1st Grade T/Th- Week 13- October 31-November 4

1st Grade
Week 13
10/31/202211/1/202211/2/202211/3/202211/4/2022Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueGratefulness- "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34
BibleGP Week 12, Optional Fun Day, pg 195GP Week 13, pg 198-201GP Week 13, pg 198 & 202-204GP Week 13, pg 205-207GP Week 13, pg 208-210GP Week 13, Optional Fun Day, pg 211What is God's plan? God's plan is to rescue His people from captivity.
MathHIG pg 75, TB pg 67, WB Ex 45 pg 108-109HIG pg 76-77; TB- N/A; WB Ex 46 pg 110HG- pg 76-77; TB- N/A; WB Ex 47 pg 112, HALF of the problems in Ex 48 pg 113-114 (do not complete all the problems in Ex 48 unless your child needs extra practice; choose 5 problems from #1, 2 problems from #2, and 1 problem from #3)Review #5Re-teach missed problems from Review 5;

Review any math strategies your child might be struggling with from this unit

MM 19 (first 10 problems)
Review any math strategies your child might be struggling with from this unit

WB Exercise 49 pg 115
(Note- WB Ex 46 pg 111 will be assigned in a subsequent week for ongoing review)
SpellingReview Step 9 AAS pg 53-56; Dictate Sentences 1-3 on pg 55Review key cards; Review usage of c, k, or ck; Dictate sentences 4-6 on AAS pg 55Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Prepare for test tomorrow on Step 9

Practice with More Words on AAS pg 55
Step 9 Assessment[Note: We are teaching Step 11 this week and Step 10 next week.]

Teach Step 11 AAS pg 61-63 on board first, then in journal
Review Step 11 AAS pg 61-63; Dictate Sentences 1-3 on pg 63Check test from Thurs & add missed words to Review portion of card box
GrammarFLL Lesson 41: Proper Nouns (Months of the Year), pg 61; Months of the Year student booksFLL Lesson 42: Introducing copywork sentences: "My name," pg 62FLL Lesson 43: "The Months," copywork: "My birthday," pg 63-64FLL Lesson 44: Nouns (Ideas), Copywork: "Love," pg 65-66Complete FLL copywork in the back half of the Spelling and Grammar Journal (after the tab)
WritingContinue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 47- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Continue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 47- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms

SF Week 11, Day 5, pg 13-15;

Long Vowel Review Day (OPG pg 164, 170, 176-177, and 182); see below for details

Finish re-reading "The Surprise" from "Frog and Toad All Year," for fluency
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 12, Day 1, pg 16-19;

Introduce the vowel pair EW as /ū/ (OPG L104)
Review all phonograms (add EW)

SF Week 12, Day 2, pg 20-22;

OPG Lesson 104: The Vowel Pair EW as /ū/, pg 184;

Read "Christmas Eve" from Frog and Toad All Year, allowing your child to read words they have learned to decode (see below); Orally narrate & discuss
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 12, Day 3, pg 23-25;

Introduce the Vowel Pair OO as /o͞o/ (OPG L106)
Review all phonograms (add OO)

SF Week 12, Day 4, pg 26-28;

OPG Lesson 106: The Vowel Pair OO as /o͞o/, pg 186-187; Dictation: zoo, mood, broom, smooth

Begin re-reading "Christmas Eve" from Frog and Toad All Year for fluency
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 12, Day 5, pg 29-31;

OPG Lesson 105: Review of the Long-U Vowel Pairs and Patterns, pg 185;

Finish re-reading "Christmas Eve" from Frog and Toad All Year for fluency
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe

Click here for a link to sight word flash cards
Read AloudAesop's Fables pg 50 - "The Dog and His Master's Dinner"Aesop's Fables pg 18 - "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse"Aesop's Fables pg 24 - "The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf"Aesop's Fables pg 56 - "The Bear and the Bees"
HistoryIntro Thanksgiving: Read Aloud "The Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving"SotW Ch.16: The Return of Assyria, pg115-121 revised/pg 129-134 original:
Discussion questions below. Journal sentences: Ashurbanipal was an unkind king. He also created the first library.
ScienceG&B/A "Science Journal" section on pg 42 (newer edition)/ pg 38 (older edition): research butterflies common to our area; choose one and write common name, one fact, and an illustration on paper (not Science journal); share in class tomorrowButterflies-

Share research;

Predict & journal: Where will our butterflies fly?;

Release butterflies
Arthropod Project Due 11/10
GeographyHorn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/15
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing); New Testament books in order- Due 12/1
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 2 POEM; "Count Your Blessings," due 11/17
GEOGRAPHY: Horn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/15

* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology


Tuesday, November 1- Historic Dress Up- students may dress in costume as a historical figure from their grade level history study. Details below.

Thursday, November 10- Spirit Day (no pizza)

Saturday, November 12- Fortis Lap-a-thon

November 21-25- Thanksgiving Break

Historic Dress Up- November 1st: Costumes must be in the theme of our historic studies this year, which will cover nomads through the beginning of Christianity (see SotW Chapters 1-37). Guidelines: No weapons, no gore, nothing scary, students need to be able to move and sit properly and use the restroom on their own.

**Dear Parents**
I always find Thanksgiving an interesting holiday in our culture. Everyone's hearts turn toward being thankful, but many stop right there and never consider where their bounty comes from! By God's grace, we understand that He is the giver of every good gift ("Every good and perfect gift is from above..." - James 1:17), and it is our desire to thank HIM for all of our many blessings as we count them... one by one. 

With love,

Mrs. Kuhn

We'll finish up Unit 6 this week and assess the students' understanding with Review #5. After the Review is returned to you, try giving your student a chance to fix items that you have identified as incorrect on their own first without help. If they're unable to do so, see if there's a misunderstanding about instructions.  If not, the concept needs re-teaching and more practice. Time has been built in for you to review and re-teach any concept your student struggles with on this test. The lessons from next week until Christmas will be much simpler than the past few weeks, and you'll have time to work on continued review individualized for your child on these concepts they still need practice with. Please take advantage of this time!

Note for Long Vowel Review Day assignment: Ask your student to read the words from the OPG pages listed above. If they are having trouble with any of the vowel pairs or patterns we have covered so far, spend time today going back to those OPG lessons and practicing those types of words. If they are not having any trouble, encourage them to improve their fluency by reading more smoothly and naturally.

Sadly, we've come to our last story in "Frog and Toad All Year." We've had so many fun discussions about these two friends! Even after their stories are no longer assigned, I hope you'll continue to follow their adventures on your trips to the library! 

Words from "Christmas Eve" that your child should be able to decode, and sight words in parenthesis: On, Eve, Toad, a, big, he, the, tree, Frog, is, late, (said), at, his, clock, it, (was), broken, hands, (of), did, not, I, am, if, has, deep, hole, and, cannot, get, will, see, him, more, path, lost, in, cold, wet, by, big, with, teeth, up, my, (friend), (have), rope, with, this, show, way, pan, hit, that, to, help, ran, be, so, glad, new, (two), sat, fire

I am seeing so much encouraging progress from every one of the students in their reading! Each is moving at their own pace, but they're all growing in their skills and confidence, which is absolutely wonderful to see. 

I have found that it is helpful to teach OPG L108 before AAS Step 10, so we will be postponing Step 10 for now. This week we will teach Step 11 and then next week we will start Step 10. 

While you'll continue studying chapters in SotW at home, in class we are taking a time warp from ancient history to the 1600s to visit Plymouth Plantation in anticipation of Thanksgiving!

Questions for discussion:
Why were the Assyrian soldiers so hard to conquer? Was Ashurbanipal a kind leader? Do you think it's better to obey someone because you love them or because you are afraid of them?  Why did Ashurbanipal decide to start collecting books? What kind of information was collected for Ashurbanipal's first library?
Journal sentences: Ashurbanipal was an unkind king. He also created the first library.

