1st Grade T/Th- Week 12- October 29 - November 4

1st Grade Week 12Tue, Oct 29Wed, Oct 30Thu, Oct 31Fri, Nov 1Mon, Nov 4Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueFortitude- "Then David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He won’t leave you or abandon you until all the work for the service of the LORD’s house is finished." -1 Chron. 28:20
BibleGP Week 12, pg 182-185GP Week 12, pg 182 & 186-188GP Week 12, pg 189-191GP Week 12, pg 192-194GP Week 12, Optional Fun Day, pg 195What is God's plan? God's plan is to rescue His people from captivity.
MathHIG pg 72-74; TB pg 66 #7 and #8a, WB Ex 44- #1-#2 pg 105-106Review HIG pg 72-74 including Reinforcement section (note: skip the entire paragraph on pg 73 that starts, "Give your student a 10-rod of multilink cubes..."); TB pg 66 #7 and #8b; WB Ex 44 #3 pg 107; MM 17 (first 10 problems)Review #4Look over Review #4 and reteach any missed concepts

MM 18 for 10min
HIG pg 75, TB pg 67, WB Ex 45 pg 108-109, MM 18 continue for 10 more minutes or until completeSee below if you need explanation for MM 17
SpellingLesson 10:

Review Sound Cards;

Review Name Game Syllables;

Dictate second three sentences on pg 104
Lesson 10:
Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Student read third and fourth sections of Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 1, pg 51 in activity book

Use Home Sweet Home activity (see Teacher's Manual pg 103) to review Name Game Syllables
Lesson 10 written assessment
Lesson 11, C or K in Name Game Syllables:

Parent read pg 107;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box; Review "Previous Concepts," pg 108; Student read first and second sections of Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 1, pg 51 in activity book

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 108-109;

Dictate Word Cards 61-70 in Spelling Journal;

Dictate first three sentences on pg 111 in Spelling Journal
Lesson 12, C or K in Initial Blends:

Parent read pg 113;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box; Student read third and fourth sections of Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 1, pg 51 in activity book

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 114-115;

Dictate Word Cards 71-80 in Spelling Journal;

Dictate first three sentences on pg 116 in Spelling Journal
Check assessment from Thursday and add missed Word Cards to Review tab of card box; file Word Cards that your student has mastered in Mastered tab
GrammarFLL Lesson 37: Nouns (Identifying nouns in a story), pg 56FLL Lesson 38: Proper nouns (Days of the Week) pg 57FLL Lesson 40: Proper nouns (Months of the year), Oral usage: See/Saw/Seen, pg 59-60FLL Lesson 39: Addresses, Common and proper nouns (Aunts and uncles) pg 58
WritingContinue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 45- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Continue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 45- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingCheck Phonogram Assessments

Review all phonograms;

SF Week 11, Day 1, pg 1-3;

Introduce O alone as /ō/ (OPG L101)
Review all phonograms

SF Week 11, Day 2, pg 4-6; For detailed explanation of today's Manipulating Phonemes exercise, see Week 11, Day 1, pg 2-3

OPG Lesson 101: O alone as /ō/, pg 181; See below for important note on how to teach this lesson; Dictation: sold, most, both

Read "The Surprise" from "Frog and Toad All Year," allowing your child to read words they have learned to decode (see below); Orally narrate & discuss
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 11, Day 3, pg 7-9;

OPG Lesson 103: The Vowel Pair UE as /ū/, pg 183
Review all phonograms

SF Week 11, Day 4, pg 10-12;

OPG Lesson 102: Review of the Long-O Vowel Pairs and Patterns, pg 182;

Begin re-reading "The Surprise" from "Frog and Toad All Year," for fluency
Review all phonograms

SF Week 11, Day 5, pg 13-15;

Long Vowel Review Day (OPG pg 164, 170, 176-177, and 182); see below for details

Finish re-reading "The Surprise" from "Frog and Toad All Year," for fluency
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe
Read AloudRabbit Hill, pg 108-112Rabbit Hill, pg 113-117Rabbit Hill, pg 118-122Rabbit Hill, pg 123-127
HistorySpecial guest visitSotW Ch. 15: The Phoenicians, pg 123-127; orally narrate and discuss (questions below);

