1st Grade T/Th- Week 17- December 6-10

1st Grade Week 1712/6/202112/7/202112/8/202112/9/202112/10/2021Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipTrustworthiness- "Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame having nothing evil to say about us." -Titus 2:7-8
BibleChoose a lesson or activity from Kids of Integrity- Christmas or another advent family activityThe Advent BookChoose a lesson or activity from Kids of Integrity- Christmas or another advent family activityThe Advent Book
MathContinue to work with your child on any concepts they need to review from this semester;

MM 23 (last 10 problems)
Review 6/7Look over Review 6/7 and work with your child on any concepts they missed;

MM 24 (first 10 problems)
Missing Toys Christmas ChallengeChristmas Break Activity Packet- optional, but encouraged!Use flashcards, games, MM 24 and whatever other resources are convenient to keep your child's math brain in working order over the next month. The website math-drills.com is a great resource for almost any math concept review
SpellingGive Step 12 Spelling Test in journal: words #91-100, AAS pg 67 & sentence #4, AAS pg 68; send me a photo of the test akuhn@fortisacademy.netPhonogram Review Game: Phonogram Showdown!Review phonogram cards, sound cards, and key cards; also review previously misspelled words. *No Spelling Test until after the Christmas break.
Christmas Party & Book Exchange
Add missed spelling words from Step 12 to Review portion of card box
GrammarChristmas Noun/Verb sortIn the Grammar section (back half) of the Spelling & Grammar Journal, have your child list several nouns, verbs, and pronouns for review.
WritingScripture Copywork: Luke 2:11 (Quarter 2 handwriting assessment)Copybook pg 55- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately. Proof/correct and Illustrate (Steps 5 and 6)Encourage your student to write anything over the break - copy Scripture verses, Christmas carols, etc. Just don't let those little muscles weaken!
ReadingReview all phonograms;

SF Week 15, Day 5, pg 67-69;

OPG L112: Review of Words with the /o͞o/ sound, pg 193
"Humphrey's First Christmas"- Read and respondRe-read story in OPG L112 (pg 193) and do Optional Follow-Up activity"The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy"- Read and respondIt is so important that your child avoid the all-too-common Christmas Break regression! Continue to read, read, read over this long break, both read alouds and 20 minutes/day decodable readers (Flyleaf books, OPG stories, etc). Your child has gained so much this semester! Protect that investment and prevent them from becoming discouraged when January comes. Use the Christmas Break Activity Packet as motivation to log books/pages read!
Read AloudRead and discuss "The Trojan Horse" - Chapter 1-2Read and discuss "The Trojan Horse" - Chapter 3-4Read and discuss "The Trojan Horse" - Chapter 5-6
HistorySotW Ch. 20 pg 159-165- The Stories of HomerSotW Ch. 20 pg 157-159 Greece Gets an Alphabet, and pg 166-168 The First Olympic Games; Journal sentence: The Greeks held the first Olympic Games to celebrate peace.
ScienceG&B/A Crustaceans- Both versions read and discuss "Crustaceans" mini book, pg 1-14 (follows pg 63 in the newer version; follows pg 55 in older version)Christmas STEM: building structures with gumdrops and toothpicksMake sure you have G&B/MB (Marine Biology) text ready for next semester
GeographyWest Africa Song - Due 1/27West Africa has 16 countries! Start practicing now!
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Romans 12:1-12 NIV (ongoing);
Books of the Old Testament, Genesis - Job, due 3/1
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 3 POEM: "A Child's Prayer," due 2/24
GEOGRAPHY: West Africa, due 1/27
* Note- anything underlined in the table above or highlighted below is a link *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology


Wednesday, December 9- First grade Christmas party and classical book exchange! Books should be wrapped, but not tagged "to" anyone. Books from any of these lists would be appropriate: Kindergarten read-alouds , First grade read-alouds , Second grade read-alouds
Sunday, December 12- Falcon Moms Christmas Wrapping Party @ Kristi Martin's Home, 3:00-7:00pm

Monday, December 13 - Friday, January 7- Christmas Break (No School)

** Dear holly jolly parents **
Wow, it's already the end of the first semester!  That second quarter really flew by for me. This year has been so full of fun with your sweet kids. It's a good thing this is such a busy time of year because I'm really going to miss my students over the break! I pray you have a peaceful, restful, joyful time strengthening family bonds with your precious, growing-up-way-too-fast little blessings!  
~Mrs. Kuhn

We will begin using all three 1B books next semester. However, I do not recommend taking a complete hiatus from math until then. I highly recommend practicing over the break! It can be discouraging to realize in January that there's been regression. This week I'll send home a fun packet of math activities that you can challenge your child to complete (recommended, but not required)!

It is so important that your child continue to read over this long break. They have gained so much this semester- protect that investment! I suggest going back through prior OPG lessons and having your child read those stories, giving special attention to areas of weakness. Flyleaf decodables are another option. A reading log and some short-response questions are included in the Christmas Break Activity Pack I'm sending home (again, not required, but recommended).

Required books for next semester include:
- "The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk" (Dover Children's Thrift Classics) by Thorton Burgess
- "Cleopatra" by Diane Stanley
Usborne "Greek Myths for Young Children" by Heather Amery, Linda Edwards
You should have purchased these at the beginning of the year, but now is a good time to make sure they're accessible.  

Continue practicing phonograms!

Custom Handwriting Practice Sheets  are a great way to hold on through the break to all your child has accomplished this semester.  Keep it light and fun!

West Africa Due 1/27- There are 16 countries on this map! Practice, practice!

Memory Work: 
Quarter 3 poem:  A Child's Prayer  will be due 2/24. Your help at home with memorization is a blessing!

Books of the Old Testament:  Here is a link to the song we practice in class. The Old Testament is quite a bit longer than the New Testament, so we'll take the rest of the school year to master it (Quarter 3, Genesis - Job, Quarter 4, Psalms - Malachi).  Again, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.