1st Grade T/Th- Week 25- February 27-March 3

1st Grade
Week 25
2/27/20232/28/20233/1/20233/2/20233/3/2023Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtuePunctuality- "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." Philippians 2:3-4 KJV
BibleGP Week 5, Optional: Fun Day, pg 83GP Week 7, pg 102-105GP Week 7, pg 102 & 106-108GP Week 7, pg 109-111GP Week 7, pg 112-114GP Week 7, Optional Fun Day, pg 115-116Big Picture Question: How does God accomplish His plan? God uses people for His glory and our good.

I will not be assigning GP Week 6, but feel free to cover it with your child if you have the time.
MathHIG pg 47 Reinforcement activity; TB N/A; WB Ex 32 pg 68-69;

MM 15 (yes, again!), last 10 problems

MM 6: one-minute timed drill; return to school on Tuesday
HIG pg 48-49, TB pg 46-47, WB Ex 33 pg 70-71Parent read HIG pg 48, HIG pg 50, TB pg 48-49 (note in task 2, it is the number of legs that are being counted), WB Ex 34 pg72

MM 16 (first 10 problems)
HIG pg 51-52, TB pg 50-52, WB Ex 35 pg 73-75Parent read HIG pg 51, HIG pg 53, TB pg 53, WB Ex 36 pg 76-78

MM 16 (last 10 problems)
Practice Packet (sent home on Thursday) pg 1, 3, and 4

MM 6: one-minute timed drill; return to school on Tuesday
The Practice Packet sent home this week will be assigned over several days next week; completed packet is due 3/9/23
SpellingReview Step 19 AAS pg 95-98; Dictate Sentences 1-3 pg 98Dictate sentences 4-6 AAS pg 98Review/Correct dictation from Tuesday;

Practice with More Words AAS pg 98;

Prepare for test tomorrow on Step 19
Step 19 AssessmentTeach Step 20 AAS pg 99-104 on board first, then in journalReview Step 20 AAS pg 99-104; Dictate Sentences 1-3 AAS pg 104Check test from Thurs & add missed words to Review portion of card box
GrammarFLL Lesson 86: Capitalization and punctuation in poetry, Copywork: "The Star," pg 139-140FLL Lesson 85: Abbreviations, Initials and addresses; skip reciting the poem, pg 138FLL Lesson 87: Story narration: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," pg 141-143FLL Lesson 88: Introducing writing dates, Copywork: Writing Dates, pg 144-145Lessons are intentionally assigned out of order, as some are more suited to home days
WritingScripture or Poetry CopyworkCopybook pg 71 - Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Scripture or Poetry CopyworkCopybook pg 71 - Proof/ Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms;

SF Week 22, Day 5, pg 146-147;

OPG L133: Review of Vowel Pairs and Patterns for Short-Vowel Words, pg 220
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 23, Day 1, pg 148-149;

Introduce The Silent Letter Pair GH: IGH (OPG L134)
Review all phonograms (add IGH);

Complete and return Phonogram Assessments #3 and #4 (see below);

SF Week 23, Day 2, pg 150-151;

OPG L134: The Silent Letter Pair GH: IGH, pg 221; Dictation: sight, tight, bright;

"God's People are Sorry" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 123-129 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 23, Day 3, pg 152-153;

Introduce The Silent Letter Pair GH: EIGH (OPG L135)
Review all phonograms (add EIGH);

SF Week 23, Day 4, pg 154-155;

OPG L136: The Silent Letter Pair GH: AIGH and AUGH, pg 223; Dictation: straight, caught

"God Helps Joshua" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 131-137 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms (add AUGH);

SF Week 23, Day 5, pg 156-157;

Re-read OPG L135 and L136, pg 222-223

Read SPIRE reader
Helpful Pals
Remember, if you need to print phonogram cards, there is a link below this chart

All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe, could, would, should, one, once, build, built