Journal sentence: The Phoenicians were famous for blown glass and purple dye.
ScienceG&B/A Lesson 6: Ants- Ant Farm Observation, Ants Around the World, Ant Anatomy Review, and Amazing Ants, pg 28-29; please see details below;

Journal sentence: Each ant has a special job that benefits the whole colony.
G&B/A Lesson 6: Ants- Mound Maze, pg 29; Read aloud: Are You an Ant?Arthropod Project Due 11/14
GeographyHorn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:7-21 KJV (ongoing);
New Testament books in order- Due 12/5
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 2 POEM; "Count Your Blessings," due 11/21
GEOGRAPHY: Horn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19
  *Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
EP- Singapore Math Extra Practice
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling teacher manual (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology 

Coming Soon:

Thursday, October 31- Historical Dress Up- students may dress in costume as a historical figure from their grade level history study. Details below.

Thursday, November 14- Spirit Day (no pizza)

Thursday, November 21- Spirit/pizza/DOGS day

Historical Dress Up- October 31st: Costumes must be in the theme of our historic studies this year, which will cover nomads through the beginning of Christianity (see SotW Chapters 1-37). Guidelines: No weapons, no gore, nothing scary, students need to be able to move and sit properly and use the restroom on their own. Have fun thinking of ideas. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Our students are being equipped with multiple strategies to add and subtract within 20. These are probably very different from how we learned as children! Nevertheless, they are powerful strategies that emphasize flexibility with numbers and operations. We want the students to have a strong conceptual understanding of math, not a just a procedural understanding.

Some students may find the first approach of subtracting from the 10 (HIG pg 72-73) confusing or uncomfortable.  If your child prefers the second approach of subtracting down to a "friendly" 10 (pg 74), that is also a great approach. We want to familiarize them with both strategies, but they will naturally gravitate toward using the one that makes the most sense to them. The ultimate objective of this lesson is to develop a strategy, outside of memorization, to subtract numbers that are not so friendly to subtract. Just be cognizant of the fact that even though a particular approach may seem confusing to you as an adult who learned a different way, your student very well may catch onto it and be able to use that strategy effectively. If you need any clarification on the different approaches, please reach out to me!

A note of explanation for MM 17:  
Keep in mind that this exercise is more about showing understanding of the strategy and less about finding the numerical answer to 12-10 (for example).  Use manipulatives liberally! 
Reference the first paragraph on HIG pg 72, especially the 10-frame diagram, for these problems. If the example of 15-7 on HIG pg 72 was on MM 17, it would read: 15-7=____ + 5, and your student would fill in 3 for the blank. 
Here's why: since we're starting with 15, we show that on a 10-frame as 10 and 5. We want to take away 7, but looking at the ones, we only have 5 of them, so we cannot take 7 from there. However, we CAN take 7 from the tens. We remove 7 from the full 10-frame, which leaves 3 there. In addition to those 3, we still have the 5 ones. So 15-7 is the same as 3 + 5.
Stated another way, build 15 on 10-frames as 10 and 5. "10 and 5" minus 7 is the same as "3 and 5."
Again, we are not trying to do algebra here. The idea is not for the student to figure out 15-7 by counting up and getting 8, then go to the other side of the equation and ask  "___+5 =8? Oh, the blank is 3." 
For those of you who are visual, this might help. These are the first two problems on MM17:

The Sounds First phonemic awareness curriculum generally gives detailed explanations of new exercises on Day 1 of the week they are introduced. Since your home assignments begin on Day 2, if you ever need more information on an exercise, flip back to Day 1 to see if they addressed it at the beginning of the week. 

