1st Grade T/Th- Week 26- March 6-10


1st Grade
Week 26
3/6/20233/7/20233/8/20233/9/20233/10/2023Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtuePunctuality- "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." Philippians 2:3-4 KJV
BibleGP Week 7, Optional Fun Day, pg 115-116GP Week 8, pg 118-121GP Week 8, pg 118 & 122-124GP Week 8, pg 125-127GP Week 8, pg 128-130GP Week 8, Optional Fun Day, pg 131-132Big Picture Question: How does God accomplish His plan? God uses people for His glory and our good.
MathPractice Packet (sent home on Thursday) pg 1, 3, and 4

MM 6: one-minute timed drill; return to school on Tuesday
Review 2/3Look over Review 2/3 from yesterday; reinforce concepts that were missed

Practice Packet pg 2 and 5; return completed packet tomorrow
HIG pg 55-56; TB pg 54 (red apples at top only) and pg 55, & Tasks 1-3 pg 57-58; WB Exercises 37-38 pg 91-94Parent read HIG pg 55; HIG pg 57; TB pg 54 (green apples at bottom only) and 56, & Tasks 4-6 pg 58-59; WB Ex 39, pg 95-96 & Ex 40 #4 only, pg 98

MM 17 (first 10 problems)

MM timed drill (return to school on Tuesday after the break)
Reinforcement activities on HIG pg 56 and 57 (note: these are subtly different activities)

MM 17 (last 10 problems)
Optional but RECOMMENDED over Spring Break: Extra Practice pg 69 (sent home in student's binder)
SpellingReview Step 20 AAS pg 99-104; Dictate Sentences 1-3 AAS pg 104Dictate sentences 4-6 AAS pg 104Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Prepare for test tomorrow on Step 20
Step 20 AssessmentAAS Break

Spelling Bee practice! (see below)
Check test from Thurs & add missed words to Review portion of card box
GrammarFLL Lesson 89: Dates, pg 146FLL Lesson 90: Seasons, Use of "I," Copywork: "In the spring I...", pg 147-148FLL Lesson 91: Story-poem narration: "Sunflowers," pg 149-150No assignment today; feel free to review any prior lessons
WritingScripture or poetry copy workCopybook pg 73 - Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Scripture or poetry copy workCopybook pg 73 - Proof/ Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms (add AUGH);

SF Week 23, Day 5, pg 156-157;

Re-read OPG L135 and L136, pg 222-223

Read SPIRE reader
Helpful Pals
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 24, Day 1, pg 158-159

Review The Silent Letter Pair GH: IGH, EIGH, AIGH, AUGH (OPG L137)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 24, Day 2, pg 160-161;

OPG L138: Review the Vowel Pair OU, pg 225;

"A Man Made Strong by God" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 139-145 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 24, Day 3, pg 162-163;

Introduce The Silent Letter Pair GH: OUGH as /o͞o/ or /ou/ (OPG L139)
Review all phonograms (add OUGH);

SF Week 24, Day 4, pg 164-165;

OPG L140: The Silent Letter Pair GH: OUGH as /ô/ and /ō/, pg 227; Dictation: ought, fought, though, dough

"A New Family" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 147-153 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 24, Day 5, pg 166-167;

Re-read OPG L139 and L140, pg 226-227

Decodable book
"Meg and Jim's Sled Trip (Companion)" from Flyleaf Publishing
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe, could, would, should. one, once, build, built

Click here for a link to sight word flash cards
Read AloudGreek Myths for young children pg 24-25, "The Nine-Headed Hydra"Greek Myths for young children pg 25-27, "The Stag with Golden Antlers"Greek Myths for young children pg 28-30, "The Huge Wild Boar"Greek Myths for young children pg 30-31, "The Augean Stables"
HistorySotW Ch 29: Rome's War with Carthage; Journal Entry: Which animal would you choose to fight against Rome?SotW Ch 31: The Mauryan Empire of India, pg 233-238 revised/pg 241-246 original; see below for discussion questions; Journal sentence: Asoka gave up violence and sought to be kind.
ScienceG&B/MB Lesson 9- Fish pg 78-79G&B/MB Lesson 9- Fish pg 80; Read aloud The Rainbow Fish
GeographySouthern Africa Map & Song Due 4/13
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing);
Books of the Old Testament Psalms - Malachi in order - Due 4/27
MATH: Fact Flashcards (Ongoing)
QUARTER 4 POEM: Rock of Ages- Due 5/2
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Africa - Due 4/13
* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology (click here for textbook)


Thursday, March 9- Spirit Day- Fortis shirts with jeans or shorts may be worn

March 13-17- Spring Break

Friday, April 7- Good Friday- no school

Tuesday, April 11- Easter holiday observed- no school
(note, you will still have home day assignments on Monday, April 10. Of course, you may choose to complete them any time before Thursday, April 13)

 Dear Parents,
We have officially begun our last quarter of the year! There is always a temptation after Spring Break to start winding down our efforts before we've actually reached the finish line. I encourage you to take time to rest and refresh over the break and then be ready to take on the next few weeks with determination and purpose! 