Click here for a link to sight word flash cards
Read AloudGreek Myths for young children, pg 15-17 "Persephone and the Seasons" (part 2)Greek Myths for young children pg 18-20, "The Story of Arachne"Greek Myths for young children pg 21-22, "The Many Tasks of Heracles"Greek Myths for young children pg 22-23, "The Man-Eating Lion"
HistoryTexas Week: Read aloud "Mighty Big and Super Great," make state symbol bookletWatch this video about Texas and do one of the crafts together!
ScienceG&B/MB Lesson 8: Marine Reptiles, pg 68-69 and mini bookG&B/MB Lesson 8; Sea Turtles- life cycle, journey to ocean; Read aloud and journal
GeographyEquatorial Africa Map & Song Due 3/2; Southern Africa Map & Song Due 4/13Equatorial Africa Map & Song due this week!
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing);
Books of the Old Testament Genesis - Job in order - Due 2/28
Books of the Old Testament Psalms - Malachi in order - Due 4/27
MATH: Fact Flashcards (Ongoing)
QUARTER 4 POEM: Rock of Ages- Due 5/2
GEOGRAPHY: Equatorial Africa- Due 3/2, Southern Africa - Due 4/13

* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology (click here for textbook)


Thursday, March 9- Spirit Day- Fortis shirts with jeans or shorts may be worn

March 13-17- Spring Break
Dear Parents:

When you stop to consider that a few short months ago, your children entered first grade understanding just the very basics of arithmetic and language arts, it's actually incredible how quickly they have soaked up all manner of new information! Even more gratifying is to see them growing deeper in their understanding of God, His character, and His desires for their lives. Sometimes it's good to step back from the day-to-day grind and recalibrate our perspectives. The days are long, but the years are short.

Seeking the Lord alongside you,
Mrs. Kuhn

Multiplication...wow!! These kids are getting so smart!

A cumulative math assessment is coming the week after this one (March 7). Please use the flexibility of your home days to ensure the objectives of each lesson are being met. Sometimes this will call for more practice than the minimum requirements noted in the lesson plan, as well as continued practice of past concepts not yet mastered. 

I am sending home a practice packet for students to work on at home, which includes 3 word problems. I'd like the students to first build the numbers with cubes (Build it!), then color the cubes they built onto the worksheet (Show it!).This should help reinforce that one number is larger, and the difference between the two is what they're looking for. Then have them write the number sentence (start with the larger number and take away the amount that is the same, which is always equivalent to the smaller number; the result is the difference). Lastly, ask them to explain to you what information they've just found by solving the number sentence. [You can disregard the blank line that says "label" underneath.] See HIG 1B pg 7-8 if your student needs a refresher.

Flashcard Games for math facts (or phonograms!)

We're beginning a new section of our OPG book this week- silent letters! Some of these can be tricky, but students usually enjoy this section. Here's a fun article that shares some interesting background about the silent pair GH. 

Decodable words in "God's People are Sorry" (sight words in parenthesis): God's, (are), why, did, you, lead, us, some, (said), to, we, do, not, like, food, help, (was), sad, these, things, slaves, in, now, had, his, them, good, but, the, and, a, place, they, please, so, sent, snakes, run, (could), from, came, to, this, make, big, brass, told, put, it, high, for, see, who, look, at, will, die, did, him, who, that, way, say, then, (would), He

Decodable words in "God Helps Joshua" (sight words in parenthesis): God, helps, look, at, those, walls, (said), how, can, we, fight, the, (of), get, will, help, us, did, he, told, to, then, this, is, way, they, it, and, went, home, next, day, each, why, us, (one), times, (would), now, and, shout, fell, down, ran, took, do

Keep up the great work on spelling lessons! As usual, once your child seems to be understanding the concept, challenge them with the "More Words" section to make sure they can apply their knowledge to words beyond the spelling list.

Equatorial Africa Map and Song DUE this week- March 2nd; Students should be able to point to each country as they sing/recite the names.

We'll be discussing the great state of Texas this week! In conjunction with Texas Week, we will seek to "exalt and extol the highest and the best cultural and spiritual values of Texas throughout Texas Week" (Texas Civil Statutes Title 106 Art. 6144a). "Remember the Alamo!" was the motto of the Republic of Texas from 1836-1845, but do you know what the official state motto is today?

