1st Grade T/Th- Week 14- November 12-18

1st Grade Week 14Tue, Nov 12Wed, Nov 13Thu, Nov 14Fri, Nov 15Mon, Nov 18Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueDiligence- "Therefore, brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election, because if you do these things you will never stumble."
-2 Peter 1:10
BibleGP Week 14, pg 214-217GP Week 14, pg 214 & 218-220GP Week 14, pg 221-223GP Week 14, pg 224-226GP Week 14, Optional Fun Day, pg 227-228What is God's plan? God's plan is to rescue His people from captivity.
MathHIG pg 80; TB, pg 68-70; WB Ex 50 pg 124-126 & Ex 51 #1 and #2 pg 127-128Parent read HIG pg 79; HIG pg 81; TB pg 71-73; WB Ex 51 #3 pg 129, Ex 52 pg 130-132, & Ex 53 pg 133-134; MM19 (last 10 problems)HIG pg 82-83; TB pg 74-75; WB Ex 54 pg 135-136HIG pg 84; TB pg 76-77; WB Ex 55 pg 137;
MM20 (first 10 problems)
WB Ex 46 pg 111;

MM20 (last 10 problems)
SpellingLesson 13:

Review Sound Cards;

Review Blends in Name Game Syllables;

Dictate second three sentences on pg 13
Lesson 13:

Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Student read third and fourth sections of Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 2, pg 71 in activity book

Use Let's Fly a Kite activity (see Teacher's Manual pg 122) to review Blends with Name Game Syllables
Lesson 13 written assessmentLesson 14, Long U:

Parent read pg 125;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box; student read one section of your choice from Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 2, pg 71 in activity book

Review Previous Concepts, pg 126;

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 126-127;

Student read Word Bank for Long U, pg 79 in activity book

Dictate Word Cards 91-95 in spelling journal
Lesson 15, Spelling the sound of /z/:

Parent read pg 131;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box; student read Word Bank for Long U, pg 79 in activity book;

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 132-133;

Student read Word Bank for the Sound of /z/, pg 85 in activity book

Dictate Word Cards 96-105 in spelling journal
Check assessment from Thursday and add missed Word Cards to Review tab of card box; file Word Cards that your student has mastered in Mastered tab
GrammarFLL Lesson 45: Noun Review, Copywork: Four types of nouns, pg 67-68FLL Lesson 46: Introducing pronouns, Oral Usage: Ordering "I" and "me", pg 69-70FLL Lesson 47: Pronouns (you, your, yours), Copywork: Pronoun list 1, pg 71-72FLL Lesson 48: Pronouns (he, she, him, her, it, his, hers, its), Copywork: Prounoun list 2, pg 73-74Reminder- FLL copywork goes in the Grammar Booklet
WritingContinue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 49- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Continue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 49- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms;

SF Week 13, Day 1, pg 32-34;

Introduce the vowel pair OU as /o͞o/ (OPG L107)
Review all phonograms (add OU)

SF Week 13, Day 2, pg 35-36;

OPG Lesson 107: The Vowel Pair OU as /o͞o/, pg 188; Dictation: you, soup (remind students that today we are using the vowel pair ou to spell /o͞o/; they are not expected to know that spelling rule yet)

Read decodable book
"Scamp Gets a Bath" (see Co-Teacher Notes column)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 13, Day 3, pg 37-38;

Introduce U Plus a Silent E as /o͞o/ and Single O as /o͞o/ (OPG L108)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 13, Day 4, pg 39-40;

OPG Lesson 109: The Vowel Pair UE as /o͞o/, pg 190; Dictation: true, blue, glue (remind students that today we are using the vowel pair ue to spell /o͞o/)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 13, Day 5, pg 41-42;

Review OPG L108 and L109 by re-reading words and sentences on pg 189-190
"Scamp Gets a Bath" is found online at FlyLeaf Publishing. Click the title to access the book.