This week you'll be researching butterflies in our area and the students will share what they learned with us in class on Thursday. I anticipate we will be able to release the butterflies that same day, providing we have a warm enough day. 

Arthropod projects due next week!


Memory Work:
Quarter 2 poem:  Count Your Blessings. Due 11/17

Books of the New Testament:  Here is the song we're practicing in class (New Testament starts at 1:23), but if you or your child are already familiar with a different song, that's just fine. As long as the books are said in order, that is what matters! Due 12/1

1st Grade T/Th- Week 12- October 24-28


1st Grade Week 1210/24/202210/25/202210/26/202210/27/202210/28/2022Looking Ahead
Co-Teacher Notes
VirtueGratefulness- "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34
BibleGP Week 11, Optional Fun Day, pg 179-181GP Week 12, pg 182-185GP Week 12, pg 182 & 186-188GP Week 12, pg 189-191GP Week 12, pg 192-194GP Week 12, Fun Day, pg 195What is God's plan? God's plan is to rescue His people from captivity.
MathRainbow math facts/other math facts;

Extra Practice pg 35-36 (sent home in student's folder)

MM16- first 10 problems (allow your child to use counters and 10-frames as needed)

Parent preview HIG pg 72-73 and MM17 for solid understanding for yourself in preparation for this week
HIG pg 72-74; TB pg 66 #7 and #8a, WB Ex 44- #1-#2 pg 105-106Review HIG pg 72-74 including Reinforcement section (note: skip the entire paragraph on pg 73 that starts, "Give your student a 10-rod of multilink cubes..."); TB pg 66 #7 and #8b; WB Ex 44 #3 pg 107; MM 17 (first 10 problems)Review #4Look over Review #4 and reteach any missed concepts

MM 18 for 10min
HIG pg 75, TB pg 67, WB Ex 45 pg 108-109See below if you need explanation for MM 17
SpellingReview Step 8: Reinforcement Activity on page 52; Dictate Sentences 1-3 on AAS pg 52Dictate sentences 4-6 AAS pg 52Review/correct dictation from Tuesday;

Prepare for test tomorrow on Step 8
Step 8 Spelling AssessmentTeach Step 9 AAS pg 53-56 with tiles first, then in journalReview Step 9 AAS pg 53-56; Dictate Sentences 1-3 on pg 55
GrammarFLL Lesson 37: Nouns (Identifying nouns in a story), pg 56FLL Lesson 38: Proper nouns (Days of the Week) pg 57FLL Lesson 40: Proper nounds (Months of the year), Oral usage: See/Saw/Seen, pg 59-60FLL Lesson 39: Addresses, Common and proper nouns (Aunts and uncles) pg 58
WritingContinue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 45- Copying (step 4); Write neatly and accurately.Continue Scripture or poetry copyworkCopybook pg 45- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)
ReadingReview all phonograms (add OW);

SF Week 10, Day 5, pg 169-171;

OPG Lesson 99: The Vowel Pair OW as /ō/, Sight Word: was, pg 179 (we have already taught "was");

Finish re-reading "Ice Cream" from "Frog and Toad All Year" for fluency

Phonogram Assessments #2 and #3: Administer, mark, and return to class on Tuesday, 10/26 behind Language Arts tab (Erase prior markings on assessments before giving them anew)
Check Phonogram Assessments

Review all phonograms;

SF Week 11, Day 1, pg 1-3;

Introduce O alone as /ō/ (OPG L101)
Review all phonograms

SF Week 11, Day 2, pg 4-6; For detailed explanation of today's Manipulating Phonemes exercise, see Week 11, Day 1, pg 5

OPG Lesson 101: O alone as /ō/, pg 181; See below for important note on how to teach this lesson