Note for OPG L101: This week at home, you will be teaching OPG Lesson 101. Similar to OPG Lesson 96, Lesson 101 says that O alone is "disobedient." Disregard that! Instead, we teach the concept found in AAS (Lesson 19- we aren't there yet!) which is known as the "Find Gold" rule: I and O often say their long sound when followed by two consonants. We taught the students this rule for I, so they have heard it before, and will now add O along with I to the rule. 

Note for Long Vowel Review Day assignment: Ask your student to read the words from the OPG pages listed above. If they are having trouble with any of the vowel pairs or patterns we have covered so far, spend time today going back to those OPG lessons and practicing those types of words. If they are not having any trouble, encourage them to improve their fluency by reading more smoothly and naturally.

Keep reviewing all of those phonograms!  A good practice is to make the connection between the phonogram cards/flashcard practice and actual text your child can read. In "Frog and Toad," for example, take time to preview the upcoming paragraph and let your child point out the phonograms they know. Have them practice what sound they will make when they get to that word. 

Words from "The Surprise" that students should be able to decode, plus sight words (in parenthesis): It, (was), the, had, off, trees, they, on, will, go, to, Toad's, (said), Frog, rake, (of), that, (have), his, be, a, shed, these, run, ran, so, not, see, him, grass, came, is, he, who, got, home, pile, clean, up, leaf, wind, land, that, had, must, get, and, my, both, when, each, went, bed. 

Read Aloud: 
The students have enjoyed getting to know all of the little critters- and the Folks- who inhabit Rabbit Hill! For our next read aloud, we adventure to Africa in Quest for the Lost Prince. Get your copy ready for next week!

I'm noticing that some students are having trouble writing the correct phonograms when I say the sounds orally. Please make sure you're doing this exercise with them at home daily in addition to the reverse exercise: showing them the phonogram cards and asking them to say the sounds. 

Lessons 11 & 12 are really both reivewing the same spelling concept: the Soft C Rule (c spells /s/ before e, i, or y).  It is important to practice this rule in regard to Name Game (VCe) syllables as well as in initial blends, so I would like the students to practice and be familiar with the words in both lessons.

One quick corollary I will add is that if you've been having your student write the vowel, leave a space for the consonant, write the silent e, then go back and fill in the consonant (see Week 10 blog for full explanation), this upcoming lesson where they have to decide whether to use C or K for /k/ in a Name Game (VCe) syllable will be much easier.  

In addition to the new teaching that "we always use K in the middle of Name Game (VCe) syllables," you might find this chart helpful for recalling rules that tell us when to use C vs K in other spelling situations.

Take special note of the initial blends in skunk and skull, which your student might expect to be spelled with C rather than K. Skull is related to skeleton, so using K instead of C connects the meanings of those two words. Some think that the spelling of skunk is related to its original Native American roots, but there isn't a specific reason why K is used instead of C. It's just something students will need to remember!

Questions for discussion: Can you list the steps for making glass? Why do you think blown glass was the most expensive kind of glass? What shape would you like to make with blown glass? Why did Dido want to live close to the water? What was her clever trick for buying lots of land?
Journal sentence: The Phoenicians were famous for blown glass and purple dye.

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!" Proverbs 6:6 NIV

They are the most commonly found insect in the world... ants! This week we will take a closer look at these tiny but mighty insects. Scripture says we can learn from their ways. What did God want us to learn from ants, I wonder?

For the Ant Farm Observation section, setting up an actual ant farm is optional, but please do watch this video on YouTube and discuss the questions in the text. Pro tip- you can slow down or speed up YouTube playback speed as desired. For the Ant Anatomy review section, you do not need the student journal page. You may use pg 30 of the textbook and review the body parts that way. For the Amazing Ants section, you may simply show your student the pictures on pg 31 rather than removing the page from your textbook. Please skip the Mound Maze section on pg 29, as we will cover it in class.

Journal sentence: Each ant has a special job that benefits the whole colony.

Arthropod Project due 11/14


Memory Work:
Quarter 2 poem:  Count Your Blessings.  Due 11/21. 
Books of the New Testament, due 12/5.  Here is the song we practice with in class. 

