1st Grade T/Th- Week 4- August 30-September 3

1st Grade Week 48/30/20218/31/20219/1/20219/2/20219/3/2021Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipCreativity- "and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze." -Exodus 35:31-32
BibleGP Week 3, (Optional) Fun Day, pg 51GP Week 4, pg 54-57GP Week 4, pg 54 & 58-60GP Week 4, pg 61-63GP Week 4, pg 64-66
MathHIG pg 23 Reinforcement; Extra Practice pg 11 (sent home in your child's folder); Play Roll a Die Number Bonds game (see instructions below)HIG pg 24-26, TB pg 30-31, WB Ex 15 pg 31-33;
Introduce Rainbow Math Facts routine
Parent read HIG pg 24-25; HIG pg 27, TB pg 32, WB Ex 16 pg 34-35 & Ex 17 pg 36-37; Begin Rainbow Math Facts (white) cards; CCC (complete, check & correct) first 10 problems on Mental Math 1HIG pg 28-30, TB pg 33-35, WB Ex 18 pg 38-39Parent read HIG pg 28-29; HIG pg 31 Reinforcement game (not Mental Math 2-3); Continue Rainbow Facts; CCC last 10 problems on Mental Math 1CCC stands for Complete, Check, Correct; see description under Math heading below

Click here for some ideas to keep flashcard practice fun!
SpellingReview Sound Cards by dictating the sound and having your child write the corresponding letter or letters that represent the soundCheck Tracker #1; Review phonograms; AAS Step 1, pg 18: Review Key Card 5; dictate "me," "met," "so," "sop" and "go back" (pg 19)AAS Step 1, pg 18-19: Review Key Card 5, New Teaching: Introduce Open and Closed Syllable Tags (Reinforcement section optional); Dictate first three sentences on pg 20 in Spelling JournalReview phonograms; Review AAS pg 18-19: Open and Closed Syllable Types; dictate last three sentences on pg 20 in Spelling JournalReview all phonogram cards, including recenty added phonograms;

AAS Step 1, pg 20: Mark the Progress Chart- hooray!
GrammarFLL Lesson 9, pg 14-15: Picture Narration, "Children Playing on the Beach"FLL Lesson 10, pg 17: Proper nouns (Writing the student's proper name)FLL Lesson 11, pg 18: Proper nouns (Writing first names)FLL Lesson 12, pg 19-20: Story narration, "The Lion and the Mouse"
WritingNumeral formation assessmentCopybook pg 29- Copying (step 4)Scripture copyworkCopybook pg 29- Proof/Correct and Illustrate (steps 5 and 6)Browse Teaching Guidelines on pg 5-6 of Copybook, taking note of steps 4-6. Also browse Line and Letter Practice on pg 9. Review pg. 8 with your student. Each week your child will complete steps 4-6 (see Teaching Guidelines on pg 6) for the appropriate page at home in their Copybook. Copy work at school will be completed on provided paper; no need to send Copybook to school.
ReadingReview phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH;

SF Week 2, Day 5, pg 43-45;

Teach/Review OPG L61: The Digraphs WH and PH, pg 125-126; Dictation- when, whip, graph


Phonogram Assessment #1: Administer using yellow phonogram cards
Review phonograms;

SF Week 3, Day 1, pg 46-49;

OPG L66: Words with the Long-A Vowel Sound, pg 132
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH, WH, & PH;

Parent read Important Note and Directions SF pg 47 for new Cut Off the Sound  in a Two Syllable Word procedure; SF Week 3, Day 2, pg 50-52

Teach/Review OPG L67 & L68: Words with the Long-E Vowel Sound, pg 133-135; Dictation: Pete, me, we

'Birthday Soup' in "Little Bear"
Review phonograms;

SF Week 3, Day 3, pg 53-55;

OPG L69: Words with the Long-I Vowel Sound, pg 136-137
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH, TH, WH, & PH;

SF Week 3, Day 4, pg 56-58;

Teach/Review OPG L71 & L73: Words with the Long-O Vowel Sound, pg 140-141 & 143; Dictation: note, slope, globe

"Birthday Soup' in "Little Bear"- continue or re-read
As we continue to review kindergarten phonograms this week, add SH, CH, & TCH, TH, WH, and PH to the Review tab in your card box if you have not filed them there already