Read "The Surprise" from "Frog and Toad All Year," allowing your child to read words they have learned to decode (see below); Orally narrate & discuss
Review all phonograms;

SF Week 11, Day 3, pg 7-9;

OPG Lesson 103: The Vowel Pair UE as /ū/, pg 183
Review all phonograms

SF Week 11, Day 4, pg 10-12;

OPG Lesson 102: Review of the Long-O Vowel Pairs and Patterns, pg 182;

Begin re-reading "The Surprise" from "Frog and Toad All Year," for fluency
Review all phonograms

SF Week 11, Day 5, pg 13-15;

Long Vowel Review Day (OPG pg 164, 170, 176-177, and 182); see below for details

Finish re-reading "The Surprise" from "Frog and Toad All Year," for fluency
All sight words that should be learned and reviewed thus far: the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too, was, said, do, who, friend, eye, buy, shoe

Click here for a link to sight word flash cards
Read AloudAesop's Fables pg 38- "The Lion and the Gnat"Aesop's Fables pg 29 - "The Frogs Who Wished for a King"Aesop's Fables pg 15 - "Belling the Cat"Aesop's Fables pg 84 - "The Quack Toad"
Special guest presentation on MalawiSotW Ch. 15: The Phoenicians, pg 110-114 revised/pg 123-127 original; orally narrate and discuss (questions below); journal sentence: The Phoenicians were famous for blown glass and purple dye.
ScienceG&B/A Lesson 9- Butterflies: Part 2- Life cycle

Read aloud: "From Caterpillar to Butterfly," "Bob and Otto"

Predict what could happen if part of the cycle was interrupted
G&B/A Butterflies: Part 2- Newer version pg 41-42; Older version, pg 37-38; illustrate and label butterfly life cycle in Science Journal
Arthropod Project Due 11/10
GeographyHorn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/15
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1-11 KJV (ongoing); New Testament books in order- Due 12/1
MATH: Fact flash cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 2 POEM; "Count Your Blessings," due 11/17
GEOGRAPHY: Horn of Africa & East Africa, due 11/15
* Note anything underlined in the table above or in the notes below is a clickable link for your convenience *

Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide (click to print addition or subtraction cards)
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling (click here to print any missing phonogram cards)
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading (click here to print OPG sight words)
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology


Friday - Sunday, October 21-23 Fortis Fall Campout @ Cedar Breaks Park, Georgetown

Tuesday, October 25- Picture retakes

Thursday, October 27- Spirit/Pizza/DOGS day
Thursday, October 27- Grammar Play Date @ Lions Foundation Park

Friday, October 28- Fortis Trunk or Treat

Tuesday, November 1- Historic Dress Up- students may dress in costume as a historical figure from their grade level history study. Details below.

November 21-25- Thanksgiving Break

Historic Dress Up- November 1st: Costumes must be in the theme of our historic studies this year, which will cover nomads through the beginning of Christianity (see SotW Chapters 1-37). Guidelines: No weapons, no gore, nothing scary, students need to be able to move and sit properly and use the restroom on their own.

Our students are being equipped with multiple strategies to add and subtract within 20. These are probably very different from how we learned as children! Nevertheless, they are powerful strategies that emphasize flexibility with numbers and operations. We want the students to be very comfortable with manipulating numbers, not just repeating a process.  

Some students may find the first approach of subtracting from the 10 (HIG pg 72-73) confusing or uncomfortable.  If your child prefers the second approach of subtracting down to a "friendly" 10 (pg 74), that is also a great approach. The ultimate objective of this lesson is to develop a strategy, outside of memorization, to subtract numbers that are not so friendly to subtract. Just be cognizant of the fact that even though a particular approach may seem confusing to you as an adult who learned a different way, your student very well may catch onto it and be able to use that strategy effectively. If you need any clarification on the different approaches, please reach out to me!

