* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *
Friday, May 26- NERF Tournament @ Glad Tidings Church (please note the revised date)
Dear Families,
When the weather is behaving like it's summer, it can be tempting to become restless after working so hard all year. Allow me encourage all of us to "not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord." -Romans 12:11It is a priviledge to partner with you to educate your child in wisdom, virtue, and faith.
I know you and your students have been so diligently working through the mental math problems at home, and here is where we see the fruit of our labor. Hopefully the transition to subtraction with renaming with numbers larger than 40 will be seamless! Always start out using manipulatives- base ten materials, in this case. Some students will only need to see them once; others will need to see the concrete step many times.
Flashcard Games for math facts (or phonograms!)
In the SPIRE decodable reader "Rays of the Sun," you may need to help your student with a couple of r-controlled vowel words that we haven't taught yet, like "where" and "your." Again, these decodables are written using phonograms that should be very familiar, so they are a great opportunity to practice proper phrasing, expression, and reading at a smooth, conversational pace. It's even better if your student reads the book several times. Please monitor your student for any guessing, and remind them to look at every sound in each word.
Decodable words in "Money to Fix God's House" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): King, God, he, his, (to), love, too, go, house, but, (was), not, the, it, (should), be, did, not, take, good, (of), it, we, must, fix, (said), (have), (do), that, put, a, big, box, by, soon, had, they, (could), help, is, (what), be
Phonogram Game Ideas
Practice App
Custom Handwriting Practice Sheets
Since we have successfully learned the names of each African country, now students can use this interactive online map to review all the countries of Africa. Have the maps and songs ready to help them as they play!
Here are some questions for discussion as you teach SotW Chapter 36: Why was Caesar's nephew Octavian so popular with the people? How was he similar to his uncle? How were they different? Which months on our calendar remind us of Caesar and his nephew? If a new month was named after you, what would it be called? Journal sentence: Augustus Caesar became Rome's "First Citizen."
As a reflection on their time at the Austin Aquarium, I would like students to compose two sentences that both tell a complete thought about something they enjoyed or something new they learned. Guide them to think about the types of sentences they want to write, or help them analyze the types of sentences after they've created them. On their own, they should spell any words that they have been taught in our spelling lessons this year. Words that they have not been taught how to spell should be written by you for them to copy. Lastly, they should include an illustration to go along with their sentences. Students will share their journal entries in front of the class on Thursday.
Memory Work:
Quarter 4 poem: Rock of Ages will be due 5/2. This is a lengthy poem/hymn, and the due date is approaching quickly. Please practice often with your student so that they are prepared! Here is a link to the song that we practice in class. This artist does substitute "commands" for "demands" in the 2nd stanza, so I will accept either of those words as correct.