1st Grade T/Th- Week 3- Aug 22-26


1st Grade Week 38/22/20228/23/20228/24/20228/25/20228/26/2022Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipSincerity- "Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good." -Romans 12:9
BibleGP Week 2, pg 35 (optional)GP Week 3, pg 38-41GP Week 3, pg 38 & 42-44GP Week 3, pg 45-47GP Week 3, pg 48-50Big Picture Question: What is sin? Sin is breaking God's law and sin separates people from God.
MathHIG pg 12-13, TB pg 21, Number Bonds Book for 9 and 10, WB Ex 8 pg 18, Ex 9 pg 19HIG pg 15-16, TB pg 22, WB Ex 10 pg 20-22**KEY lesson** HIG pg 17-18, TB pg 23, WB Ex 11 pg 23-24HIG pg 19-21, TB pg 24, WB Ex 12 pg 25-26 & Ex 13 pg 27Parent read HIG pg 19, HIG pg 22-23, TB pg 25-26 and 27-29; WB Ex 14 pg 28-30Plan to be spending up to 50min. on math lessons each homeschool day as needed. It is very important that your student not fall behind, as lessons are cumulative
SpellingReview Day! Practice Phonogram (yellow), Sound (red), & Key (blue) cards that your child has not yet masteredAAS Step 1, pg 16-17: Review Key Card 4; dictate "pick," "block," "mask"AAS Step 1, pg 16-17: Use board and letter tiles to review Key Card 4 section only (not plural words); dictate "snack" & "risk" in Spelling JournalAAS Step 1, pg 17-18: Review Plural Words; dictate "cups," and "tricks" in Spelling JournalReview the 26 single-letter phonograms for upcoming assessment
GrammarFLL Lesson 5: Introducing story narration: "The Rabbit and the Turtle," pg 7-9FLL Lesson 6: Proper nounds (First names), pg 10FLL Lesson 7: Common and proper nouns, pg 11FLL Lesson 8: Common and proper nouns, pg 12-13
WritingReview lowercase letter formation (n-z)Write entire alphabet, capital and lowercaseLetter formation assessment
ReadingReview phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK;

SF Week 1, Day 5, pg 29-30;

Teach/Review OPG L54: The Digraph NG, pg 113-114 (pg 115 is optional); Dictation- hang, hung, sing, song

Remember to do "Two Review & One New"!
Review phonograms;

SF Week 2, Day 1, pg 31-33

OPG L55 & L56: The Digraph SH, pg 116-118
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH;

SF Week 2, Day 2, pg 34-36

Teach/Review OPG L57: The Digraph CH, pg 119; Dictation- chat, check, chess
Review phonograms;

SF Week 2, Day 3, pg 37-39

OPG L58: The Digraph Blends TCH and NCH
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH;

SF Week 2, Day 4, pg 40-42

Teach/Review OPG L59 & L60: The Digraph TH (Voiced and Unvoiced), pg 122-124; note- do not feel that your child needs to read every word and every sentence on these pages, but do ask them to read enough to give them sufficient practice and refresh their memory; Dictation- this, them, thin, bath
As we continue to review kindergarten phonograms this week, add NG, SH, CH, & TCH, and TH to the Review tab in your card box if you have not filed them there already
Read Aloud20+ minutes reading to your child from your choice of a book beyond their ability to read independentlyA Pocketful of Cricket"What Will Little Bear Wear?" from "Little Bear" by Else Holmelund Minarik * See note >A Pocketful of Cricket"What Will Little Bear Wear?" (continue or re-read to improve fluency)*You will mostly be reading "Little Bear" to your child, as there are many words the students cannot yet decode. However, I encourage you to work as a team and ask your child to read words they can decode (for example: made, it, on, hat, pants, can, and, not, that) as well as sight words (the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too) while you read the remaining words. I know you will both love Little Bear!
HistoryRead SotW Ch. 3; hieroglyphics activitySotW Ch. 4: The Old Kingdom of Egypt, pg 25-31 revised/pg 39-44 original, orally narrate; Ch. 4 journal sentence: Egyptians made mummies and pyramids.
ScienceG&B/A "Insect Stations": Mosquitoes ONLY, Newer edition: Lesson 5, pg 13-14, and mosquito life cycle graphic pg 15 and mosquito trivia cards pg 16; Older edition: Lesson 4, pg 10-11 and mosquito life cycle graphic pg 12 and mosquito trivia cards pg 13; Journal sentence (students copy into Science journal): Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water.G&B/A Lesson 4 "Insect Stations": Fireflies, pg 11
GeographyContinents and Oceans map - Due 9/8
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing)
QUARTER 1 POEM: "Persevere," due 9/27
GEOGRAPHY: Continents and Oceans, due 9/8
* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology

Coming Soon:

Tuesday, August 30- Grammar Play Date @ 3pm

Thursday, September 1- Spirit Day & Pizza Day & DOGS Day- Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with jeans or jean shorts. DOGS (Dads of Great Students) will hold a special Morning Assembly!