A note of explanation for MM 17:  
Keep in mind that this exercise is more about showing understanding of the strategy and less about finding the numerical answer to 12-10 (for example).  Use manipulatives liberally! 
Reference the first paragraph on HIG pg 72, especially the 10-frame diagram, for these problems. If the example of 15-7 on HIG pg 72 was on MM 17, it would read: 15-7=____ + 5, and your student would fill in 3 for the blank. 
Here's why: since we're starting with 15, we show that on a 10-frame as 10 and 5. We want to take away 7, but looking at the ones, we only have 5 of them, so we cannot take 7 from there. However, we CAN take 7 from the tens. We remove 7 from the full 10-frame, which leaves 3 there. In addition to those 3, we still have the 5 ones. So 15-7 is the same as 3 + 5.
Stated another way, build 15 on 10-frames as 10 and 5. "10 and 5" minus 7 is the same as "3 and 5."
Again, we are not trying to do algebra here. The idea is not for the student to figure out 15-7 by counting up and getting 8, then go to the other side of the equation and ask  "___+5 =8? Oh, the blank is 3." 
For those of you who are visual, this might help. These are the first two problems on MM17:

Please administer Phonogram Assessments 2 & 3 on Monday of this week. You'll want to erase the previous markings on Assessment 2 before you do it again for this round. I'll look for both Assessments behind the Language Arts tab on Tuesday, 10/26. 

The Sounds First phonemic awareness curriculum generally gives detailed explanations of new exercises on Day 1 of the week they are introduced. Since your home assignments begin on Day 2, if you ever need more information on an exercise, flip back to Day 1 to see if they addressed it at the beginning of the week. 

Note for OPG L101: This week at home, you will be teaching OPG Lesson 101. Similar to OPG Lesson 96, Lesson 101 says that O alone is "disobedient." Disregard that! Instead, we teach the concept found in Key Card 8 (AAS Lesson 14- we aren't there yet!), which is known as the "Find Gold" rule: I and O often say their long sound when followed by two consonants. We taught the students this rule for I, so they have heard it before, and will now add O along with I to the rule. 

Keep practicing all of those phonograms!  A good practice is to make the connection between the phonogram cards/flashcard practice and actual text your child can read. In "Frog and Toad," for example, take time to preview the upcoming paragraph and let your child point out the phonograms they know. Have them practice what sound they will make when they get to that word. 

Words from "The Surprise" that students should be able to decode, plus sight words (in parenthesis): It, (was), the, had, off, trees, they, on, will, go, to, Toad's, (said), Frog, rake, (of), that, (have), his, be, a, shed, these, run, ran, so, not, see, him, grass, came, is, he, who, got, home, pile, clean, up, leaf, wind, land, that, had, must, get, and, my, both, when, each, went, bed. 

This week in Step 9, we'll continue some work with silent e, this time in relation to deciding when to use C or K to make the /k/ sound. In addition to the new teaching that "we always use K in Vowel-Consonant-E syllables," you might find this chart helpful for recalling rules that tell us when to use C vs K in other spelling situations.

Questions for discussion: Can you list the steps for making glass? Why do you think blown glass was the most expensive kind of glass? What shape would you like to make with blown glass? Why did Dido want to live close to the water? What was her clever trick for buying lots of land?
Journal sentence: The Phoenicians were famous for blown glass and purple dye.

We are full swing into our butterfly study! The children are going to continue observing, collecting data, and journaling about what they're seeing with our caterpillars. This week our main focus is the life cycle, how God designed each part, and how He provides just what the butterfly needs through each stage of its life. What a great reminder that God is in the details! If He cares about the intricacies of each individual insect species, imagine how great a love He has for us who are called to an intimate relationship with Him! 

Please skip the bolded "Science Journal" paragraph in the right column on page 42 (newer version)/pg 38 (older version). We will come back to it soon.


Memory Work:
Quarter 2 poem:  Count Your Blessings.  Due 11/17. 
Books of the New Testament, due 12/1.  Here is the song we practice with in class.