* Note- anything underlined in the table above or highlighted below is a link *
Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology
Tuesday, 2/15- Class Valentine's party (see below)
Tuesday, 2/15- Special Valentines-themed Spirit Day- students may wear Fortis spirit wear and jeans OR Valentine themed attire. T-shirts are permitted, provided they promote modesty and positive, biblical messaging.
Tuesday, 2/22- Teacher training- No School
Thursday, 2/24- Spirit/DOGS/Pizza day!
March 14-18- Spring Break
We'll be celebrating Valentine's Day with a small party on February 15th. Students may bring valentines from home to be passed out to each classmate. We have 15 students in our class. If you can help your child separate their valentines by table, the distribution process will run much more smoothly.
Table 1:
Table 2:
Scarlett P
Table 3:
Elizabeth (Lizzy)
Table 4:
Students will also need a mailbox or bag for collecting Valentines from their friends. Be as simple or as creative as you wish! We'll have a short and sweet party at the end of the day where we'll exchange Valentines, read a Valentine book, and enjoy a special treat.
This is another important week in math that has the potential to be tricky. We will devote much of this week to subtracting ones from a 2-digit number within 40 with renaming. Teaching from the HIG before handing over the workbook is KEY! Allow your student to use manipulatives for as long as it takes these strategies to sink in and become fluid. Ask lots of questions to coach your child through explaining their thought process until they are able to explain the process to you on their own. Mental Math 16 and 17 will provide lots of opportunities to practice computation.
Keep practicing math facts!
Flashcard Games for math facts (or phonograms!)
We want to make sure your child is retaining the prior lessons along with the new ones, so remember each homeschool day to do "2 review and 1 new"!
While we do review the phonogram sounds each class day, please work on these at home as often as you can with the cards or the phone app, making sure to add new cards to your review as we cover them.
Decodable words in "Going Out of Egypt" (sight words in parenthesis): God's, went, from, they, as, fast, (could), go, led, them, the, knew, that, (was), with, each, day, in, a, cloud, like, all, time, He, to, (one), came, big, sea, not, it, king, and, his, men, kill, but, made, dry, place, walk, on, side, too, took, (of), lead, slaves, so, sang, a, song
Decodable words in "Something to Drink, Something to Eat" (sight words in parenthesis): I, want, some, a, (said), we, too, but, is, no, slaves, in, now, find, then, ran, fast, he, see, all, the, went, to, get, they, (could), not, drink, it, good, cut, down, that, tree, God, put, did, eat, boy, food, will, (give), you, so, sent, bread, each, day, (was), their, like, but, gave, his, that, how, took
I am noticing many students' handwriting is being hampered by poor pencil grip. We really want to correct that now, at the beginning of their writing careers, so that they can write comfortably, neatly, and without fatigue as they move on to more lengthy writing tasks. I'd like every parent to read this article, "Poor Pencil Grip" and observe whether your child is using the proper grip. If not, the author provides other links for ways to help your child, which I encourage you to follow up with. If you have any questions or concerns that I can help you work through, please reach out to me any time.
Custom Handwriting Practice Sheets
Custom Handwriting Practice Sheets
Step 18 is a little bit of a mish-mash! We'll teach the spelling of several common words that contain the sounds of O and OU, as well as words with the third sound of U, and the rule breaker "of."
Equatorial Africa Map and Song due 3/3; Students should be able to point to each country as they sing/recite the names.
This semester's at-home project will allow students to tap into their inner entrepreneur as they set up shop in a recreation of the central Greek gathering place and marketplace, the Agora. Students will create a product they wish to sell, a price point, and a sales pitch to entice their friends to visit their stall in the marketplace. Fortis students from other grades will be "window shopping" in our Agora before we buy and sell amongst our class (currency provided)! The complete instruction packet will be sent home on Thursday, February 17th. Project guidelines can also be found here. This project will be presented by the students on April 26th. They are encouraged to wear Greek attire/costume to school that day to lend authenticity to their project.
SotW Ch. 27 questions for discussion: Compare the story of Romulus and Remus to the biblical account of Moses. What is the same? What is different? Do you agree with Remus that it was unfair for Romulus to be king of the town they built together? How could you change this story so that both brothers were happy? What kinds of things did the Etruscans teach the Romans about Greeks? What idea did the Romans have to keep one man from gaining too much power? Do you think it's better for one person to be in charge or many people?
Journal sentence: Roman legend tells of the twins Romulus and Remus who founded Rome.
Please keep the "Marine Invertebrates" booklet handy in your student's binder, as we will finish using it next week.
Memory Work:
Quarter 3 poem: A Child's Prayer will be due next week, 2/24.
Books of the Old Testament: Genesis- Job due 3/1. Here is a link to the song we practice in class. The Old Testament will take the rest of the school year to master. This quarter we will focus on Genesis through Job. As always, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.