1st Grade T/Th- Week 6- Sepember 12-16

1st Grade Week 69/12/20229/13/20229/14/20229/15/20229/16/2022Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueResponsibility- "A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit." -Proverbs 29:23
BibleGP Week 5, pg 80-82; Optional: Fun Day, pg 83GP Week 6, pg 86-89GP Week 6, pg 86 & 90-92GP Week 6, pg 93-95GP Week 6, pg 96-98GP Week 6, Optional Fun Day, pg 99-100Big Picture Question: What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.
MathHIG pg 37, TB pg 39-43, WB Ex 22 pg 45-47; Rainbow Facts; MM3 for 10 min, then check and correct problems that were completedHIG pg 38-42, TB pg 44-46, WB Ex 23 pg 48-49 & Ex 24 pg 50-51Parent read HIG pg 38-41, HIG pg 43-44, TB pg 47, WB Ex 25 pg 52-53; Rainbow Facts; MM4 for 10 min, then check and correctHIG pg 43-44, WB Ex 26 pg 54-55HIG pg 45, TB pg 48-49, WB Ex 27 pg 56-57; Rainbow Facts; MM5 for 10 min, then check and correctHIG pg 46 play Reinforcement game; Extra Practice pg 20 (sent home in folder); Rainbow Facts; MM6 for 10 min, then check and correctYour child can certainly practice more math facts than the ones they've collected on their ring if you feel they are ready to take on more (see HIG pg 29 and HIG pg 40)!

We will move rather quickly from "counting back to subtract" to the next subtraction strategy. Make sure your child has a strong grasp on counting back to subtract during the course of these lessons.
SpellingReview Step 2 AAS pg 21-23; Dictate Sentences 1-3 from pg 24 in Spelling JournalDictate sentences 4-6 on AAS pg 24 (using beginning and ending blends to sound out words and write grammatically correct sentences)Review/correct dicatation from Tuesday;

AAS pg 23: Practice segmenting spelling words (words are on pg 22);

Optional: Reinforcement (More Words)- spell on paper if your child needs more practice with beginning & ending blends
Step 2 Spelling Test/Written AssessmentTeach Step 3, AAS pg 25-28: Y can say /ī/; Spell words 11-20 on pg 28 with tiles and then in journalReview Step 3 pg 25-28; Dictate Sentences 1-3 from AAS pg 29 in journalCheck test from Thursday and add missed words (green word cards) to Review tab of card box; Add Key Card 6 (blue) to Review tab
GrammarFLL Lesson 16, pg 24: Proper nouns (Full names)FLL Lesson 17, pg 25:
Common nouns (Names of places)
FLL Lesson 18, pg 26:
Proper nouns (Places: your city and state)
FLL Lesson 18 pg 26 Enrichment Activity: Have your child use the Grammar section in the Spelling & Grammar Journal (in the back, behind the tab) to properly write the name of the city and state where they live.
WritingPoetry copyworkCopybook pg 33- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Poetry copyworkCopybook pg 33 - Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH, WH, & PH;

SF Week 4, Day 5, pg 74-76

Teach/Review OPG L83: Review of Long-Vowel Words, pg 157; Dictation: bride, shave, rope

Re-read "Little Bear Goes to the Moon"
Review phonograms;

SF Week 5, Day 1, pg 77-79; Whip Around assessments

Introduce the Vowel Pair AI as /ā/ (OPG L84); Teach "sight word" said using Irregular/Heart Word routine
Review phonograms (add AI);

SF Week 5, Day 2, pg 80-82;

Teach OPG L84: The Vowel Pair AI as /ā/, pg 158-160

Read "Little Bear's Wish" with your child; encourage them to decode words that have phonograms they know (see Reading section below)
Review phonograms;

SF Week 5, Day 3, pg 83-85; Whip Around assessments

Introduce Vowel Pair AY as /ā/ (OPG L86)
Review phonograms (add AY);

SF Week 5, Day 4, pg 86-88;

Teach OPG L86: The Vowel Pair AY as /ā/, pg 162;

Finish or re-read "Little Bear's Wish"
Review phonograms;

SF Week 5, Day 5, pg 89-91;

Teach OPG L85: Vowel Pair AI as /ā/; Review OPG L86: Vowel Pair AY as /ā/;

Play a sorting game: Write several AI and AY words from L84- L86 on separate index cards; read the words to your child and ask them to determine if the word contains AI (they hear the /ā/ sound in the middle of the word) or AY (they hear the /ā/ sound at the end of the word); sort the cards into AI and AY piles;

Finish or re-read "Little Bear's Wish"
Add phonogram cards AI and AY to your Review tab and include them in your regular phonogram review

Add sight word "said" to Review box; All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said
Read AloudRead aloud to your child for 20 minutes from quality literature beyond their own reading capabilityAesop's Fables The Monkey and The Dolphin, pg 52; Compare moral with God's commandment "You shall not lie"Aesop's Fables pg 91 The Fox and the MonkeyAesop's Fables The Monkey and the Cat, pg 54;
Contrast flattery vs compliment
Aesop's Fables pg 107 The Lion, the Ass, and the FoxRead aloud to your child for 20 minutes from quality literature beyond their own reading capabilityObviously, feel free to edit Aesop's terminology as appropriate
HistorySotW Activity Book Ch. 7 Review Questions; Discussion- Do laws make people good and kind?
Discuss pg 61 "Hammurabi was a very religious man..." in light of Jeremiah 44:2-6
SotW Ch 8: The Assyrians, pg 51-58 revised/pg 63-69 original; see below for discussion questions; journal sentence: Shamshi-Adad was a ruthless king of Assyria.
ScienceG&B/A "Bees and Wasps, Part 1"- Newer edition: pg 23-24, read Hive section and Cell section; Older edition: pg 22-23, read Hive section and Cell section; Journal sentence: Bees work together to help each other in the colony.G&B/A "Bees and Wasps, Part 1"- Activity: Pollination
GeographyNorthern Central Africa and Northern Africa - Due 10/13
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing)
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 1 POEM: "Persevere," due 9/27
GEOGRAPHY: Northern Central Africa & Northern Africa, due 10/13
* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology

Coming Soon:

Thursday, September 15- Spirit Day (no pizza)

Friday, September 16- Falcon Moms @ Texas Taco Kitchen, 9am

Tuesday, September 27- Grammar Playdate @ Lions Foundation Park, 3pm

Thursday, September 29- Spirit/pizza/DOGS Day

**Lovely, hard-working parents**
This week we're 1/3 of the way through this semester!  It's amazing how these weeks have flown by!  All your hard work is evident in the progress I see in the classroom with growth spurts in reading, good habits taking root in handwriting, and friendships blossoming too.   
With Love, Mrs. Kuhn

Part of our work this week will be to relate addition and subtraction equations, sometimes known as fact families. Using and exploring addition and subtraction within fact families should be a tool and a visual to help kids connect concrete ideas (for example, building it out with blocks) to visuals (such as fact family houses or number bonds) to abstract equations. Don’t worry so much about “mastering” fact families, but use them as a way to challenge the children to make connections.

We will move rather quickly from "counting back to subtract" to introducing the next subtraction strategy next week. Make sure your child has a strong grasp on counting back to subtract during the course of these lessons.

This week we get started on our first two vowel pairs (AI and AY) with OPG lessons 84 & 86 (lesson 85 will be assigned next week). The very general structure of our weeks will be that I will introduce a new vowel pair in class and then you will teach the corresponding OPG lesson the next day at home. This will allow us to spend roughly two days on each vowel pair before adding the next new one. I've also incorporated review lessons every few weeks, so be sure to take advantage of those to go back through lessons that your child could use more practice with. 

OPG introduces the "sight word" said in Lesson 126, but I find it makes much more sense to teach it along with Lesson 84/85, so we will go over it in class on Tuesday using the Irregular Words/Heart Words method in your binder. Make sure to review it at home and add the flash card to the stack you're continuously reviewing. (See link under spreadsheet if you need to print any cards.)

When your child practices the AI and AY phonogram cards, do have them include everything on the back of the card except the sample words. For example, for AI, they should say, "/ā/ (making the sound), two-letter /ā/ (again, making the sound), that we may not use at the end of English words."

Remember (as if you had not noticed), OPG is not rich literature, so make a point to include several hours a week of reading aloud to your child from living books (living books make the subject “come alive.” They can be contrasted to dry writing, like what is found in most encyclopedias or textbooks, which basically lists informational facts in summary form). This is important for your child's brain development, reading and listening skills, vocabulary, and for pure enjoyment! Read, read, read!

When you read "Little Bear's Wish" with your child, encourage them to decode words that contain phonograms they know, such as: yes, not, no, wish, that, sit, on, and, we, go, then, the, way, back, with, had, big, red, fast, cake, me, say, like, well, can, just, thank, time, tell, me, did, in, on, fun, so, made, came, make, will, end. They can also read sight words: I, a, have, to, too, was, said.

I hope you are noticing at home, as I am in class, that the students CAN produce beautiful handwriting! It is a matter of taking care to do it the right way and doing all things- even handwriting!- to the glory of God. Please watch them at home and encourage correct formation and placement of each letter. Again, here is a link if you'd like to provide extra practice: Custom handwriting practice sheets 

We're introducing place nouns this week, both common and proper. 

Our Kindergarten review is complete, and we have our first test over Step 2 on Thursday, so study up! We'll now fall into the pattern of beginning the next "Step" on Fridays with review & new teaching, and we'll finish each "Step" on the following Thursday with a test in class.  Don't forget to send Spelling Journals to school each day. The procedure for grading the spelling tests will be similar to how I graded the math tests. The students will do their spelling tests on a loose sheet of paper, and when we finish the test, I will make a copy of each student's test. I will send the original home for you to go over with them the following day, and I will take the copy home to grade. Generally the grades will be input into Alma the same night as the test was taken. 

For your study at home, read and discuss chapter 8 with your student. This is a time in history when many nations were following false gods, and unfortunately even God's chosen people, the Isrealites, eventually fell into those same practices. But God's rescue plan of sending His Son for the salvation of the world was already in process! 

Questions to discuss: Contrast Hammurabi's method of ruling (ch. 7) vs that of Shamshi-Adad; Discuss with your child how Gilgamesh was seeking the "secret" of eternal life. How did he try to get eternal life? Gilgamesh is a pretend character. Do real people seek eternal life? What would you tell Gilgamesh- or a real person- about how to find eternal life?

Journal Sentence: Shamshi-Adad was a ruthless king of Assyria.

Bzzzz...it's all about bees in science! The importance of bees to our ecology and food supply can hardly be understated, and they are a great example of cooperation as they work together in their hives to get the job done. We'll explore pollination and why it is so important. God's intricately detailed design is on full display with these busy insects!

Journal sentence: Bees work together to help each other in the colony.

Week 6 means it's time for a new map! For the next several weeks we'll be learning the countries of Northern Central Africa and Northern Africa. These will be due October 13th.

Memory Work:
"Persevere" will be due 9/27