1st Grade T/Th- Week 11- October 22-28

1st Grade
Week 11
Tue, Oct 22Wed, Oct 23Thu, Oct 24Fri, Oct 25Mon, Oct 28Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueFortitude- "Then David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He won’t leave you or abandon you until all the work for the service of the LORD’s house is finished." -1 Chron. 28:20
BibleGP Week 11, pg 166-169GP Week 11, pg 166 & 170-172GP Week 11, pg 173-175GP Week 11, pg 176-178GP Week 11, Optional Fun Day, pg 179-181Big Picture Question: What can stop God's plan? Nothing can stop God's perfect plan.
MathHIG pg 69, TB pg 65 #3 and #4, WB Ex 42 #1 and #2 pg 99-100Review HIG pg 69, review TB pg 65 #3 and #4, WB Ex 42 #3 pg 101;
MM14 for 10 min
HIG pg 70-71, TB pg 65 (#5) & pg 66 (#6), WB Ex 43 #1 and #2 pg 102-103Review HIG pg 70-71, Review TB pg 65 (#5) & pg 66 (#6), WB Ex 43 #3 pg 104;
MM15 for 10 min
Rainbow math facts/other math facts;

Extra Practice book pg 35-36

MM16- first 10 problems (allow your child to use counters and 10-frames as needed)

Parent, preview HIG pg 72-73 and MM17 for solid understanding for yourself in preparation for next week
*Any extra subtraction practice at home is beneficial!
SpellingLesson 9:
Review Sound Cards;

Review first job of silent e;

Dictate second three sentences on pg 97
Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Lesson 9:

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Use Party Hats activity (see Teacher's Manual pg 97) to review silent e words
Lesson 9 written assessmentLesson 10, Name Game Syllables:

Parent read pg 99;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 100-101

Student read first section of Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 1, pg 51 in activity book
Lesson 10:

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Review pg 100-101;

Student read second section of Word Bank for Name Game Syllables Part 1, pg 51 in activity book

Dictate Word Cards 51-60 in Spelling Journal;

Dictate first three sentences on pg 104 in journal
Check assessment from Thursday and add missed Word Cards to Review tab of card box; file Word Cards that your student has mastered in Mastered tab
GrammarFLL Lesson 33: Picture narration: "Master Bedroom," pg 48-49FLL Lesson 34: Proper nouns (Days of the week), pg 51FLL Lesson 35: "Days of the Week," Common and proper nouns, pg 52-53FLL Lesson 36: "The Hen and the Golden Eggs," pg 54-55
WritingScripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 43- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 43- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms;

SF Week 10, Day 1, pg 157-159;

Introduce The Vowel Pair OA as /ō/ (OPG L98)
Review all phonograms (add OA)

SF Week 10, Day 2, pg 160-162;

OPG Lesson 98: The Vowel Pair OA as /ō/, pg 178; Dictation: goal, toast. road;

Read "Ice Cream" from "Frog and Toad All Year," allowing your child to read words they have learned to decode (see below); Orally narrate & discuss
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 10, Day 3, pg 163-165;

Introduce The Vowel Pair OE as /ō/, Sight Word: shoe (OPG L100)
Review all phonograms (add OE);

SF Week 10, Day 4, pg 166-168;

OPG Lesson 100: The Vowel Pair OE as /ō/, Sight Word: shoe, pg 180; Dictation: foe, toe, Joe;

Begin re-reading "Ice Cream" from "Frog and Toad All Year" for fluency
Review all phonograms (add OW);

SF Week 10, Day 5, pg 169-171;

OPG Lesson 99: The Vowel Pair OW as /ō/, Sight Word: was, pg 179; Dictation: own, snow, bowl

Finish re-reading "Ice Cream" from "Frog and Toad All Year" for fluency

Phonogram Assessments #2 and #3: Administer, mark, and leave behind Language Arts tab for Tuesday, 10/29 (Erase prior markings on assessments before starting)
Add sight word "shoe" to Review box; All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe
Read AloudRabbit Hill, pg 88-92Rabbit Hill, pg 93-97Rabbit Hill, pg 98-102Rabbit Hill, pg 103-107
HistorySotW Ch. 13 pg 110-113: King Tut; Mask of King Tut artSotW Ch. 14: The Isrealites Leave Egypt, pg 115-120;