For Phonogram Assessment #1: mark any missed phonograms with dry erase marker on the phonogram assessment sheet located in the Language Arts section in the binder; I will check completed assessments on Tuesday
Read Aloud"What Will Little Bear Wear?" (finish or re-read to improve fluency)Aesop's Fables, pg 14: The Dog, The Cock, and The FoxAesop's Fables, pg 39: The Monkey & The Camel; encourage oral narrationAesop's Fables, pg 23: The Lion and the MouseAesop's Fables, pg 40: The Wild Boar and The Fox; Encourage oral narrationThese stories come from "Aesop's Fables for Children" with Read & Listen MP3 download, which you purchased as part of your required textbooks.
Encourage oral narration after anything you read together - history, science, fiction, etc
HistoryOld Kingdom of Egypt activities:
Read Magic Treehouse
Make pyramids
SotW Ch. 6, pg 49-57: The Jewish People; lead your student in a comparison of why/how Terah moved to a new place and why/how Abram moved to a new place; Journal sentence: Jacob's sons became the twelve tribes of Israel.Ch. 5 is optional; read at your discretion. If you decide to cover it, read it before the Ch. 6 assignment
ScienceG&B/A "Insect Stations": Termites ONLY, Newer edition: Lesson 5, pg 14; Older edition: Lesson 4, pg 10 and Termite mini book pg 1-7 (do not need to cut pages); Journal sentence: Termites chew on wood.G&B/A Lesson 4 "Insect Stations": Silkworms; Read "Silkworms," by Donna Schaffer
GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/9
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Romans 12:1-12 NIV (ongoing)
MATH: Rainbow Fact cards (ongoing)
QUARTER 1 POEM: "Persevere," due 9/28
GEOGRAPHY: Continents and Oceans, due 9/9

  * Note- anything underlined in the table above or highlighted below is a link *
Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
CCC- Complete, check, correct
AAS- All About Spelling
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology


Monday August 30- Fortis Open House @ 6-7pm

Tuesday, August 31- Grammar Play Date @ 3pm

Tuesday, September 7- No School- Labor Day holiday

Tuesday, September 14- Co-teacher Training @ 2-3pm (optional)

Tuesday, September 21- Picture Day

** Hello Parents **
We are continuing to review in several areas, especially Reading and Spelling. Make sure your student is confident about the sounds they're reviewing (yellow Phonogram cards and red Sound cards) and when to use them (the rules on the blue Key Cards). You'll be adding math flashcards to the mix this week, so I've provided a link for some fun ways to keep flashcard time from becoming a bore. 
Your faithful partner,
Mrs. Kuhn

Roll a Die Number Bonds game instructions: Roll a die, then say the number that makes ten with the number rolled. For example, if a 6 was rolled on the die, your student would say "4." If a 2 was rolled, your student would say "8." 

You will be receiving an email this week detailing the process for Rainbow Math Facts. This will be a motivating way to encourage math fact mastery. 

Why flashcards instead of a computer game? One reason is so you can individualize practice based on the needs and progress of your specific child.  If you've found an app that does this, please share! 

Flashcard Fun (these games can be used for phonogram practice as well as math facts)

Hand in hand with math facts comes mental math. Mental Math exercises from the back of your HIG will be assigned this week. I recommend making a copy of the page for your child to work on, but you may have them write in your book if you prefer. After your child completes the assigned problems each day, you will check them and then have your child correct any errors. This process is abbreviated CCC.  

Complete: finish the assigned problems
Check: mark facts that are incorrect
Correct: in a different color, student corrects any missed facts

Mental Math 1 (MM1) covers simple math facts. 

You'll be giving the first phonogram assessment this week. You'll find the Phonogram Assessment Sheet inside a page protector in the Language Arts section of the binder. Complete Assessment #1: 26 Single Letter Phonograms on Monday. Show your child the yellow phonogram card for each letter in random order and ask them to respond with the correct sound(s). Then use dry erase or wet erase marker to notate correct and incorrect responses on the plastic page protector and leave the marks so I can check the assessment at school on Tuesday. Stay on top of your phonogram practice and these assessments should always be easy peasy for your student! :)

As we review long vowel sounds this week, you will see that OPG does not use the term open syllable. Instead they say "if the vowel is the last letter and the only vowel in a very short word..." I'd like you to go ahead and speak of these words as having open syllables (and thus, long vowels), since that is the standard term and we are reviewing it in AAS (Key Card 5) as well. Open and closed syllables are foundational for reading and spelling!

