* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *
Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology (click here for textbook)
Tuesday, January 17-No MLK Jr Day- school is IN SESSION
Thursday, January 26- Spirit/Pizza/DOGS Day
**Dear Faithful Parents**
There is much to consider right now with registration starting for next year. The Lord continues to bless our beloved academy with improvements and amazing opportunities. I pray that you've found our class this year to be a caring, loving place where your child has grown academically as well as in virtue. If you have any questions or concerns regarding registration for next year please let me know and I will be happy to help in any way I can.
~Love, Mrs. Kuhn
Please note on Friday's assignment, students are not expected to decode number words, so you can essentially skip HIG pg 17. Spend time reviewing the concepts on TB pg 19-22. Go ahead and point out the number words while you're at it, but you don't need to emphasize reading them. For the WB Exercises, read the number words to your student, and make sure to articulate that we say (and write) the tens first, then the ones.
Looking ahead and seeing 2nd grade approaching in the distance, students that know their math facts fluently are going to have the easiest transition and the greatest success! Here are some ideas for flash card games for math facts (and phonograms, too).
As you continue practicing math facts at home, we will begin doing low pressure one-minute timed drills in class this semester. We will start with addition facts through ten, and eventually move to subtraction facts through 10 as well. We will drill on the same Mental Math section all week at school. Then I will send the same one home on Thursday for you to do with them on Monday and return to school the next day, Tuesday. I'll be encouraging them to do their best, and challenging them to beat their prior speed by just one problem each time.
Remember, stories from "The Early Reader's Bible" are not intended to be read independently by your student, as we have not taught them how to decode all of the words yet. Check the list below for words they should be able to decode and have them read those words (or recall the sight word), while you read the other words in the story.
Decodable words from "A Time to Say Thank You" (sight words in parenthesis): A, time, to, say, you, all, but, and, his, did, not, get, God, had, make, big, boat, he, take, too, (was), (of), them, they, in, the, days, day, it, we, must, us, (said), made, see, will, tell, my, send
Decodable words from "A Promise for Abraham" (sight words in parenthesis): A, and, God, they, to, please, too, gave, them, good, things, but, (was), did, not, (have), (said), to, try, the, (could), all, will, day, be, big, time, had, he, do, us, this, name, we, call, him, with, too
Students will read a decodable book called "Bad Luck?" on Friday (click on link in the chart). This should be easy for them to decode, so work with them on fluency: accuracy, speed, natural tone, and expression.
We've been enjoying our new read aloud, "Jimmy Skunk," and have had especially interesting conversations debating whether the Imp of Mischief is a physical character or more of an imaginary figure. Your bright students bring wonderful insights into the discussion!
Step 14 brings us to the "Find Gold" rule and Key Card #8. We have learned to decode words using this "rule," (really a generality) in OPG. Make sure your student understands that this rule requires two consonants after the i or the o for the vowel to make its long sound.
West Africa Due 1/26; There are 16 countries in West Africa, and many of them are small and hard to pinpoint on our map. For this assessment, then, I would like the students to focus on learning the names of all the countries in the song and be able to sing or say them in front of the class. Pointing to the countries will be optional for this map.
In class this week we will take the opportunity to do a quick overview of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and discuss his dream that everyone would be judged by the quality of their character. At home, you'll continue with Story of the World Ch. 22, where the students will notice some interesting contrasts between the educational goals of the Spartans vs the Athenians!
In class this week we will take the opportunity to do a quick overview of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and discuss his dream that everyone would be judged by the quality of their character. At home, you'll continue with Story of the World Ch. 22, where the students will notice some interesting contrasts between the educational goals of the Spartans vs the Athenians!
Questions for discussion: How were Greeks different than Persians? What did boys learn in school in Sparta? Can you give an example? Why do you think fighters were so important to ancient Spartans? Compare schooling in Athens to schooling in Sparta. How did Athenians decide on new laws? Why did Plato say it was important for people to be educated? What was the most important thing for Athenians to learn?
Journal sentences: Spartans were fierce warriors. Athenians were scholars.
Journal sentences: Spartans were fierce warriors. Athenians were scholars.
Lesson 3 of our new Marine Biology unit discusses tides and intertidal zones. We can see the faithfulness of our God even in the consistency of high tides and low tides, twice each day, every day.
Journal Sentence: Many sea creatures live in tide pools as a way to hide and survive.
Memory Work:
Quarter 3 poem: A Child's Prayer will be due 2/23. This poem is a great starting point for a dialogue with our Heavenly Father, and a sweet reminder of His gentle care
Books of the Old Testament: Genesis- Job due 2/28. Here is a link to the song we practice in class. The Old Testament will take the rest of the school year to master. This quarter we will focus on Genesis through Job. As always, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.