This semester's at-home project will allow students to tap into their inner entrepreneur as they set up shop in a recreation of the central Greek gathering place and marketplace, the Agora. Students will create a product they wish to sell, a price point, and a sales pitch to entice their friends to visit their stall in the marketplace. Fortis students from other grades will be "window shopping" in our Agora before we buy and sell amongst our class (currency provided)! Project guidelines can also be found here. This project will be presented by the students on April 25th. They are encouraged to wear Greek attire/costume to school that day to lend authenticity to their project. 

This week we'll study marine reptiles, including everyone's favorite- sea turtles! 
Journal sentence: Sea turtles cannot breathe underwater, but they can hold their breath for several hours.

Memory Work:
Quarter 4 poem:  Rock of Ages will be due 5/2. In addition to the title, I would like the students to recite, "Written in 1763 by Reverend Toplady" before they begin reciting the poem. This final poem of the year is long with lots of unfamiliar phrasing that we will try to cover in class. However, students will definitely need to practice early and often at home in order to perfect this piece for presentation. Here is a link to the song that we practice in class. This artist does substitute "commands" for "demands" in the 2nd stanza, so I will accept either of those words as correct. 

Books of the Old Testament: Psalms - Malachi due 4/27. When we finish this section, we'll have memorized the order of all the books in the entire Bible! Here is a link to the song we practice in class. As always, if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, I'll assess that no problem, as long as the books are said in order.

1st Grade T/Th- Week 24- February 20-24

1st Grade
Week 24
2/20/20232/21/20232/22/20232/23/20232/24/2023Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueKindness- "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith." Galatians 6:10
BibleGP Week 4, Optional Fun Day, pg 67-68GP Week 5, pg 70-73GP Week 5, pg 74-76GP Week 5, pg 77-79GP Week 5, pg 80-82Optional: Fun Day, pg 83Big Picture Question: How does God accomplish His plan? God uses people for His glory and our good.
MathExtra Practice Word Problems page (sent home in student binder)

MM17 (first 10 problems)

MM 5: one-minute timed drill; return to school on Tuesday
HIG pg 42-43; TB pg 40-41; WB Ex 28 pg 57-58;Parent read HIG pg 42; Review HIG pg 43; TB N/A; WB Ex 29 pg 59;

Choose one or both of the subtraction games below to play (see Math section);

MM17 (last 10 problems)
HIG pg 45-46;
TB pg 42 & 44;
WB Ex 31 pg 66-67
Parent read HIG pg 45; HIG pg 47; TB pg 43 & 45; WB Ex 30 pg 64-65

MM 13 (yes, again!), last 10 problems
HIG pg 47 Reinforcement activity; TB N/A; WB Ex 32 pg 68-69;

MM 15 (yes, again!), last 10 problems

MM 6: one-minute timed drill; return to school on Tuesday
Pay close attention to page numbers this week, as some pages and exercises are done out of order
SpellingReview Step 18 AAS pg 91-94; Dictate Sentences 1-3 AAS pg 94Dictate sentences 4-6 pg 94Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Practice with More Words on AAS pg 93;

Prepare for test tomorrow on Step 18
Step 18 AssessmentTeach Step 19 AAS pg 95-98 on board first, then in journalReview Step 19 AAS pg 95-98; Dictate Sentences 1-3 pg 98Check test from Thurs & add missed words to Review portion of card box
GrammarFLL Lesson 81: Poem memorization: "Mr. Nobody," pg 132FLL Lesson 82: Capitalization in poetry, Copywork: "Mr. Nobody", pg 133-134

**Please see note
FLL Lesson 83: Pronouns, Oral usage: "Is/Are," pg 135-136FLL Lesson 84: Oral composition: "Mr. Nobody at Our House," Copywork: "Mr. Nobody at Our House," pg 137 (reference "Mr. Nobody" poem on pg 132)Remember, disregard instructions in FLL that say to memorize poems. Use "A Child's Prayer" to teach and for the copywork in Lesson 82.
WritingScripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 69 - Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 69 - Proof/ Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms;

SF Week 21, Day 5, pg 136-137;

