1st Grade T/Th- Week 5- September 5-9

1st Grade Week 59/5/20229/6/20229/7/20229/8/20229/9/2022Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueResponsibility- "A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit." -Proverbs 29:23
BibleGP Week 4, Optional Fun Day, pg 67-68
Labor Day Holiday- No school
GP Week 5, pg 70-73GP Week 5, pg 74-76GP Week 5, pg 77-79GP Week 5, pg 80-82; Optional: Fun Day, pg 83Big Picture Question: What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.
MathHIG pg 32, TB pg 36-37, WB N/A; Continue Rainbow Facts; CCC first 10 problems on Mental Math 2. See if your child can consistently explain their thinking for their answers on MM2. The strategy we're using is to "start with the larger number and count up."HIG pg 33 Reinforcement- first game; WB Ex 19 pg 40; Rainbow Facts;
MM2 (CCC second 10 problems)
Review 1;

HIG pg 34-36, TB pg 38, WB Ex 20 pg 41-42
Parents check Review 1 and reteach missed concepts;

Parents read HIG pg 34; HIG pg 35-36, TB pg 38 (review), WB Ex 21 pg 43-44; Rainbow Facts
HIG pg 37, TB pg 39-43, WB Ex 22 pg 45-47; Rainbow Facts; MM3 for 10 min, then check and correct problems that were completedPlease don't skip the "concrete" step with the manipulatives in the HIG!
SpellingComplete Open or Closed sort page in Spelling Journal

AAS Step 1, pg 20: Mark the Progress Chart- hooray!
Review Key Cards 1-5 (AAS pg 14-20); dictate words corresponding to Key Cards that your child is struggling with in Spelling Journal to provide extra practice if neededPractice identifying open and closed syllables and corresponding vowel soundTeach Step 2- Blends at the Beginning and End, AAS pg 21-23: Spell words on pg 22 with tiles on board and then in Spelling Journal.Review Step 2 AAS pg 21-23; Dictate Sentences 1-3 from pg 24 in Spelling Journal

See details under "Spelling" section below for procedures as we start Step 2 this week.
WritingCopybook pg 31- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately."Persevere" handwriting journalCopybook pg 31 - Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
GrammarFLL Lesson 13, pg 21: Proper Nouns (family names)FLL Lesson 14, pg 22: Proper Nouns (middle names)FLL Lesson 15, pg 23: Read and discuss "Work" (Do not memorize); Lead student to compare to Colossians 3:23- "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."
ReadingReview phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH, WH, & PH;

SF Week 3, Day 5, pg 59-61;

Teach/Review OPG L74: Words with the Long-U Vowel Sound, pg 144-145; Dictation: tube, cute, mule

"Birthday Soup' in "Little Bear"- finish or re-read
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH, WH, & PH;

SF Week 4, Day 1, pg 62-64;

Teach/Review OPG L76: Sight Words: to, two, too, pg 147-148; Dictation: to, two, too

Read "Little Bear Goes to the Moon" with your child; encourage them to decode words that have phonograms they know (see Reading section below)
Review phonograms;

SF Week 4, Day 2-3, pg 65-70;

OPG L79: Review of the Soft Sounds of C and G, pg 153
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH, WH, & PH;

SF Week 4, Day 4, pg 71-73;

Teach/Review OPG L81: Adding S to the Ends of Words, pg 155; Dictation: date, dates, pipe, pipes, drive, drives

Finish or re-read "Little Bear Goes to the Moon"
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH, WH, & PH;

SF Week 4, Day 5, pg 74-76

Teach/Review OPG L83: Review of Long-Vowel Words, pg 157; Dictation: bride, shave, rope

Re-read "Little Bear Goes to the Moon"
Read AloudAesop's Fables pg 80: The Milkmaid and Her PailAesop's Fables pg 92: The Flies and the HoneyAesop's Fables pg 69: The Goatherd and the Wild GoatsRead aloud to your child for 20 minutes from quality literature beyond their own reading capability
HistorySotW Ch. 7: Hammurabi and the Babylonians, pg 46-50 revised/ pg 59-62 original; orally narrate; Discuss: What kind of law(s) would you create, and why would you make them? Journal sentence: Hammurabi wrote fair laws that all people had to obey.
ScienceNo text assignment this week; Optional: Make a glow- in-the- dark firefly jar (click here), or make a termite mound out of brown clay

Student presentations: Mattie, Dinah, Lennon, Lincoln
GeographyPrepare for Continents and Oceans assesment tomorrowContinents and Oceans Assessment- each student will recite names of Continents and Oceans as they point to them on the mapBegin Northern Central African & Northern Africa maps- both due 10/13
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing)
MATH: Rainbow Fact cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 1 POEM: "Persevere," due 9/27
GEOGRAPHY: Continents and Oceans, due 9/8; Northern Central Africa & Northern Africa, due 10/13

* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology

Coming Soon:

Tuesday, September 6- Campus Closed- Labor Day Holiday

Thursday, September 8- Picture Day (students wear Fortis uniform)

Thursday, September 15- Spirit Day (no pizza)

**Hello Parents!**
It is no exaggeration when I say that I am blown away by your children! They are kind, considerate, respectful, artistic, clever, creative, funny, and intelligent! They are a reflection of the loving care and time you pour into them as parents. It is truly a joy for me to work with them and learn about them during our time together at school. I pray they are feeling both challenged and encouraged by the work they are doing in 1st grade.

