1st Grade T/Th- Week 2- Aug 15-19

1st Grade Week 28/15/20228/16/20228/17/20228/18/20228/19/2022Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipSincerity- "Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good." -Romans 12:9
BibleGP Week 1, Fun Day, pg 19-20GP Week 2, pg 22-25GP Week 2, pg 22 & 26-28GP Week 2, pg 29-31GP Week 2, pg 32-34Big Picture Question: What is sin? Sin is breaking God's law and sin separates people from God.
MathHIG pg 5 Reinforcement and Game;

Ensure your child has a solid understanding of Unit 1 concepts & review as needed
HIG pg 7-11, TB pg 16-17, WB n/a; Number Bonds Book 1-5Parent read HIG pg 7-10; Start lesson with TB pg 18, See Math section below for important notes; only do the process for the number 6 (top of HIG pg 11), Number Bonds Book for 6, WB Ex 5 pg 15HIG pg 12-13, TB pg 19, Number Bonds Book for 7, WB Ex 6 pg 16HIG pg 12-13, TB pg 20, Number Bonds Book for 8, WB Ex 7 pg 17Prior to starting Unit 2 this week, parent read HIG pg 7-9. Note: Don't rush through this unit. Use different colored cubes or even actual toys to create the number bonds. Make sure your child knows most of the number bonds before moving on. If they have a lot of trouble, keep practicing consistently.
SpellingIf your child is unfamiliar with Key Cards from kindergarten, introduce them with AAS pg 14-18 before we review them this week in classAAS Step 1, pg 14-15, Review Key Cards 1 & 2; dictate "camp" & 'kit' in journalAAS Step 1, pg 13: Review Phonogram Cards #1-32;

Review AAS pg 15: Use board and letter tiles to review Key Card 2; dictate "kid" and "cost" in Spelling Journal
AAS Step 1, pg 16: Review Key Card 3; dictate "bill," "loss," and "well" in Spelling JournalReview Sound Cards #1-32 (If you do not have the red sound cards from the previous level, dictate the sounds for the first 32 phonograms in mixed order);

AAS Step 1, pg 16: Use board and letter tiles to review Key Card 3 section only; dictate "off," "tell," and "grass" in Spelling Journal
GrammarFLL Lessons 1 & 3: Introducing common nouns & Common nouns (Family relationships), pg 1, 3-4FLL Lesson 2, pg 2:Enjoy reading "The Caterpillar," but apply today's & future memorization instructions to the poem "Persevere" insteadNoun (person) charades gameFLL Lesson 4: Proper nouns (First names), pg 5-6
WritingReview capital letter formation (N-Z)Practice proper lowercase letter formation of letters a-m using guidelines in binderReview lowercase letter formation (a-m)Practice proper lowercase letter formation of letters n-z using guidelines in binderCreate customized copywork pages at this link
ReadingReview kindergarten sight words: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too (see Co-teacher notes for link to flash cards)

Review OPG Section 3 (Short-Vowel Words) using OPG L40, pg 90-91

Using "Routine for teaching Irregular Words/Heart Words" handout in binder, teach your child the word "was" and add that card to your review tab.
Review phonograms;

SF Week 1, Day 1, pg 20-22;

OPG L41: Double Consonants, pg 92-93
Review phonogram cards #1-26 single letters A-Z (child sees the card and says the sound(s));

SF Week 1, Day 2, pg 23-24;

Teach/Review OPG L42: The CK Combination, pg 94-95
Review phonograms;

SF Week 1, Day 3, pg 25-26;

OPG L48: The Ending Blend NK, pg 102-103
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK;

SF Week 1, Day 4, pg 27-28;

Teach/Review OPG L49; Adding the Letter S to Words, pg 104-105;
Also, begin the habit of reviewing previous day's classwork (see "Two Review and One New" Teaching Technique on pg 92)
Print and cut Sight Word Flash Cards for OPG (click here for link). I suggest storing these flash cards with your AAS cards and using similar tabs (Review, Mastered, Future Lessons) for them. File kindergarten words (L29-L76; lesson numbers are in small, black font on the bottom right of the card) in the Review or Mastered section of your card box as appropriate. File the remaining sight word cards (L91-L156) in Future Lessons section.