I'd like to highlight an important difference between dictation done for reading and dictation done for spelling. When we dictate sentences for spelling, we will have taught the spelling rule for each word we dictate, and so we will expect the students to be able to spell each word on their own.

However, there are many graphemes (written letters) used to spell long vowel phonemes (sounds). The students are learning how to read many more sounds than they are learning how to spell at this point. For example, the long A sound can be spelled with the graphemes a (in an open syllable), ai, ay, eigh, or a_e (vowel, consonant, silent e), and they will learn to read all of those. But we are not going to expect our first graders to know which spelling to use when we haven't yet explicitly taught them the spelling rules for those.

When we do dictation in reading, then, it's absolutely fine to remind your child, "We are using tch to spell the /ch/ sound today," "We are using a silent e to make the O say it's long sound today," "We are using ai to spell the long A sound today," etc. This dictation is an exercise to solidify the sound to print connection and is important for orthrographcially mapping those sounds. 

Read, read, read! Share any great read-alouds that your child just loves on our Facebook page. Just one of the MANY benefits of reading aloud is that your child will learn proper inflection from your example.  

When it comes to the invaluable skills of reading and writing, you are your child's Head Coach. Skilled habits in these areas can only be formed through regular practice under supervision by a coach who corrects wrong moves and requires the right ones be made.  It is tedious work, but you must watch diligently and make sure your child is using proper letter formation in order to make their writing more efficient. Identify the letters that your child has already developed incorrect habits with, and use this link to make individualized practice sheets to break those bad habits and create correct, efficient writing. If your child has trouble correctly holding and directing the pencil do what they want it to, fine motor exercises will be helpful. I have many fun ideas if you need some!

We will begin using Copybook- Book Two this week. See parent notes in lesson plans above for details.

Beginning next week, we'll be introducing a new Step from AAS each Friday, starting with Step 3. This week, let's continue to master all the phonograms we've covered so far.

Any copy work or writing (such as first names for proper noun practice) for FLL can be written in the back half of the Spelling & Grammar journal after the sticky tab. Remember, all names- including the student's- should be written with the first letter capitalized and the rest lowercase.

This week we encounter our first familiar biblical character, Abram. See if your child can detect the difference between Terah's and Abram's motivations for moving to a new land. Journal sentence: Jacob's sons became the twelve tribes of Israel. 

We are discovering so many wonderful things about God's amazing insects!  The vast array of insects God designed- even just the few we've studied so far- wordlessly speak to the infinite creativity and exquisite attention to detail of our loving Creator. How can we help but praise Him? Journal sentence: Termites chew on wood.

Map & Song and Game to help learn all the continents and oceans. Due 9/9

1st Grade T/Th- Week 3- August 23-27

1st Grade Week 38/23/20218/24/20218/25/20218/26/20218/27/2021Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipCreativity- "and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze." -Exodus 35:31-32
BibleGP Week 2, pg 35 (optional)GP Week 3, pg 38-41GP Week 3, pg 38 & 42-44GP Week 3, pg 45-47GP Week 3, pg 48-50
MathHIG pg 12-13, TB pg 21, Number Bonds Book for 9 and 10, WB Ex 8 pg 18, Ex 9 pg 19HIG pg 15-16, TB pg 22, WB Ex 10 pg 20-22**KEY lesson** HIG pg 17-18, TB pg 23, WB Ex 11 pg 23-24HIG pg 19-21, TB pg 24, WB Ex 12 pg 25-26Parent read HIG pg 19, HIG pg 22-23, TB pg 25-26 and 27-29; WB Ex 13 pg 27 & Ex 14 pg 28-30Plan to be spending up to 50min. on math lessons each homeschool day as needed. It is very important that your student not fall behind, as lessons are cumulative
SpellingReview Day! Practice Phonogram (yellow), Sound (red), & Key (blue) cards that your child has not yet masteredAAS Step 1, pg 16-17: Review Key Card 4; dictate "pick," "block," "mask"AAS Step 1, pg 16-17: Use board and letter tiles to review Key Card 4 section only (not plural words); dictate "snack" & "risk" in Spelling JournalReview phonograms; AAS Step 1, pg 17-18: Review Plural Words; dictate "cups," and "tricks" in Spelling JournalReview phonograms for upcoming assessment
GrammarFLL Lesson 5: Introducing story narration: "The Rabbit and the Turtle," pg 7-9FLL Lesson 6: Proper nounds (First names), pg 10FLL Lesson 7: Common and proper nouns, pg 11FLL Lesson 8: Common and proper nouns, pg 12-13
WritingReview lowercase letter formation (n-z)Letter formation assessment
ReadingReview phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK;