Tuesday, September 6- No School- Labor Day Holiday

Thursday, September 8- Picture Day

Hello Parents!

 "A wise son brings joy to his father,
    but a foolish son brings grief to his mother." -Prov. 10:1

We're making steady progress on filling up our Joy Jar! I can't wait to see what's going to happen when the jar is all the way full...

While most of our work is kindergarten review at this point, we are starting to get into more "meaty" topics. I pray you and your student are enjoying the process together! We have some fun and interactive lessons coming up this week that I'm excited to share with the children.

A Note on Absences:
We all know and expect that absences will occur at times. When your child has to stay home from school, you should consult the blog for the assignments that we will be covering in school that day and go ahead and do those at home with them. If your child misses on the day when I'm giving an assessment, I'll be in touch with you on instructions for that. Of course, if you or they are feeling too ill to accomplish the tasks for the day, you can work on them when you/they are feeling up to it. 

Use any extra time this week to really work with the number bonds we've covered, especially parts of 10. Use a 10 frame and counters to help students see the relationships until they become automatic. Ask them real-world application questions throughout the day, such as: "You've got 4 stuffies on your bed; how many more to make 10?" Students will be utilizing this rapid recall in order to master quickly-approaching mental math strategies. Here is a fun video and song to practice "friends of 10." These number bond flash cards may also be helpful. The games on pg 23 of the Textbook are great to replay often if your child needs more concrete practice. Continue this type of practice as we move on through our math lessons. Students will need to build on this basic concept throughout the year. 

Sounds First: This week in Cut Off the Sound, instead of making the initial sound and then making the scissor motion to cut it off from the rest of the word, the students will actually delete the first sound in the word.

Remember, phonics understanding is important even for children who already read fluently! In most of the text they encounter now, the ideas are familiar to them. That won't always be the case, and they will need these tools to decode unfamiliar words in unfamiliar contexts.

Read Aloud: 
It's important that the required reading is an enjoyable part of your student's homeschool day. You will mostly be reading "Little Bear" to your child, as there are many words the students have not yet been taught to decode. However, I encourage you to work as a team and ask your child to read words they can decode (for example: made, it, on, hat, pants, can, and, not, that) as well as sight words (the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too) while you read the remaining words. I know you will both love Little Bear!

At home, please help your child  to make proper strokes (see handout in Language Arts tab of binder) and correct pencil grip (see below) into a habit. It's important to correct any poor habits before they become too ingrained. This will greatly improve efficiency in their writing, and writing will become more enjoyable instead of a daunting chore. 


If your child is struggling with holding their pencil correctly or maintaining control of it, check out the tips at this link. I also have many fun fine motor activites to suggest to strengthen those handwriting muscles. 

Who knew "people" nouns could be so fun?! The children were very creative in our game of charades! This week we will concentrate on the difference between common and proper nouns.


Any time the blog directs you to dictate words or sentences in the Spelling Journal, those are words or sentences the students should be writing without help or coaching. If there are mistakes, please don't erase, but instead have your student rewrite the word correctly underneath or in a different color after you have reinforced the concept. Please check dictation work done in class for accuracy as well.

Map & Song and Game to help learn Continents and Oceans (due 9/8)

Note about Science and History textbooks: I've listed page numbers for both the newer/revised and older versions of these textbooks, so be sure to look for the pages that pertain to your version.

This week you'll read about mummies and embalming in ancient Egypt. Some of the descriptions are quite detailed; I know my squeamish 17-year-old would be uncomfortable hearing them! Feel free to use your discretion to edit as you deem appropriate. 
Chapter 4 journal entry: Egyptians made mummies and pyramids. 

Now that we have a good background knowledge of insects in general, we get to explore some specific ones in detail. On a personal note, growing up in the desert, I had always dreamed of seeing a real firefly. Not until we moved to Texas did that bucket-list item come true for me! It was truly magical. I'm excited to share about fireflies with the children, and to remind them that we, too, are beautiful lights for Christ in this world! I leave the mosquito and it's spiritual application to you, my dear co-teachers. 
Journal sentence: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water.