Phonogram cards A-Z, CK, and NK should already be in Review tab in card box; if not, add them as you review them this wee

Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (SF) assignments are found under "Grade 1" at this link. We will begin with Week 1 this week.
Read AloudCorduroy20+ minutes reading to your child from your choice of a book beyond their ability to read independentlyCorduroy or Madeline20+ minutes reading to your child from your choice of a book beyond their ability to read independentlyAudio books can help fulfill the read aloud requirement and can often be checked out for free from your local library; we will begin our first assigned read aloud book next week.
HistorySotW Chapter 1 Review questions/ discussion; Read aloud The First Dog by Jan Brett; practice picture card #1Read SotW Ch.2: Egyptians Lived on the Nile River pg 14-20 revised/pg 29-33 original and orally narrate; Ch. 2 journal sentence: Narmer was the first king of Egypt.
ScienceG&B/A Lesson 2: Introduction to Insects, Read pg 5-6 and orally narrate; journal sentence: Insects are important to our world.G&B/A Lesson 2: Introduction to Insects, pg 7-8Look at G&B/A Lessons 3 and 4. If your child would like to work on an oral presentation, please let me know and I will schedule a time in class for us to hear about their research! (optional)
GeographyContinents and Oceans map - Due 9/8
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing)
QUARTER 1 POEM: "Persevere," due 9/27
GEOGRAPHY: Continents and Oceans, due 9/8

* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology

What a wonderful first week of school we enjoyed! I have been in awe of God's kindness and grace in bringing all of us to 1st Grade at Fortis at this very point in time. I like to imagine He had a smile on His holy face when, in eternity past, He put one seemingly-unconnected puzzle piece after another together in the shape of us. I hope you and your child can already feel that you are dearly loved by Him AND me!

We loved the About Me bags!  Your kids are on their way to becoming excellent public speakers.  It was special to see what they considered important to share with us.

I bet some of their spongy brains already have lots of the "Persevere" poem memorized!  Use these perseverance lyrics throughout the year to encourage your student in memorizing our Philippians scripture, phonograms, math facts, geography maps, etc ... one "mile" at a time.

Your Faithful Cheerleader,
Mrs. Kuhn

Coming Soon:

Thursday, August 18- Spirit Day- Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with jeans or jean shorts. (NO pizza)

Tuesday, August 30- Grammar Play Date @ 3pm

Thursday, September 1- Spirit Day & Pizza Day & DOGS Day- Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with jeans or jean shorts. Pre-paid pizza lunch will be served (contact Amanda Carthel if you need to pay for pizza). DOGS (Dads of Great Students) will hold a special Morning Assembly!

Tuesday, September 6- No School- Labor Day Holiday

Thursday, September 8- Picture Day

As we've discussed God's creation of the world in Genesis, we specifically talked about ways that we are made in His image, and one of those is creativity! We can't make something out of nothing like God can, but we can reflect His glory and His image when we create a beautiful piece of art, a melodious song, or even an exciting story.

Please spend enough time on each number bond this week that your child begins to commit them to memory. These are foundational number sense principles that will provide a strong building base for everything that is to come in math. The "Best Friends that Make Ten" handout in your Math tab in your binder is a visual resource you can use to practice the number bonds for 10. You can even let your student draw their own rainbow as they become familiar with the "friends of 10." 

In addition to the Singapore lessons on number bonds, each child will be using cubes to explore number bonds and record their discoveries in their Number Bonds Book. We will complete number bonds for numbers 1-5 in class on Tuesday, so you will be able to see what the finished pages for those look like before you tackle bonds for the number 6 on Wednesday. The idea behind this is that rather than tell students, "6 cubes can be broken up into 4 cubes and 2 cubes," we want to let them discover that organically for themselves. Give them access to two different colors of cubes and tell them you want them to make a line (or tower) of 6, then let them come to the conclusion that they could use 4 green and 2 blue, or 2 green and 4 blue, or 3 green and 3 blue, etc. This thinking process is much deeper and more valuable for students than just hearing someone tell them the information. One last note: the Singapore HIG will show 4 different number bonds for 6 (see top of pg 11), while the Number Bonds Book will show 7 of them. Singapore is assuming that you are using 6 cubes of the same color and breaking them up into parts, so in their case, 1 and 5 looks the same as 5 and 1. Therefore, they list it only once. However, I would prefer if, instead, you would give your student access to two colors of cubes as I detailed above. When you do that, they will discover they can make 6 using 1 green and 5 blue OR 5 green and 1 blue. Therefore, those are listed and should be filled out separately in the Number Bonds Book.