SF Week 1, Day 5, pg 29-30;

Teach/Review OPG L54: The Digraph NG, pg 113-114 (pg 115 is optional);

Remember to do "Two Review & One New"!
Review phonograms;

SF Week 2, Day 1, pg 31-33

OPG L55 & L56: The Digraph SH, pg 116-118
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH;

SF Week 2, Day 2, pg 34-36

Teach/Review OPG L57: The Digraph CH, pg 119; Dictation- chat, check, chess
Review phonograms;

SF Week 2, Day 3, pg 37-39

OPG L58: The Digraph Blends TCH and NCH
Review phonogram cards A-Z, CK, NK, NG, SH, CH, TCH;

SF Week 2, Day 4, pg 40-42

Teach/Review OPG L59 & L60: The Digraph TH (Voiced and Unvoiced), pg 122-124; note- do not feel that your child needs to read every word and every sentence on these pages, but do ask them to read enough to give them sufficient practice and refresh their memory; Dictation- this, them, thin, bath
As we continue to review kindergarten phonograms this week, add NG, SH, CH, & TCH, and TH to the Review tab in your card box if you have not filed them there already
Read Aloud20+ minutes reading to your child from your choice of a book beyond their ability to read independentlyA Pocketful of Cricket"What Will Little Bear Wear?" from "Little Bear" by Else Holmelund Minarik * See note >A Pocketful of Cricket"What Will Little Bear Wear?" (continue or re-read to improve fluency)*You will mostly be reading "Little Bear" to your child, as there are many words the students cannot yet decode. However, I encourage you to work as a team and ask your child to read words they can decode (for example: made, it, on, hat, pants, can, and, not, that) as well as sight words (the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too) while you read the remaining words. I know you will both love Little Bear!
HistoryRead SotW Ch. 3; hieroglyphics activitySotW Ch. 4: The Old Kingdom of Egypt, pg 39-44, orally narrate; Ch. 4 journal sentence: Egyptians made mummies and pyramids.
ScienceG&B/A "Insect Stations": Mosquitoes ONLY, Newer edition: Lesson 5, pg 13-14, and mosquito life cycle graphic pg 15 and mosquito trivia cards pg 16; Older edition: Lesson 4, pg 10-11 and mosquito life cycle graphic pg 12 and mosquito trivia cards pg 13; Journal sentence (students copy into Science journal): Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water.G&B/A Lesson 4 "Insect Stations": Fireflies, pg 11
GeographyContinents and Oceans map - Due 9/9
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Romans 12:1-12 NIV- This passage is our school-wide verse for the year. We will practice and discuss it in class throughout the year, but there will not be an assessment on these verses. However, I want the students to become familiar with the them and understand the meaning of the words.
QUARTER 1 POEM: "Persevere," due 9/28
GEOGRAPHY: Continents and Oceans, due 9/9

 * Note- anything underlined in the table above or highlighted below is a link *
Key to Abbreviations:
GP- The Gospel Project- Home Edition
HIG- Singapore Math Home Instructor's Guide
TB- Singapore Math Textbook
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM- Mental Math (see appendix in HIG)
AAS- All About Spelling
FLL- First Language Lessons
SF- Sounds First Phonemic Awareness Program (click here and scroll down to Grade 1)
OPG- The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading
SotW- Story of the World
G&B/A- The Good and The Beautiful, Arthropods
G&B/MB- The Good and The Beautiful, Marine Biology


Tuesday, August 24- Co-teacher Training (optional) @ 9am; Topic this month is geared toward new families

Thursday, August 26- Spirit Day & Pizza Day & DOGS Day- Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with jeans or jean shorts. Pre-paid pizza lunch will be served (contact Sheryl Johnston if you need to pay for pizza). DOGS (Dads of Great Students) will hold a special Morning Assembly!

Monday August 30- Fortis Open House @ 6-7pm

Tuesday, August 31- Grammar Play Date @ 3pm

Tuesday, September 7- No School- Labor Day holiday

Tuesday, September 21- Picture Day

Hello Parents!