OPG L130: Review OU as /o͞o/ and /ou/, The Vowel Pair OU as /ŭ/, pg 217; Dictation: touch, young

Read the SPIRE reader,
The Big Catch (assist your child with words we have not covered yet: are, what, were)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 22, Day 1, pg 138-139;

Begin Q3 assessments
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 22, Day 2, pg 140-141;

OPG L131: Sight Words: build, built, Review Sight Words, pg 218;

"God's Good Rules" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 107-113 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 22, Day 3, pg 142-143;

Introduce Y alone as /ĭ/ (OPG L132)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 22, Day 4, pg 144-145;

OPG L132: Y alone as /ĭ/, pg 219; Dictation: myth, gym

"A Calf of Gold" from The Early Reader's Bible, pg 115-121 (see decodable words below)
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 22, Day 5, pg 146-147;

OPG L133: Review of Vowel Pairs and Patterns for Short-Vowel Words, pg 220
Add "build" and "built" to review cards. All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe, could, would, should, one, once, build, built

Click here for a link to sight word flash cards
Read Aloud"Extra Yarn"Greek Myths for young children pg 6-8, "The Gift of Fire"Greek Myths for young children pg 9-11, "Pandora's Box"Greek Myths for young children pg 12-14, "Persephone and the Seasons" (part 1)
HistorySpecial Guest- Marine BiologySotW Ch 28 The Roman Empire, pg 205-216 revised/pg 215-225 original; discussion questions below

Optional: Build an
edible model of a Roman road

Journal sentence: Ancient Romans built durable roads, many of which are still standing today.
The Greek Agora project will be due April 25th; Click here for project information
ScienceG&B/MB Lesson 7- Marine Invertebrates Part 2: Mollusks, pg 58-59; Please send Marine Invertebrates Booklet to school tomorrowG&B/MB Lesson 7- Marine Invertebrates Part 2: Crustaceans, pg 60Please send Marine Invertebrates Booklet to school on Thursday
GeographyEquatorial Africa- Due 3/2
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing);
Books of the Old Testament - Genesis through Job- Due 2/28
MATH: Fact Flashcards (Ongoing)
QUARTER 3 POEM: A Child's Prayer - Due 2/23
QUARTER 4 POEM: Rock of Ages- Due 5/2
GEOGRAPHY: Equatorial Africa - Due 3/2
* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology (click here for textbook)


Tuesday, February 21- No President's Day holiday- School is IN SESSION

Thursday, February 23- Spirit/DOGS/Pizza day!

March 13-17- Spring Break

Dearest Parents, 

Can you believe we have just three weeks of school until Spring Break?! The time has FLOWN by this semester. With that, the end of the year is already in sight. I need to inform you now that I don't think I can bear to let any of my students leave me and go on to second grade! I'm working on it...
Love, Mrs. Kuhn

We have just finished teaching a tricky unit, but we've been working hard! Subtraction with renaming is one of the most challenging concepts in 1st grade math, so we will keep reviewing in class and I will ask you to do the same at home, even as we move on to other units.

Subtraction reinforcement games (choose one or both to play on Wednesday): 
Build a Number, then Subtract: Use two sets of number cards with numbers 0-9 (UNO cards, playing cards with face cards removed, etc). From the first set, use only numbers 1, 2, and 3. Keeping the sets separated into two piles, turn all cards face down. Draw one card from the 1,2,3 pile- this is the tens number in a 2-digit number. Draw one card from the 0-9 pile- this is the ones number in a 2-digit number. Write down the 2-digit number. (Ex: 2 is turned over from the 1,2,3 pile and 9 is turned over from the 0-9 pile; the 2-digit number is 29). Turn over one more card from the 0-9 pile. Have your student subtract the number they turned over from the number they wrote down. 

0 or Bust: Use a 10-sided die or 4 sets of number cards with numbers 0-9. Players start with 40 points. Roll the die or draw a card and subtract that number from the start number. That difference is the new start number. Continue until one person hits 0 exactly. If a player's roll doesn't hit 0 exactly, they "go bust" and their turn is over. 