Journal sentences: God sent ten plagues and parted the Red Sea. Moses led the Isrealites to freedom.
ScienceG&B/A Lesson 5: Butterflies- Local Butterflies, pg 25; Research butterflies common to our area; choose one and write common name, one fact, and an illustration on paper (not Science journal); share in class tomorrow

(The textbook says "optional," but all students should complete this assignment)
G&B/A Lesson 5: Butterflies- Monarch migration, pg 24-25

Students share local butterfly research;

Predict & journal: Where will our butterflies fly?
Arthropod Project- Due 11/14
GeographyHorn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:7-21 KJV (ongoing);
New Testament books in order- Due 12/5
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 2 POEM; "Count Your Blessings," due 11/21
GEOGRAPHY: Horn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/19
*Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
EP- Singapore Math Extra Practice
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling teacher manual (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology 

Coming Soon:

Tuesday, October 22- Picture retakes

Thursday, October 24- Spirit/pizza/DOGS day

Friday, October 25- Fortis Fall Fest

Thursday, October 31- Historical Dress Up- students may dress in costume as a historical figure from their grade level history study. Details below.

Historical Dress Up- October 31st: Costumes must be in the theme of our historic studies this year, which will cover nomads through the beginning of Christianity (see SotW Chapters 1-37). Guidelines: No weapons, no gore, nothing scary, students need to be able to move and sit properly and use the restroom on their own. Have fun thinking of ideas. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

The goal this week is for students to understand the information that a two-digit number is giving them and then utilize that information to solve a problem. We do not want the 
students just to think that 16 is a 1 and a 6 side-by-side, but to automatically decompose the number so that it gives them meaningful information- namely, that there is one group of 10 and 6 more ones. Using that knowledge, they can then add some more ones to the group of ones, or take some ones away from the group of ones. Though it is tempting for students to rely on counting (whether they prefer to count hash marks, fingers, pictures, etc), that approach is quickly becoming inefficient. Thinking in terms of place value is an important switch that must be made in 1st grade. 

Remember, you can always have your student go back and fill in any pages prior to the ones assigned in the Extra Practice book.

Note that OPG lessons are intentionally assigned out of order this week, and that we have already taught the rule breaker "was" with a previous lesson. 

Please administer Phonogram Assessments 2 & 3 at the end of this week. You'll want to erase the previous markings on Assessment 2 before you do it again for this round. I'll look for both assessments behind the Language Arts tab on Tuesday, 10/29.  

I hope your child is thrilled with how many words they can read in "Frog and Toad!" Decodable words (sight words in parentheses) for "Ice Cream" this week: hot, day, I, wish, we, had, sweet, ice, cream, (said), Frog, Toad, wait, will, be, back, went, (to), the, he, (two), big, cones, (of), likes, best, and, so, (do), path, soft, drop, his, this, in, sun, drops, melting, they, fell, on,  must, back, (was), it, pants, feet, cannot, see, sat, by, pond, waiting, ran, just, big, with, sticks, way, thing, rabbit, run, life, can, be, hid, rock, that, came, up, drat, mind, (do), then, shade, tree. 

This week we will teach students the Name Game (also known as VCe) syllable type. Going forward, they should be able to both read and spell Name Game syllables, including in two-syllable words. 
Students will be introduced to reading from a word bank in Lesson 10. AAS includes word banks so that students can familiarize themselves with the correct spellings of words. This is important because although there are rules and generalizations that can help students spell the majority of words, there is not a specific rule for every spelling. For example, they just need to know that the word "game" is spelled game and not gaim. This comes through familiarity with words in print. Make sure your student reads the word bank across the page from left to right as they always do when reading. 

