1st Grade T/Th- Week 31- April 18-22

1st Grade
Week 31
4/18/20224/19/20224/20/20224/21/20224/22/2022Co-Teacher Notes
Teacher Training - No School
Forgiveness- “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." Matthew 6:9-13
BibleKids of Integrity - Easter - Picnic 8: Sad isn't bad pg 18-19

Optional: Kids of Integrity - Easter - Picnic 9: Shining like Jesus pg 19-22
GP Week 10, Monday, pg 150-153GP Week 10, Tuesday, pg 150 & 154-156GP Week 10, Wednesday, pg 157-159
MathParent read HIG pg 78-79, Make sure your child is proficient at recalling or calculating the math facts on HIG pg 79;
HIG pg 81-82; TB pg78 #2; WB Ex 58 pg 136-137; MM 18 (first 10 problems)

No one-minute drill this week
HIG pg 83; TB pg 79-80; WB Ex 59-60 pg 138-141; MM 18 (last 10 problems)HIG pg 84-85; TB pg 81; WB Ex 61 pg 142-143Parent read HIG pg 86-87, Make sure your child is proficient at recalling or calculating the math facts on HIG pg 87;

Do MM21 (first 10 problems) before you begin today's new lesson;

HIG pg 88; TB pg 82-83 Task #1; WB Exercise 62 pg 144-145;
Use additional problems from MM 18-22 as needed for extra practice
SpellingTeach Step 24 AAS pg 119-123 on board first, then in journal;

Dictate Sentences 1-3 AAS pg 123
Dictate sentences 4-6 AAS pg 123;

Prepare for test tomorrow on words #211-220 on AAS pg 122 and sentence #3 pg 123
Step 24 Test on words #211-220 on AAS pg 122 and sentence #3 pg 123Teach Step 25 AAS pg 125-129 with board first, then in journal
GrammarFLL Lesson 96 Enrichment Activity, pg 159; note: parent read sentence, student repeat sentence with expressionFLL Lesson 43 Copywork, pg 68; have your student write one common and one proper noun for each sectionReview FLL Lesson 50, pg 77-78 orally, specifically the definition of a prounoun and all of the pronouns
WritingCopybook pg 82 - Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Copybook pg 83- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 84- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.
ReadingReview all phonograms;

OPG L152: The Silent Letter U After G, pg 239-240; Dictation: guide, guest (explicitly tell your student to use GU for the /g/ in these words)

"A New Room" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 211-217 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

OPG L153: Silent Letter Review, pg 241;

"God Helps a Sick Man" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 219-225 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Grade 2, Week 5, Day 1

OPG L154: R-Changed Vowels: AR as /är/, pg 242-243
Review all phonograms (Add AR);

OPG L155: R-Changed Vowels: AR as /är/, pg 244-245 (NOTE- skip pg 244 and start with the AR words on the top of pg 245); Dictation: harm, barn, chart

"Money to Fix God's House" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 227-233 (see decodable words below)
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe, was, could, would, should. said, one, once, build, built, laugh, what, does, gone

Click here for a link to sight word flash cards
Read AloudGreek Myths for young children pg 73-76, "King Midas"Cleopatra pg 1-4Cleopatra pg 5-6Cleopatra pg 7-10
HistorySotW Ch. 35 (part 2)- Caesar the Hero (Caesar and Cleopatra, The Death of Caesar), pg 279-284; Discussion questions below; Journal sentence: Caesar was killed by the senators in 44BC.SotW Ch. 36- The First Roman Prince, pg 285-287; discussion questions below; Journal sentence: Augustus Caesar became Rome's "First Citizen."
ScienceG&B/MB Lesson 13- Marine Birds and Animal Report, pg 120-121 (skip Animal Reports until next week)G&B/MB Lesson 13- Marine birds (puffins)
GeographyReview All African countriesClick here for an interactive online practice map
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Romans 12:1-12 NIV (ongoing);
Books of the Old Testament Psalms - Malachi in order - Due 4/28
MATH: Fact Flashcards (Ongoing)
QUARTER 4 POEM: Rock of Ages- Due 5/3

* Note- anything underlined in the table above or highlighted below is a link *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology

COMING SOON...                                      

Tuesday, April 19- Teacher training- No School

Friday-Sunday, April 22-24- Fortis Family Spring Camping

Tuesday, April 26- Greek Agora Project due

Thursday, April 28- Final DOGS/Spirit/Pizza day

Thursday, May 12- Last day of school

Dear Families,

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend celebrating our precious Savior and His victory over sin, death, and the grave! 

