reading Little Bear independently at the beginning of the year, encourage them to see how they do with "Little Bear and the Marco Polo." They may not be able to decode all of the words, but they will likely notice a huge amount of progress!

In the Flyleaf reader "Junk?", you will need to guide your student in decoding "collect" using the 4th sound of o instead of it's short sound as they would expect in a closed syllable. Also, since we have not taught the "sure" ending, you will need to give that sound to your student when they decode "treasure." 

Decodable words in "Love God When You Hurt" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): Love, God, When, You, (was), a, good, man, who, so, gave, him, things, (one), day, something, sad, to, man, ran, up, to, and, (said), bad, took, some, (of), your, then, too, then, all, so, these, them, from, me, but, they, sick, (would), not, I, will, at, times, He, told, stop, made, well, new

Decodable words in "A Happy King" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): A, King, I, had, dream, (said), the, but, do, not, know, (what), it, means, tell, me, he, to, his, men, then, will, come, from, how, can, we, you, if, my, (have), someone, kill, but, (was), your, God, help, is, so, the, thank, for, telling, me, then, told, his, kind, gave, good, things

Please return The Early Reader's Bible to school on Tuesday, May 9th!
For the Final Grammar Review, students will respond orally to the questions and parents will write their answers. I am providing a hard copy so that you won't need to write in your FLL book and so that you can turn the Final Review in to me when it's complete.

Return both pages of the Final Grammar Review to school for grading by Thursday (5/4/23).

Since we have successfully learned the names of each African country, now students can use this interactive online map to review all the countries of Africa (check the box for "voice," to have the country names read out loud). Have the maps and songs ready to help them as they play!

Questions for discussion for SotW Ch. 39: Our book says that Nero was the worst Roman emperor of all. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Use examples to tell why. Why did Christians refuse to worship the Roman emperors? What choice would you have made? What idea did Christians have so that they could keep meeting without anyone knowing? Constantine at first worshipped Apollo, but later decided to follow the true God. What was the turning point in his life? Journal sentence: Christians in Rome were persecuted until Emperor Constantine put an end to it. 

As we close out our marine biology unit, we'll get a chance to learn some of the history of ocean exploration. Can you imagine being one of the first to test out a new submarine prototype? There is a lot of information in this lesson, so feel free to just cover the highlights.

Reminder- The Marine Animal written report is due by Thursday, May 4th. Students should use neat handwriting and write in complete sentences, including proper capitalization and punctuation. All words should be spelled correctly. If your child needs to spell a word that has not been taught, please have them copy the correct spelling. There will not be an oral component to this assignment.

Memory Work: 

I'm proud of every child's hard work on and dedication to their memory work. My hope is that the verses, poems, hymns, and books of the Bible would pop back into their minds as the Spirit leads. I pray that the students would internalize in their hearts the truth, beauty, and goodness their minds have memorized.