This week we introduce the concept of division as sharing and grouping. At this level, we will not use the division sign or write division equations. 

Play some fun math fact games over Spring Break to keep those facts fresh! Students love playing War (face cards removed, except for the ace which equals 1). Turn over two cards per turn and add them together for the total; whoever has a higher total wins the cards. This is a great way to practice subtraction facts as well (subtract the smaller number from the larger number).

Shut the Box is another fantastic game for addition facts within 12. Players roll two dice and add the numbers. Then they must decide which numbers on the board between 1-12 they can use to make that sum. Even the teenagers in my house enjoy this game! 

Extra Practice pg 69 is optional- but recommended!- to complete over the break. Solving a couple of problems each day will help the students keep their skills sharp! 

Flashcard Games for math facts (or phonograms!)

Overall, I'm thrilled with the reading progress this year. It's so fun to witness!

This week we will begin teaching the phonogram with the most sounds- OUGH, with a whopping 6 sounds! It is a fun one to practice because all the various sounds are reminiscent of a boxing match. Give your child plenty of repetition with these words as we go through the lessons, and be sure to explain the meaning of any words they don't know.

Review lessons your child might need to read again using their 3rd Quarter OPG assessment as a guide.

Keep reading over Spring Break!! 

Decodable words in "A Man Made Strong by God" (sight words in parenthesis): A, man, made, strong, by, God, (was), the, man, (of), all, had, him, that, way, so, that, he, did, it, with, his, hands, some, to, kill, they, not, like, but, too, strong, for, them, then, bad, things, that, please, and, (said), now, will, be, took, (could), stop, see, sad, had, much, (what), do, you, think, (should), (have)

Decodable words in "A New Family" (sight words in parenthesis): A, new, I, am, home, (said), back, to, my, things, had, sons, now, she, go, will, with, you, so, went, in, new, (was), no, (one), get, food, for, and, look, day, saw, good, man, his, name, may, be, she, (have), take, (of), me, he, love, too, time, boy, they

After our Step 20 Test on Thursday, we'll take a short break from new AAS lessons for a review week. On Thursday, March 23rd, we'll have a fun and friendly Spelling Bee! We will have 10 rounds where all the students will spell (in writing) the word from each round. Whoever spells the most words correctly will be the winner!  All the words from Step 2 through Step 20 are fair game! This should be a fun activity for the kids.

Southern Africa Map and Song will be due 4/13. Students should be able to point to each country as they sing/recite the names. This is the final remaining part of Africa that we have yet to memorize!

Discussion questions for SotW Chapter 31: What caused Emperor Asoka to change his mind about fighting with an army? What other changes did he make? Do you agree with the hare's decision to offer himself as food? Read 2 Corinthians 9:13 and discuss why it is important for followers of Christ to be generous.
Journal sentence: Asoka gave up violence and sought to be kind. 

Reminder: This semester's at-home project will allow students to tap into their inner entrepreneur as they set up shop in a recreation of the central Greek gathering place and marketplace, the Agora. Students will create a product they wish to sell, a price point, and a sales pitch to entice their friends to visit their stall in the marketplace. Fortis students from other grades will be "window shopping" in our Agora before we buy and sell amongst our class (currency provided)! Project guidelines can also be found here. This project will be presented by the students on April 25th. They are encouraged to wear Greek attire/costume to school that day to lend authenticity to their project. 

Field Trip to Austin Aquarium! 

We’ve been discovering so much about the interesting, beautiful, and sometimes mysterious life that flourishes under the sea. Now we are going to get up close and hands-on by taking a trip to the Austin Aquarium! We’ll get to interact with sharks, stingrays, sea jellies, octopuses, birds, reptiles, amphibians, tropical and cold water fish, and more!


Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

Depart Fortis 10:20am

Return to Fortis between 1:00-1:30pm

Cost: $6.95 students, $8.95 parent chaperones (siblings age 3 or older attending with a parent chaperone, $8.95)

Payment and registration due by April 11th

(You will receive an email with an online permission slip and payment form to fill out)

I will need parents to help transport students, so if you are able to drive, please let me know!
Also, indicate that you can be a driver on the permission slip form.

We will bring sack lunches to eat at the picnic area inside the aquarium after our tour

This week's journal sentence: Fish have scales, fins, gills, and eyes, but no eyelids.

Memory Work:
Quarter 4 poem: Rock of Ages will be due 5/2. In addition to the title, I would like the students to recite, "Written in 1763 by Reverend Toplady" before they begin reciting the poem. This final poem of the year is long with lots of unfamiliar phrasing that we will try to cover in class. However, students will definitely need to practice early and often at home in order to perfect this piece for presentation. Here is a link to the song that we practice in class. This artist does substitute "commands" for "demands" in the 2nd stanza, so I will accept either of those words as correct. 

Books of the Old Testament: Psalms - Malachi due 4/27. When we finish this section, we'll have memorized the order of all the books in the entire Bible! Here is a link to the song we practice in class. As always, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.