1st Grade T/Th- Week 16- December 3-9

1st Grade
Week 16
Tue, Dec 3Wed, Dec 4Thu, Dec 5Fri, Dec 6Mon, Dec 9Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueTemperance- "I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified." -1 Cor. 9:27
BibleThe Advent BookChoose a lesson or activity from Kids of Integrity- Christmas or another advent family activityThe Advent BookChoose a lesson or activity from Kids of Integrity- Christmas or another advent family activityChoose a lesson or activity from Kids of Integrity- Christmas or another advent family activity
MathHIG pg 90-92; TB pg 84-86; WB Ex 59 pg 145-146Parent read HIG pg 90-91 & 93; HIG pg 94; TB pg 87-88; WB Ex 60-61 pg 147-150; MM 22 (first 10 problems)Semester Review

MM 22 (last 10 problems)
Merry Measurement (sent home in student's folder): Measure the objects with either of the candy cane rulers included and record measurements on provided sheet; Try measuring more objects around the house too!

MM 23 (first 10 problems)
Continue to work with your child on any concepts they need to review from this semester;

MM 23 (last 10 problems)
SpellingLesson 16:

Review Sound Cards;

Review Plural Silent E Words;

Dictate second three sentences on pg 141
Lesson 16:

Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Student read Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 1, pg 51 in activity book

Use The Multiplying Machine activity (see Teacher's Manual pg 140) to review Plural Silent E Words
Lesson 16 written assessmentLesson 17, EE and Vowel Team Syllables:

Parent read pg 143-144;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Student read Word Bank for Sound of Long U, pg 79 in activity book;

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 145-148
Lesson 17:

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Student read Word Bank for EE, pg 99 in activity book;

Student use tiles to spell several words you select from "Practice More Words" section, pg 150;

Dictate Word Cards 116-124 in spelling journal;

Teach "been," pg 149; dictate Word Card 125 in spelling journal;

Dictate first three sentences on pg 151 in spelling journal
Check assessment from Thursday and add missed Word Cards to Review tab of card box; file Word Cards that your student has mastered in Mastered tab
GrammarFLL Lesson 51: Story narration, pg 79-80FLL Lesson 52: Introducing verbs, pg 81FLL Lesson 53: Action verbs, pg 82-83FLL Lesson 54: Telephone numbers, pg 84-85
WritingScripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 53- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 53- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms;

SF Week 15, Day 1, pg 54-57;

Introduce the vowel pair EW as /o͞o/ (OPG L110)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 15, Day 2, pg 58-60 (reference pg 55 for instructions on Manipulating Syllables activity);

OPG L110: The vowel pair EW as /o͞o/, pg 191; Dictation: drew, chew, screw

SPIRE decodable book "The Long Hike"
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 15, Day 3, pg 61-63;

Introduce the vowel pair UI as /o͞o/ (OPG L111)
Review all phonograms (add UI);

SF Week 15, Day 4, pg 64-66;

OPG L111: The vowel pair UI as /o͞o/, pg 192; Dictation: suit, fruit
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 15, Day 5, pg 67-69;

OPG L112: Review of Words with the /o͞o/ sound, pg 193
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe
Read AloudQuest for the Lost Prince, pg 87-94Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 95-102Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 103-110Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 111-118
HistorySotW Ch. 18: Read aloud "The Monster in the Maze"SotW Ch. 19: The Early Greeks, pg 153-156; Discussion questions below;

Journal sentence: The Mycenaeans were the first to use horses and chariots in war.
ScienceG&B/A Lesson 9: Crustaceans- Crayfish Mini Book and Parts of a Crayfish, pg 43-44 (skip Lesson 10 Preparation)

In Journal, student writes the heading "Parts of a Crayfish" and glues assembled pieces of puzzle to the page (unassembled pieces were sent home in your child's folder yesterday)
Read Aloud: "Small Wonders: Jean-Henri Fabre & His World of Insects"
GeographyWest Africa - Due 1/30
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:7-21 KJV (ongoing);
New Testament books in order- Due 12/5
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 3 POEM: "A Child's Prayer," due 3/11
GEOGRAPHY: West Africa, due 1/30
*Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
EP- Singapore Math Extra Practice
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling teacher manual (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology 