**Please return Number Bonds Book in folder each day until the book is completed**

Reading and Spelling
We're jumping into review of phonogram (yellow), sound (red), and key (blue) cards that were learned in kindergarten. If you are new to this program or if your child has forgotten over the summer some of what they learned last year, please work diligently with them to solidify these sounds and rules in their minds. We will be moving on and adding new cards in the near future, so take this time to hone in on cards that may need daily practice.  

We will begin the Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program lessons this week. Click this link and scroll down to Grade 1, Weeks 1-10 to access the PDF.  Your first lesson on your home day will be Week 1, Day 2, but you will likely want to look back to Week 1, Day 1 for directions on how to do the "Cut Off a Sound" exercise. The videos at this link are especially helpful. Note that the page numbers I list on the blog are referring to the page numbers on the actual document, not the page numbers your PDF reader may assign.
You will teach the irregular word "was" to you student this week using the "Routine for teaching Irregular Words/Heart Words" handout in your student's binder. OPG does not teach "was" until a much later lesson, but it is useful for students to know it sooner than later, and they have all the phonics knowledge to be able to learn it now. Be sure to print out the flash card for it and keep it in the review tab in your card box.

This week we will get into our OPG book, starting with a review of some kindergarten lessons. For lessons taught in class, I will generally send home a decodable reader containing some of the sentences from the OPG lesson that day. These are excellent independent reading practice for your child, so save them and review them periodically.  

At the end of each OPG lesson, I've assigned a couple of words for dictation. This is to reinforce the reading concept that was just covered. Your child can write these words on a dry erase board or plain paper. They do not need to be turned in.

Reminder when you are practicing phonogram and sound cards with your child- the vowels have at least 2 sounds each. Make sure your student knows all of the sounds for each vowel!

When you see the instruction in AAS to dictate a word or sentence, this should be done in the Spelling Journal. Dictation means you will read the word(s) to your child and they will spell them on their own. Be sure to pronounce for spelling and enunciate each syllable clearly. This is an opportunity to see if they can put into practice the phonics we are teaching them. For mistakes in dictation done at home, reteach and have your student correct their work before you conclude your lesson for the day. When we do dictation in class, you will need to check it the following day at home for accuracy and reteach what your student missed. 

When you're asked to read a poem from FLL, just use the instructions as a framework and reminder to work on memorizing "Persevere."  You may choose to read "The Caterpillar" a couple of times out loud to give your student a chance to absorb this piece of art and capture just the right inflection.  Then you may choose to discuss it as art.  Your child will appreciate your wanting to know his thoughts as long as he is assured there are no wrong answers.  In turn and to set an example, share your thoughts.  This is primarily about instilling a love and joy for language, but do encourage your child to use complete sentences.

What kind of feeling does this poem give you?
Do you have any favorite words?
Are there any words you don't understand? (build vocabulary)
Are there any rhyming words?
Were there any surprising parts?
What do you think is happening here?


"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!!" - Prov. 6:6 (NIV)

We delve deeper into the world of Arthropods this week. We will be marveling at how God created these creatures in very specific ways with very unique characteristics. Though insects can really "bug" us at times, we really couldn't live with out them!

Journal sentence: Insects are important to our world. (Write this sentence for your student to copy into their Science Journal. They can draw a picture in the blank space at the top of the page if they like.)


This week we discuss the earliest nomads and their way of life, and how they transitioned to villages and farming. In class, we'll read a selection by Jan Brett of "The Gingerbread Man" fame about a nomadic little boy and his new friend in "The First Dog." 

As you read the Story of the World text at home, check in with your child every few paragraphs to see if they can retell what you've read to them in their own words (oral narration). 

Chapter 2 journal entry: Narmer was the first king of Egypt. (Write this sentence for your student to copy into their History Journal. They can draw a picture in the blank space at the top of the page if they like.)

Follow these links to a Map & Song and Game to help learn all the continents and oceans. Your student will stand in front of the class and sing or recite the Continents and Oceans by memory while pointing to them on a map on Sept 8th.

While there are many great reasons why learning the geography of our world is important, your child should remember from our conversation that the most important reason is to help us pray for the gospel to be shared mightily with unbelievers in every part of our world.

 "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." -Matthew 9:38