SotW Ch. 14 questions for disucssion: Why was the pharaoh of Egypt afraid of the Isrealites? What was the turning point for baby Moses? Why do you think God chose to save Moses and let him live in the pharoah's house? How did God show He was the one true God?
Journal sentences: God sent ten plagues and parted the Red Sea. Moses led the Isrealites to freedom. 

Students will be researching butterflies in our area (with your help) and the sharing what they learned with us in class on Thursday. They will turn in their research, so please make sure they include their name and use a sheet of paper that is separate from their Science journal. The fact that they choose to share will also need to be written in a complete sentence with correct spelling and punctuation.

Arthropod Project Due 11/14

Horn of Africa and East Africa Due 11/19

Memory Work:
Quarter 2 poem:  Count Your Blessings.  Due 11/21. 
Books of the New Testament, due 12/5.  Here is the song we practice with in class. Your child is free to learn the books with this song or another song they may perhaps already know. 

1st Grade T/Th- Week 10- October 15-21

1st Grade
Week 10
Tue, Oct 15Wed, Oct 16Thu, Oct 17Fri, Oct 18Mon, Oct 21Co-Teacher Notes
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fortitude- "Then David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He won’t leave you or abandon you until all the work for the service of the LORD’s house is finished." -1 Chron. 28:20
BibleGP Week 10, pg 150-153GP Week 10, pg 150 & 154-156GP Week 10, pg 157-159GP Week 10, pg 160-162; Optional: Fun Day, pg 163-164Big Picture Question: What can stop God's plan? Nothing can stop God's perfect plan.
MathHIG pg 59 Reinforcement;

HIG pg 60- Repeat the teaching activity several times using different objects around your home (erasers, legos, cheerios, M&M's, etc). Make sure your child can easily separate the items into a group of 10 with some left over, write the corresponding number bond and write the corresponding addition sentence
HIG pg 66-67, TB pg 62-63; WB Ex 40 pg 95-96Review HIG pg 66-67 (Skip "Reinforcement" except for equations at the bottom of pg 67), TB pg 64 (note: complete task 2 problems across each row rather than down each column), WB Ex 41 pg 97 only; MM12 for 10 minutesHIG pg 68: introduce doubles flash cards (appendix a19-a21) & play one of the games, TB n/a, WB Ex 41 pg 98 only;
MM13 for 10 min
Math has gotten more complex now, so we have slowed our pace to spend multiple days on each lesson. Use the time on home days making sure these fundamental concepts really sink in deep.
SpellingLesson 7 and 8:

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Use letter tiles to teach "Divide Words into Syllables" section on bottom of pg 90;

Dictate first three sentences on pg 91 in Spelling journal

Optional: Play Code, Roll and Read worksheet game (glued into student's Spelling Journal) to practice syllable division rules
Lesson 7 & 8 written assessmentLesson 9, First Job of Silent E:

Parent read pg 93;

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Review previous concept, pg 94;

Use letter tiles for New Teaching, pg 94-95
Lesson 9:

Review a selection of Sound, Rule, and Word Cards from your card box;

Review pg 94-95;

Dictate Word Cards 41-50 in Spelling Journal;

Dictate first three sentences on pg 97 in journal
Check assessment from Thursday and add missed Word Cards to Review tab of card box; file Word Cards that your student has mastered in Mastered tab
GrammarFLL Lesson 30: Common and proper nouns, pg 44FLL Lesson 31: Common nouns (Living things), Oral usage: was/were, pg 45-46FLL Lesson 32: Common and proper nouns (Family relationships and living things), pg 47
WritingCopybook pg 41- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Continue Scripture or poem copyworkCopybook pg 41- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview phonograms;

SF Week 9, Day 1, pg 141-144;

OPG Lesson 96: I alone as /ī/, pg 174-175 (skip review story at the top of pg 174), **see important note below about how to teach this lesson**; Dictation: rind, find, kind;

Read "The Corner" from "Frog and Toad All Year," orally narrate and discuss
Review phonograms;