“Where, O death, is your victory?
 Where, O death, is your sting?” 
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
-1 Cor. 15:55-57


Remember that the concrete step, using hands-on manipulatives, is absolutely essential. It can be easy to gloss over in a rush to get to the "real" math work, but just as physical concrete hardents to form a solid foundation or pathway, so this step makes solid connections in your student's brain.

Flashcard Games for math facts (or phonograms!)

We begin a new read aloud, "Cleopatra," by Diane Stanley this week. Its rich text and vocabulary might be a  challenge for the students, so be sure to have them orally narrate after you read to them each day. Since this book does not have page numbers, consider the first page of the story which starts with, "Cleopatra VII was eighteen years old when she became Queen of Egypt..." as page 1, and the picture on the opposite page as page 2.

Decodable words in "A New Room" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): A, new, room, please, eat, with, us, when, you, come, this, way, man, and, told, God, so, we, want, (to), help, (could), not, the, did, but, they, (give), him, help, do, (was), with, them, he, knew, as, much, (one), day, had, come, with, me, she, (said), took, made, this, stay, it, (was), place, thank, you, put, good, things, in, the, that 

Decodable words in "God Helps a Sick Man" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): went, (to), see, a, (friend), with, him, (was), sick, had, help, he, did, not, talk, tell, wash, in, (the), told, (do), big, want, wash, so, stop, (said), (what), back, and, you, think, God, made, well, his

Decodable words in "Money to Fix God's House" from the Early Reader's Bible (sight words in parenthesis): King, God, he, his, (to), love, too, go, house, but, (was), not, the, it, (should), be, did, not, take, good, (of), it, we, must, fix, (said), (have), (do), that, put, a, big, box, by, soon, had, they, (could), help, is, (what), be

Phonogram Game Ideas   
Practice App

Custom Handwriting Practice Sheets   

Since we have successfully learned the names of each African country, now students can use this interactive online map to review all the countries of Africa (check the box for "voice," to have the country names read out loud). Have the maps and songs ready to help them as they play!

There are two assignments for History this week due to the days off from school causing a shift in the schedule. 

Here are some questions for discussion as you teach SotW Ch 35 part 2:  Why did Cleopatra and her brother argue constantly? How did Cleopatra "solve" the problem? Can you think of a man in the Bible who killed his brother out of jealousy? If Cleopatra asked you how she and her brother could get along, what would you tell her? Why did the senators decide to get rid of Caesar? Why was Caesar so surprised that Brutus joined in the attack against him? Would you change the end of Caesar's life story? How? Journal sentence: Caesar was killed by the senators in 44BC.  

Here are some questions for discussion as you teach SotW Chapter 36: Why was Caesar's nephew Octavian so popular with the people? How was he similar to his uncle? How were they different? Which months on our calendar remind us of Caesar and his nephew? If a new month was named after you, what would it be called? Journal sentence: Augustus Caesar became Rome's "First Citizen." 

This week we have a really fun activity to experiment with different types of "beaks" that marine birds have! Ask your student why they think God created birds with different beaks. See if they have a different idea for a beak with a new purpose- they might surprise you!

The Animal Report section from this week will be modified and assigned next week. Stay tuned for details. 

Memory Work:
Quarter 4 poem:  Rock of Ages will be due 5/3. This is a lengthy poem/hymn, and the due date is approaching quickly. Please practice often with your student so that they are prepared!  Here is a link to the song that we practice in class. This artist does substitute "commands" for "demands" in the 2nd stanza, so I will accept either of those words as correct. 

Books of the Old Testament: Psalms - Malachi due 4/28. Here is a link to the song we practice
in class. As always, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess
that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.