Coming Soon:
Tuesday, December 10- Uniform-free Day Fundraiser- pay $5 to support the Costa Rica mission trip and wear clothing other than uniform (must still follow dress code guidelines for shorts/skirt lengths)

Thursday, December 12- First grade Christmas party and classical book exchange! Our book exchange is the highlight of the Christmas party! Please send your student with a book that is wrapped, but not tagged "to" anyone. Books from any of these lists would be appropriate: Kindergarten read-alouds , First grade read-alouds , Second grade read-alouds

Thursday, December 12- Christmas spirit day- Christmas sweaters/outfits allowed

December 13- January 13, Christmas Break (electives do meet on December 13)

Tuesday, January 14- School resumes

** Dear Parents **
I hope you enjoyed a taste of the upcoming long break and are rejuvenated enough to finish out these two weeks strong!  I know we've begun a very busy time of year, but you can do it!  

Begin thinking now about how to avoid the very real problem of regression over the long Christmas break. Though you will not be teaching anything new at home over the break, I encourage you to still expect your student to keep what you have taught in working order. Their skills represent your time, and you want that investment protected so we can pick up where we left off come January! Consider a daily chart for your child along the lines of:
1. Compute Something
2. Write Something
3. Read Something
4. Play!
~ Mrs. Kuhn

We're taking a short break from The Gospel Project until after Christmas. In the meantime, I hope you have some special gospel-centered Christmas traditions to enjoy in your home. I will be sharing The Advent Book with the students, which is something I've done every Christmas with my own personal children since they were infants. If you need ideas for your family, I've provided links to Kids of Integrity Christmas lessons in the home day assignments for Bible. Feel free to use these or to skip them if you have your own Christmas devotional plans. 

We will finish off our units on measurement this week and end the first semester next week with a cumulative test over all concepts taught thus far. (Please do not have your student practice Review 6 or 7 ahead of time.)

We will begin using all three Singapore Math 1B books (HIG, Textbook, Workbook) next semester. However, I do not recommend taking a complete hiatus from math until then. I highly recommend using flashcards, Mental Math, Happy Numbers and whatever other resources are available to keep your student's math brain in working order over the next month. It can be discouraging to realize in January that there's been regression.  

This week's decodable book is "The Long Hike."  Most words are decodable, but you may need to give your child a couple of sounds we haven't taught yet in words like want and some. Remember to encourage smooth, natural reading with proper pauses and expression.

Looking ahead, required books for next semester include:
- "Baby Island" by Carol Ryrie Brink
- "Aesop’s Fables for Children" by Milo Winter
- "The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk" (Dover Children's Thrift Classics) by Thorton Burgess
You should have purchased these at the beginning of the year, but now is a good time to make sure they're accessible.  

Again, it is so important that your child continues to read over the upcoming long break. They have gained so much this semester!  Protect that investment!  

Custom Handwriting Practice Sheets are a great way to hold on through the break to all your student has accomplished this semester. Keep it light and fun!

Thus far, the only way we have taught students to spell a long vowel sound is with silent E, but with Lesson 17, we will begin teaching them to use vowel teams as well. Of course they have been learning to read vowel teams in OPG already, but now they will be recognizing them as a new syllable type and spelling them. 
This usually brings up the question, "How can I teach my student when to use silent E versus when to use EE (or another vowel team for other long vowel sounds)?" Sometimes there are guidelines we can teach them, like the fact that silent E is not often used to spell /ē/ but the vowel team EE is commonly used. Unfortunately, a lot of times there is no guideline and it comes down to familiarity with the words. Familiarity comes by practice with both decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) the words. Your AAS student manual has a Word Bank for EE on pg 99. Use this list to build that familiarity. Make sure your student reads and spells lots of these words not just once, but several times to internalize which words use this spelling pattern. 

A note about the word been: been is the first rule-breaker we will encounter in AAS. You should teach it with the same procedure we've been using to introduce the other rule-breakers we've taught in reading. 

Enjoy the incredible photographs within the Crayfish mini book included in this lesson! There is no journal sentence this week. Instead, the students will write the heading, "Parts of a Crayfish" at the top of a journal page and then glue the crayfish puzzle pieces into place on that page. 

We will begin using The Good and the Beautiful- Marine Biology text next semester when we return from the break, so be sure you have your copy handy.