Our next unit is multiplication- so fun! At this level, we will be introducing it as repeated addition. Please note, as it says in the HIG: "Students should use mental math to do the repeated addition, not simply count on." We want them to be able to manipulate the numbers easily in their heads so that for 4+4+4+4 they are thinking "I know 4+4 is 8, adding another 4 gets me to 12, and the last 4 brings me to 16," or "I see there are two 4+4's. I know 4+4 is 8, so two 4+4's is the same as 8+8, and 8+8 is 16." This way of thinking about math, rather than simply counting, is so powerful! It opens up many opportunities for higher math functioning when children can manipulate numbers with ease, freeing up brain power for more complex computations.

Keep practicing math facts...yes, still! Again, less effort required in the recall of facts means more "brain power" available to use the facts in more complex calculations.

Flashcard Games for math facts (or phonograms!)

Remember when teaching a new sight word, before showing your student the word, say it to them and ask them to think about and write down what sounds they would use to spell the word. For "build," they will likely spell b-i-l-d. Then discuss which parts of the word are regular (b, l, d) and identify the part that is irregular (the /ĭ/ sound is spelled with UI; this is a rule breaker because UI makes the /oo/ sound). Direct your student to underline, highlight, or use a different color to replace the i they originally wrote with ui, and remind them that this is the part of the word they will need to memorize. 

We have concluded "The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk," so our new read aloud will be "Usborne Greek Myths for Young Children." I have spoken to the students on many prior occasions about the differences between the Greek gods and goddesses and the one true God, and I will continue to make that very clear. At the same time, these myths are pervasive in much of the art and literature that your child will encounter as they advance in their classical education career, so it is worthwhile for them to go through a basic introduction at this level. Feel free to use your discretion and to add additional background info on Greek myths from your own personal resources as you see fit. 

Decodable words in "God's Good Rules" (sight words in parenthesis): God's, good, (what), is, it, some, (said), the, a, big, they, but, (was), with, them, had, lead, take, them, to, this, place, told, go, up, on, he, (would), say, gave, tell, my, do, not, make, think, name, bad, way, rest, day, love, and, kill, wife, steal, lie, want, (have)

Decodable words in "A Calf of Gold" (sight words in parenthesis): A, (of), gold, will, you, do, (what), God, yes, (said), the, we, went, he, to, (was), long, time, come, back, some, must, (have), help, us, so, the, made, from, this, they, it, be, now, but, not, (one), day, came, did, like, please, came, (would), then, bad, died, sad, who, no

Keep up the great work on spelling lessons! As usual, once your child seems to be understanding the concept, challenge them with the "More Words" section to make sure they can apply their knowledge to words beyond the spelling list.

For FLL Lesson 82, which covers capitalization in poetry, use "A Child's Prayer" instead of "Mr. Nobody" as your example as you teach through the lesson. Use "A Child's Prayer" for the copywork in that lesson as well. 

Equatorial Africa map and song due 3/2; Students should be able to point to each country as they sing/recite the names.

This semester's at-home project will allow students to tap into their inner entrepreneur as they set up shop in a recreation of the central Greek gathering place and marketplace, the Agora. Project guidelines can be found here. This project will be presented by the students on April 25th

SotW Ch. 28 Discussion questions: How were the Roman roads different from most roads in the ancient world? Compare how ancient Romans took a bath with how you take a bath. Why do you think the Romans liked to watch men fighting? What is your opinon about a gladiator fight? Can you think of a different game that people today enjoy watching?
Journal sentence: Ancient Romans built durable roads, many of which are still standing today. 

Here is an idea for making an edible Roman road, if you're feeling adventurous!

The second half of Marine Invertebrates will be covered this week in lesson 7: mollusks at home and crustaceans at school. Again, complete only the mollusk section of the booklet at home, and send the booklet to school on Wednesday so we can finish with crustaceans.  

Memory Work:
This quarter's poem is due this Wednesday, 2/23. Each child will present "A Child's Prayer" in front of the class. Let your child practice in front of an audience of stuffed animals to boost their confidence!
The books of the Old Testament (Genesis-Job) as well as the Equatorial Africa map will be due next week.