All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe
Read AloudQuest for the Lost Prince, pg 37-43Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 44-50Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 51-57Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 58-64
Thanksgiving- Life as a Pilgrim child in 1620
SotW Ch. 17: Babylon Takes Over Again!, pg 137-142; Discussion questions below;

Journal sentence: Nebuchadnezzar the Great created the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
ScienceFinalize Arthropod Project presentation for tomorrow! Make sure your student's project follows the guidelines.Arthropod Project presentations!
GeographyHorn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:7-21 KJV (ongoing);
New Testament books in order- Due 12/5
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 2 POEM; "Count Your Blessings," due 11/21
GEOGRAPHY: Horn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19
 *Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
EP- Singapore Math Extra Practice
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling teacher manual (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology 

Coming Soon:

Thursday, November 14- Spirit Day (no pizza)

Thursday, November 21- Spirit/pizza/DOGS day

November 26 - December 2, Thanksgiving Break

December 13- January 13, Christmas Break (electives do meet on December 13)

Tuesday, January 14- School resumes

Dear  Parents,
In a letter written by “E.W.” (Edward Winslow) to a friend in England, he says: “And God be praised, we had a good increase…. Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling that so we might after a special manner rejoice together….” Winslow continues, “These things I thought good to let you understand… that you might on our behalf give God thanks who hath dealt so favourably with us.” (Source

As we approach Thanksgiving, may we recognize along with Edward Winslow how very favorably God has dealt with us! He not only in provides for our physical needs, but especially our deepest need: spiritual rescue from death to life in Christ. Then let's share with others so that they might give God thanks with us.
One thing to be especially thankful for is a special place like Fortis where we are free to share our faith with the children, training them up to be proclaimers of truth, goodness, and beauty in our society.

This week we will be covering some less intense math concepts as we discuss and explore shapes. This provides a good opportunity to continue strengthening the addition and subtraction within 20 strategies that we covered in the last unit. Mental Math and extra practice exercises are assigned with that goal in mind. 

It may seem to your student that showing two parts being added on their fingers and counting them up is the easiest way to add. They may prefer to draw hash marks for a whole number, cross out the amount being subtracted, and count the remaining to find the difference. However, these counting-based approaches are quickly going to fall apart next semester when we move into numbers within 40 and eventually numbers within 100. We want to train their brains to manipulate the numbers. Now is the time to practice, practice, practice with "make a 10 to add" and "subtract from the 10" or "subtract to a friendly 10, then subtract the rest." Take advantage of the Mental Math exercises to work on these important strategies. (Note- Despite the name, students at this stage are not expected to do Mental Math problems completely mentally. We are working toward that! But first they must master each strategy, so number bonds and manipulatives are fine to use in the meantime.)

This week I am assigning a decodable reader "Scampt Gets a Bath" from the FlyLeaf Publishing website. (Unfortunately, they can only be read online at this time.) This reader is completely decodable using phonograms, spelling rules, and syllable division rules that we have already taught the students. The exceptions are the word "bubble" and the "er" in "under," so just give your student a quick, simple explanation of those. This reader should be fairly simple for your child, so focus on guiding your student's fluency- reading accurately at a natural speed, with a natural voice, and good expression. Important!- If you notice your child relying on the picture to guess the words instead of decoding, please cover the picture while they read the text. Then allow them to enjoy the picture after they read as a reward for their diligence in sounding out the words. Do you notice how much your child's reading has improved already this year! Isn’t it amazing?

Phonogram practice resources: 

Read Aloud:
This week we'll get to read about the miraculous deliverance of Kaboo from the Grebu. When you reach pg 44-45, you will notice that it seems like a whipping is about to be described and you may feel that you should skip that passage. However, I want to give you a spoiler and ask you to keep reading: Kaboo does not get beaten. In fact, this passage is one of the most important in the book because it describes how Kaboo was rescued from the hands of his tormentors in an amazing way. You and your student will rejoice with Jova and Kaboo when you find out what happens!

In the last set of combined lessons for the year (phew!), we will cover both Lessons 14 and 15 in the same week. Familiarity with the word banks for these lessons will be very helpful when it comes to spelling the words correctly. 


I'm looking forward to hearing from the students on Thursday (11/14) about their Arthropod projects! They will display their written projects on their desks for the class to enjoy (just the written report, no poster boards or display boards!), and they will share their oral presentations as well. Their presentation should include the type of trap used, how the project was conducted, and their observations. Refer to the presentation guidelines for full instructions.

Sotw Ch. 17 Questions for Discussion:  What caused Nebuchadnezzar to lose his mind and act like an animal? What did he finally realize about himself? Why do you think he never realized this before? Why did Nebuchadnezzar want to marry Amytis? Tell about some of the things he gave her. Why was Amytis still unhappy? What did Nebuchadnezzar do to bring a little bit of Persia to Babylon? Design and draw the garden you would build for your yard.

Journal sentence: Nebuchadnezzar the Great created the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Memory Work: 
Quarter 2 poem, Count Your Blessings: Due 11/21

Books of the New Testament: Due 12/5;  Here is a link to the song we are using in class (New Testament starts at 1:23), but if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that as long as the books are said in order.