 "A wise son brings joy to his father,
    but a foolish son brings grief to his mother." -Prov. 10:1

We're making steady progress on filling up our Joy Jar! Some instances that brought me (and Jesus!) joy this week: A student used creativity to fix a broken captain's wheel on the playground equipment. All of the students were working so well together, encouraging each other and staying on task. A student obeyed my request the first time I asked. I can't wait to see what's going to happen when the jar is all the way full...

While most of our work is kindergarten review at this point, we are starting to get into more "meaty" topics. I pray you and your student are enjoying the process together! We have some fun and interactive lessons coming up this week that I'm excited to share with the children.

A Note on Absences:
We all know and expect that absences will occur at times. When your child stays home from school, you should consult the blog for the assignments that we will be covering in school that day and go ahead and do those at home with them. If your child misses on the day of a Spelling Assessment, give them the test in their journal and send me a photo. If they miss on a day when I'm giving a different assessment, I'll be in touch with you on instructions for that. Of course, if you or they are feeling too ill to accomplish the tasks for the day, you can work on them when you/they are feeling up to it. 

Use any extra time this week to really work with the number bonds we've covered, especially parts of 10. Use a 10 frame and counters to help students see the relationships until they become automatic. Ask them real-world application questions throughout the day, such as: "You've got 4 stuffies on your bed; how many more to make 10?" Students will be utilizing this rapid recall in order to master quickly-approaching mental math strategies. Here is a fun video and song to practice "friends of 10." These number bond flash cards may also be helpful. The games on pg 23 of the Textbook are great to replay often if your child needs more concrete practice. Continue this type of practice as we move on through our math lessons. Students will need to build on this basic concept throughout the year. 

Roll a Die Number Bonds game instructions: Roll a die, then say the number that makes ten with the number rolled. For example, if a 6 was rolled on the die, your student would say "4." If a 2 was rolled, your student would say "8." 

Sounds First: This week in Cut Off the Sound, instead of making the initial sound and then making the scissor motion to cut it off from the rest of the word, the students will actually delete the first sound in the word.

Remember, phonics understanding is important even for children who already read fluently! In most of the text they encounter now, the ideas are familiar to them. That won't always be the case, and they will need these tools to decode unfamiliar words in unfamiliar contexts.

Read Aloud: 
It's important that the required reading is an enjoyable part of your student's homeschool day. You will mostly be reading "Little Bear" to your child, as there are many words the students have not yet been taught to decode. However, I encourage you to work as a team and ask your child to read words they can decode (for example: made, it, on, hat, pants, can, and, not, that) as well as sight words (the, I, a, of, have, give, to, two, too) while you read the remaining words. I know you will both love Little Bear!

At home, please help your child  to make proper strokes (see handout in Language Arts tab of binder) and correct pencil grip (see below) into a habit. It's important to correct any poor habits before they become too ingrained. This will greatly improve efficiency in their writing, and writing will become more enjoyable instead of a daunting chore. 


If your child is struggling with holding their pencil correctly or maintaining control of it, check out the tips at this link. I also have many fun fine motor activites to suggest to strengthen those handwriting muscles. 

Who knew "people" nouns could be so fun?! The children were very creative in our game of charades! This week we will concentrate on the difference between common and proper nouns.


Any time the blog directs you to dictate words or sentences in the Spelling Journal, those are words or sentences the students should be writing without help or coaching. If there are mistakes, please don't erase, but instead have your student rewrite the word correctly underneath or in a different color after you have reinforced the concept. Please check dictation work done in class for accuracy as well.

Map & Song and Game to help learn Continents and Oceans (due 9/9)

This week you'll read about mummies and embalming in ancient Egypt. Some of the descriptions are quite detailed; I know my squeamish 15-year-old would be uncomfortable hearing them! Feel free to use your discretion to edit as you deem appropriate. 
Chapter 4 journal entry: Egyptians made mummies and pyramids. 

Now that we have a good background knowledge of insects in general, we get to explore some specific ones in detail. On a personal note, growing up in the desert, I had always dreamed of seeing a real firefly. Not until we moved to Texas did that bucket-list item come true for me! It was truly magical. I'm excited to share about fireflies with the children, and to remind them that we, too, are beautiful lights for Christ in this world! I leave the mosquito and it's spiritual application to you, my dear co-teachers. 

I've listed Lesson and page numbers for both the newer and older versions of the textbook, so be sure to look for the one that pertains to you. If you purchased the book new this year, you have the newer version. If you purchased/borrowed a used copy or reused the book from a previous year, you have the older version.