*Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *
Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
EP- Singapore Math Extra Practice
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling teacher manual (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology
Coming Soon:
Tuesday, October 22- Picture retakes
Thursday, October 24- Spirit/pizza/DOGS day
Friday, October 25- Fortis Fall Fest
Thursday, October 31- Historical Dress Up- students may dress in costume as a historical figure from their grade level history study. Details below.
Historical Dress Up- October 31st: Costumes must be in the theme of our historic studies this year, which will cover nomads through the beginning of Christianity (see SotW Chapters 1-37). Guidelines: No weapons, no gore, nothing scary, students need to be able to move and sit properly and use the restroom on their own. Have fun thinking of ideas. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
The goal this week is for students to understand the information that a two-digit number is giving them and then utilize that information to solve a problem. We do not want the students just to think that 16 is a 1 and a 6 side-by-side, but to automatically decompose the number so that it gives them meaningful information- namely, that there is one group of 10 and 6 more ones. Using that knowledge, they can then add some more ones to the group of ones, or take some ones away from the group of ones. Though it is tempting for students to rely on counting (whether they prefer to count hash marks, fingers, pictures, etc), that approach is quickly becoming inefficient. Thinking in terms of place value is an important switch that must be made in 1st grade.
The goal this week is for students to understand the information that a two-digit number is giving them and then utilize that information to solve a problem. We do not want the students just to think that 16 is a 1 and a 6 side-by-side, but to automatically decompose the number so that it gives them meaningful information- namely, that there is one group of 10 and 6 more ones. Using that knowledge, they can then add some more ones to the group of ones, or take some ones away from the group of ones. Though it is tempting for students to rely on counting (whether they prefer to count hash marks, fingers, pictures, etc), that approach is quickly becoming inefficient. Thinking in terms of place value is an important switch that must be made in 1st grade.
Remember, you can always have your student go back and fill in any pages prior to the ones assigned in the Extra Practice book.
Note that OPG lessons are intentionally assigned out of order this week, and that we have already taught the rule breaker "was" with a previous lesson.
Note that OPG lessons are intentionally assigned out of order this week, and that we have already taught the rule breaker "was" with a previous lesson.
Please administer Phonogram Assessments 2 & 3 at the end of this week. You'll want to erase the previous markings on Assessment 2 before you do it again for this round. I'll look for both assessments behind the Language Arts tab on Tuesday, 10/29.
I hope your child is thrilled with how many words they can read in "Frog and Toad!" Decodable words (sight words in parentheses) for "Ice Cream" this week: hot, day, I, wish, we, had, sweet, ice, cream, (said), Frog, Toad, wait, will, be, back, went, (to), the, he, (two), big, cones, (of), likes, best, and, so, (do), path, soft, drop, his, this, in, sun, drops, melting, they, fell, on, must, back, (was), it, pants, feet, cannot, see, sat, by, pond, waiting, ran, just, big, with, sticks, way, thing, rabbit, run, life, can, be, hid, rock, that, came, up, drat, mind, (do), then, shade, tree.
This week we will teach students the Name Game (also known as VCe) syllable type. Going forward, they should be able to both read and spell Name Game syllables, including in two-syllable words.
Students will be introduced to reading from a word bank in Lesson 10. AAS includes word banks so that students can familiarize themselves with the correct spellings of words. This is important because although there are rules and generalizations that can help students spell the majority of words, there is not a specific rule for every spelling. For example, they just need to know that the word "game" is spelled game and not gaim. This comes through familiarity with words in print. Make sure your student reads the word bank across the page from left to right as they always do when reading.
SotW Ch. 14 questions for disucssion: Why was the pharaoh of Egypt afraid of the Isrealites? What was the turning point for baby Moses? Why do you think God chose to save Moses and let him live in the pharoah's house? How did God show He was the one true God?
Journal sentences: God sent ten plagues and parted the Red Sea. Moses led the Isrealites to freedom.
Horn of Africa and East Africa Due 11/19
Memory Work:
Quarter 2 poem: Count Your Blessings. Due 11/21.
Students will be researching butterflies in our area (with your help) and the sharing what they learned with us in class on Thursday. They will turn in their research, so please make sure they include their name and use a sheet of paper that is separate from their Science journal. The fact that they choose to share will also need to be written in a complete sentence with correct spelling and punctuation.
Arthropod Project Due 11/14
Horn of Africa and East Africa Due 11/19
Memory Work:
Quarter 2 poem: Count Your Blessings. Due 11/21.
Books of the New Testament, due 12/5. Here is the song we practice with in class. Your child is free to learn the books with this song or another song they may perhaps already know.