SotW Ch. 19 Discussion questions: Why were the Myceneans called the first great Greek civilization? What made them such great fighters? How were the barbarians different from the Greeks? Why is the time of the Dorians and the Sea People called the Greek Dark Ages?

Journal sentence: The Mycenaeans were the first to use horses and chariots in war.

West Africa Due 1/30- There are 16 countries on this map! Practice, practice!

Memory Work: 
Books of the Bible: On Dec. 5, I will assess the New Testament books. Then it's on to the Old Testament! It's quite a bit longer than the New Testament, so we'll take the rest of the school year to master it (Quarter 3 Genesis - Job, Quarter 4 Psalms - Malachi).  Here is a link to the song we practice in class. Again, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.

Quarter 3 poem, "A Child's Prayer" will be due 3/11/24.

1st Grade T/Th- Week 15- November 19-25

1st Grade Week 15Tue, Nov 19Wed, Nov 20Thu, Nov 21Fri, Nov 22Mon, Nov 25Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueDiligence- "Therefore, brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election, because if you do these things you will never stumble." -2 Peter 1:10
BibleGP Week 15, pg 230-233GP Week 15, pg 230 & 234-236GP Week 15, pg 237-239GP Week 15, pg 240-242GP Week 15, Optional Fun Day, pg 243-244What is God's plan? God's plan is to rescue His people from captivity.
MathHIG pg 85-86; TB pg 78-81; WB Ex 56 pg 138-139 & Ex 57 pg 140-141Parent read HIG pg 85 & 87; HIG pg 88-89; TB pg 82-83; WB Exercise 58 pg 142-144; MM 21 (1st 10 problems)Thanksgiving math packet (length, addition/subtraction problem solving)Finish Thanksgiving math packet from yesterday

MM 21 (last 10 problems)
Extra Practice pg 39,
Using Ten-frames to Subtract (double-sided page sent home in your student's folder)
SpellingLesson 14 & 15:

Review Sound Cards;

Review Long U and Spelling the Sound of /z/;

Dictate fourth sentence on pg 129, first and second sentences on pg 135 in spelling journal
Review/correct dictation from Tuesday (fourth sentence on pg 129, first and second sentences on pg 135);

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box; student read Word Bank for the Sound of /z/, pg 85 in activity book

Dictate fifth sentence on pg 129 and fourth sentence pg 135 in spelling journal

Use Play the Flute activity (see Teacher's Manual pg 128) to review Long U and Whose Nose Is That? activity (see Teacher's Manual pg 134) to review Spelling the Sound of /z/
Lesson 14 & 15 written assessmentLesson 16, Plural Silent E Words:

Parent read pg 137;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Student read Word Bank for Sound of /z/, pg 85 in activity book;

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 138
Lesson 16:

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Student use tiles to spell several words you select from "Practice More Words" section, pg 140;

Student read Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 2, pg 71 in activity book

Dictate Word Cards 106-115 in spelling journal;

Dictate first three sentences on pg 141 in spelling journal
Check assessment from Thursday and add missed Word Cards to Review tab of card box; file Word Cards that your student has mastered in Mastered tab
GrammarFLL Lesson 49: Pronouns (We, us, our, ours), Copywork: Pronoun list 3, pg 75-76FLL Lesson 50: Pronouns (They, them, their, theirs), Copywork: Pronoun list 4, pg 77-78
WritingContinue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 51- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Continue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 51- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms;

SF Week 14, Day 1, pg 43-45;

Review the vowel pairs OO and OU as /o͞o/ (OPG L106 & L107)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 14, Day 2, pg 46-47;

Review OPG L108 and L109 by re-reading words and sentences on pg 189-190;

Read decodable book "
Chad's Problems" from SPIRE
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 14, Day 3, pg 48-49;

The First Thanksgiving Story Mix Activity
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 14, Day 4, pg 50-51;

Choose 2 or 3 OPG lessons your child struggles with and review those words and sentences
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 14, Day 5, pg 52-53;

Choose 2 or 3 OPG lessons your child struggles with and review those words and sentences
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe
Read AloudQuest for the Lost Prince, pg 65-71Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 72-78Thanksgiving Read Aloud "A Turkey for Thanksgiving" and "Give Thanks to the Lord"Quest for the Lost Prince, pg 79-86
HistoryThanksgiving- Life as a Wampanoag child in 1620SotW Ch. 18: Life in Early Crete, pg 143-150; Discussion questions below;