SF Week 9, Day 2, pg 145-147;

Review I alone as /ī/ (OPG L96)
Review phonograms;

SF Week 9, Day 3, pg 148-150;

OPG Lesson 97: Review of Long-I Vowel Pairs and Patterns, Sight word: buy, pg 176-177;

Begin re-reading "The Corner" from "Frog and Toad All Year" for fluency
Review phonograms;

SF Week 9, Day 4, pg 151-153;

OPG Lesson 97 Follow-Up, pg 177;

Read decodable passage "Nile and the Bike Ride" (sent home in your child's folder), discuss questions;

Finish re-reading "The Corner" from "Frog and Toad All Year"
Remember to review phonograms cumulatively- don't neglect older phonograms while also practicing the new!

Add sight word "buy" to Review box; All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy
Read AloudRabbit Hill, pg 75-78Rabbit Hill, pg 79-82Rabbit Hill, pg 83-87
HistorySotW Ch 13- New Kingdom of Egypt, pg 105-110; Discussion questions below.

Journal sentence: Many pharoahs kept the New Kingdom of Egypt strong.
We will cover the part of Ch 13 that talks about King Tut in class next week, so your home assignment is only part of the chapter and ends on pg 110
ScienceG&B/A Lesson 5: Butterflies- Butterfly Life Cycle pg 23-24;

Student draws life cycle stages on page that has been glued into journal
G&B/A Lesson 5: Butterflies

Read aloud: "From Caterpillar to Butterfly," "Bob and Otto"

Recreate life cycle using play dough

Predict what could happen if part of the cycle was interrupted
Arthropod Project due 11/14

Presentation Guidelines- click here

Arthropod Observation form- click here
GeographyNorthern Africa & Northern Central Africa Maps Due tomorrowNorthern Africa & Northern Central Africa Assessment

Introduce Horn of Africa & East Africa - Due 11/19
Horn of Africa & East Africa Songs- Due 11/19
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:7-21 KJV (ongoing);
New Testament books in order- Due 12/5
MATH: Fact Flashcards (Ongoing)
GEOGRAPHY: Northern Africa & Northern Central Africa- Due 10/17- this week!
Horn of Africa & East Africa- Due 11/19
QUARTER 2 POEM: "Count Your Blessings"- Due 11/21

*Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
EP- Singapore Math Extra Practice
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling teacher manual (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology 

Coming Soon:

Tuesday, October 15- Teacher/Co-Teacher conferences; no class for students

Tuesday, October 22- Picture retakes

Thursday, October 24- Spirit/pizza/DOGS day

Friday, October 25- Fortis Fall Fest (more info to come!)

Thursday, October 31- Historical Dress Up- students may dress in costume as a historical figure from their grade level history study. Details below.

Historical Dress Up- October 31st: Costumes must be in the theme of our history studies this year, which will cover nomads through the beginning of Christianity (see SotW Chapters 1-37). Guidelines: No weapons, no gore, nothing scary, students need to be able to move and sit properly and use the restroom on their own. Have fun thinking of ideas. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Dearest Parents,
You are raising up the next generation of teachers, missionaries, pastors, businessmen and women, doctors, parents and maybe even politicians. In whatever they do, may they always maintain their desire to share the truth of God's redemption plan with those He places into their spheres of influence!

You have my love and support,
Mrs. Kuhn

Math is more complex this week, so we will slow our pace and spend several days on each lesson. Spend time each home day making sure these fundamental concepts really sink in deep. The concept of making a 10 to add is foundational for the entire rest of 1st grade (and beyond!). We will learn it now with sums up to 20, but we will revisit it again later for sums to 40 and eventually sums to 100. It is essential that your student understands this concept rather than relying on counting fingers/hash marks/etc to add.
If your child struggles because they're not yet solid in parts of 10, build in review time for this.  If after giving it your all, they're still struggling, don't panic!  Keep cheerfully plugging away, building in review as you're able, but never frustrate your student with more than an hour/day of math.  Bear in mind that we have some 'fluffy' concepts coming up at the end of this semester that will allow time at home for continued review of these more detailed concepts.