With lots of Love,
Mrs. Kuhn

Assignment Spreadsheet Note:
Starting this week, you will notice an additional column has been added to the assignment spreadsheet. I'm including a "Looking Ahead" column with the following Monday's assignments listed. Some of you may find this helpful for planning your workload for Friday elective days or weekends. These Monday assignments will be posted again in the following week's assignment spreadsheet as well. 
We've been discussing some of the ways math reflects God, its creator: It is always orderly, true & consistent. There is always one correct answer as Jesus is always the one correct answer. It never changes, and we can rely on it just as we rely on God who never changes.

When students complete their first math Review in class this week, 
I will be making a copy of their test to bring home with me for grading and they will bring their ungraded test home in their folder. The following day, you will look over their test to find any errors, then reteach/review those concepts as part of your home day math assignment. I will grade my copy of their tests and enter their grades in Alma. 

We'll continue Mental Math with MM 2 and MM 3 this week. The strategy we're using for MM2 is "start with the larger number and count up." It's important that your child can verbalize and use that language to describe how they're getting the answer. Many of them initially will say, "I just know!" but we want to train them in the habit of thinking a little more deeply and being able to explain what they're doing. This first strategy is simple, but it's a good opportunity to teach your child that there IS a strategy and that they can explain it in words. Keep encouraging your child to use that language when describing their strategy. Students may need a reminder to "lock in" the larger number and then count up from there.

A new unit begins this week- subtraction. We'll start by telling subtraction stories to understand what it means to "take away" a part of the whole or "take apart" the whole and find what is left. It's important to gain this understanding first rather than going straight to memorizing facts. Take time to read through HIG pg 34 before you start subtraction on Friday.

I've heard from the children that they are loving the Little Bear book! We had a creative discussion about the students' own ideas for keeping Little Bear warm in the snow. Keep reading and re-reading the Little Bear story each week, as this will help with reading fluency. Some words your child should be able to decode in "Little Bear Goes to the Moon": and, fat, cub, with, no, wings, if, jump, up, will, fast, with, big, plop, but, just, me, in, be, back, lunch, spot, things, shut, top, hill, he, then, sat, well, like, this, that, go, yes, am, same, thing, can, his, it. Have your child decode these words when you come to them in the book! If they get stuck, remind them not to guess, but to sound out each phonogram in the word. If they don't remember one, go ahead and tell them the sound. Key Card 5 will be helpful in decoding open syllable words like be, he, go, and no. 

OPG Lesson 76 covers three "sight words": to, too, and two. Remember to use the steps in your binder for teaching irregularly spelled words. "To" is irregular because in an open syllable, we would expect the o to make it's long sound. "Too" is irregular because students haven't learned the /oo/ sound yet. This will no longer be an irregular word later this year once they have learned that sound. Lastly, "two" is irregular because the w and o are not making their expected sounds. In fact, the w is silent!

Week 5 and Monday of Week 6 are our last days of kindergarten review, so if there are any lessons your child has not mastered, take the time to practice those. It will be expected that they can decode and blend those letters without hesitation as we go forward!

One-on-one individualized instruction is one of the many beautiful aspects of the homeschooling portion of our model.  Don't neglect this when it comes to something as foundational as handwriting.  Bad habits now will affect your child in the future.  Again, here is the link for individualized practice sheets to help break those bad habits one mile at a time.

We are moving into Step 2 on Friday!  Be sure to review phonograms and key cards before starting the new lesson. These are cumulative, so keep reviewing past ones even as we add new ones.  You will be adding EE and WH tiles to your magnet boards for this lesson.  
On Friday, practice the words from pg 22 on the magnet board first.  If your student is having trouble hearing the blends have them segment the words as shown on pg 23. Then have your child write the 10 words in their journal under the heading "Step 2 words" (you can write the heading for them, or they can write it neatly and accurately). On Monday, you will dictate the first 3 sentences on pg 24 in their journal under the heading "Step 2 sentences."  In class next Tuesday we will add sentences 4-6 to their journals, and finally on Thursday of next week we will have our first spelling test!


This week you will read Chapter 7 and consider the laws in the Code of Hammurabi. The following Tuesday in class we'll have a discussion about Hammurabi's religious practices and contrast those with God's instructions to His people. Journal sentence: Hammurabi wrote fair laws that all people had to obey.

This week we'll take a pause from our textbook for some optional creative projects. In class, we will have the privilege of hearing from several students who have prepared insect presentations to share with us. We're excited to hear from Dinah, Lennon, Lincoln, and Mattie!

Map & Song and Game to help learn all the continents and oceans- due this week on Thursday, 9/8. 

On Thursday we will begin Northern Central Africa and Northern Africa maps. Both of these will be due 10/13.

Memory Work:
Persevere, due 9/27