Journal sentence: The Minoan people were known for bull-jumping and having a strong navy.
ScienceG&B/A Lesson 9: Crustaceans- Crustaceans, A Very Versatile Creature, and Is It a Crustacean?, pg 42-43 (photos for Is It a Crustacean? are on pg 47; you do not need to cut them out);

Journal sentence: Crustaceans come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.
G&B/A Lesson 7: Insect Defenses pg 35-36

Read aloud and discuss ways God created insects to defend themselves; How would you defend yourself if you were an insect?
GeographyHorn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19- this week!
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:7-21 KJV (ongoing);
New Testament books in order- Due 12/5
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 2 POEM; "Count Your Blessings," due 11/21
GEOGRAPHY: Horn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19;
West Africa, due 1/30
*Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
EP- Singapore Math Extra Practice
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling teacher manual (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology 

Coming Soon:

Thursday, November 21- Spirit/pizza/DOGS day

November 26 - December 2, Thanksgiving Break

December 13- January 13, Christmas Break (electives do meet on December 13)

Tuesday, January 14- School resumes

Dear Parents,
My prayer is for God to delight and amaze you with His faithfulness this Thanksgiving break.  Enjoy your time with family and some extra snuggle time with your sweet children!
Love, Mrs. Kuhn

Here is a quick overview of what's coming in math. We discuss length this week, have a quick unit on weight upon returning from Thanksgiving break, and then end this semester with a cumulative test over all concepts taught thus far. 

Be encouraged- math review is not just busy work!  We will start to build more upon our current strategies after Christmas break, so it is very important to keep all strategies fresh and continue to work on mastering addition and subtraction within 20. A worksheet to practice using a ten-frame to subtract will be assigned this week, along with Extra Practice pg 39. Remember, at your discretion, you can choose to have your child complete any pages prior to pg 39 in the Extra Practice book that were not assigned. 

This week in Reading will be largely review. Use this time to devote extra practice to the phonograms that trip up your student, as well as to the OPG lessons that they aren't reading fluently yet. Keep those skills sharp!

Students will be reading the SPIRE decodable "Chad's Problems" at home for extra practice (click on the link to access the story). Be on the lookout for two syllable words and review syllable division rules with your child as necessary. This story also contains a vowel sound we haven't taught yet, which is A spelling it's third sound (/ah/) when it follows the letter W. Point this out to your child in the words want and water. You may also need to give them the sound of /er/ in water since we haven't covered r-controlled vowels yet. Otherwise, this should be an easy book for students to decode, so they should work on their fluency: reading accurately at a natural pace with good inflection and expression. 

I hope your family enjoys lots of great read-aloud time on your break! 

This week, you will start a new lesson at home covering plural silent e words. The crux of this concept is for students to make sure they write the entire base word- including the silent e- and then add the s to make it plural. Again, this will be easier if they have been including the silent e when they spell the long vowel sound (Ex. to spell home, use h to spell /h/, o_e to spell /ō/, and then m after the o to spell /m/). This guarantees that they won't forget the silent e when they make the word plural, nor write the silent e after the s.
We will continue working on this same lesson after Thanksgiving break.


We will spend two weeks covering Lesson 9- Crustaceans, so pay careful attention to the sections assigned each week. Enjoy learning about these arthroprod "cousins" of insects and spiders. They provide a great segue into next semester when we delve into marine biology!

Journal sentence: Crustaceans come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.

SotW Ch. 18 Questions for Discussion: Would you like to try bull jumping? Why do you think most bull jumpers did not live past 20 years old? Why did the king of the Minoans think of building ships? How successful was his navy? How would you solve the problem with the Minotaur?
What happened to the Minoans? Could you design a way for them to survive the aftermath of the volcano on Thera?

Journal Sentence: The Minoan people were known for bull-jumping and having a strong navy.

Horn of Africa and East AfricaDue this Tuesday, 11/19
The next map will be West Africa, Due 1/30; there are 16 countries on this section of the map, so an early start is recommended.

Memory Work: 
Quarter 2 poem:  Count Your Blessings due this Thursday, 11/21

Books of the New Testament, due 12/5:  Here is a link to the song we're practicing in class (New Testament starts at 1:23). If you or your student are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.