I have seen gains in everyone's reading from the beginning of the year!  This is just one of the reasons first grade is so exciting and definitely #1 in my book!

**Important note about OPG Lesson 96** 
This lesson states that the letter I alone is "disobedient" in words that end in "nd" or "ld." However, we will teach this lesson according to AAS Rule Card 11 (The Find Gold Rule), which says "I and O often say their long sound when followed by...two consonants." We won't teach this rule in AAS for several weeks yet, but there is no reason to teach something incorrectly now, only to have to correct it later! So for now, please disregard the entire 2nd half of the Instructor paragraph on pg 174, starting where it says "There are certain words that don't follow either pattern." Rather, teach your child that the letter I followed by two consonants often says it's long sound.

The decodable passage "Nile and the Bike Ride" has several multisyllabe words (a compound word and several VCCV words) for your child to practice syllable division rules from AAS. Before they begin reading, you may want to preview these words with your student, asking them to divide the syllables and mark the vowel sounds. The discussion questions on the bottom of the page can aid your child's oral narration, but they do not need to be answered in writing or turned in.

Encourage your child to read words that they should be able to decode in "The Corner" from Frog and Toad All Year (sight words are in parentheses): Frog, and, in, the, rain, they, ran, (to), Frog's, I, am, wet, (said) day, is, (have), tea, cake, will, stop, if, stand, stove, be, dry, tell, while, we, waiting, when, (was), not, much, than, my, me, this, gray, but, spring, just, went, find, that, path, in, until, came, see, on, side,(was), it, no, pine, tree, three, grass, did, an, stump, mud, his, tail, home, got, go, (too), sun, yes. 

If your child has trouble remembering to add the e at the end when spelling silent e words, try having them include it when they write the vowel sound instead. For example, to spell "made," instruct them to spell the sound /m/. They would write "m." Then ask them to spell the sound /ā/, and have them write "a_e" leaving a space between the a and the e (writing the line is not necessary, but if it helps your child to include it, that's fine). This shows that the silent e is needed to spell /ā/ in this word. Then ask them to spell the sound /d/, and they would write the "d" in the space they left between a and e. This is how I model spelling silent e (VCe) words in class. 

Sometimes students want to use a vowel team to spell the long vowel sounds in this lesson since we have been practicing reading vowel teams. If your child does that, remind them that right now we are practicing spelling silent e words, so we won't use any vowel teams for these words. Unfortunately, oftentimes there aren't specific spelling rules that dictate when to use silent E vs a vowel team, so familiarity with reading and writing the words is the only way to learn. This week, it's perfectly fine to say "You just need to remember this is a silent e word" if they press you about why.  

We are full swing into our butterfly study! The children are going to continue observing, collecting data, and journaling about what they're seeing with our caterpillars. This week our main focus is the life cycle, how God designed each part, and how He provides just what the butterfly needs through each stage of its life. What a great reminder that God is in the details! If He cares about the intricacies of each individual insect species, imagine how great a love He has for us who are called to an intimate relationship with Him! 

Journal entry: student draws life cycle stages on the paper that has been glued into their journal
Questions for discussion: Why did Hatshepsut choose to pretend to be a man? Do you agree with her choice?
What was different about Amenhotep than other Egyptians? Why do you think he worshiped the sun god instead of the true God?
Journal sentence: Many pharoahs kept the New Kingdom of Egypt strong.

I will be assessing the Northern Africa and Northern Central Africa map and songs on Thursday, 10/17. 

Memory Work:
We've begun learning our Quarter 2 poem, "Count Your Blessings." Click here for a version of the melody you can use to practice at home (our poem only contains the first and fourth verses and the chorus). Due 11/21

We're also beginning to learn the books of the Bible in order, beginning with the New Testament (we will go back and do the Old Testament after Christmas). Here is the song we practice with in class. Your child is free to learn the books with that song or another song they may perhaps already know. Due 12/5